[SPOILERS] Star Wars - The Force Awakens / Rogue One

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And FWIW I didn't think either Rey nor Finn was really very good with their lightsabers. Finn lost, and the fact that Rey beat Kylo Ren could be attributed to the fact that he was seriously injured and probably in some kind of mental shock over her abilities. Plus, she has the calming and focusing ability of the light side in her favor.

I mean, obviously it's a raw talent for her, but throughout the realms of fantasy stories the heroes are pretty much all very talented and noticed being able to do things better than the average. Except Luke. He was just good at whining before he got training.
Plus, Rey beat the crap out of two bad guys at once earlier. I don't think her holding her own against a wounded fighter is a stretch at all.
...Giant death star with only one weakness that everyone seems to find? Check...

At least this time people had to physically infiltrate to exploit (bomb) the weakness. I liked that.

...Here's this storm trooper that was designated as waste management but was wearing a storm trooper outfit and was out on mission with a gun. Seriously?

I wasn't clear on whether he was a sanitation engineer AS a stormtrooper, or was that his job BEFORE becoming a soldier? Or are all these stormtroopers both fight-trained AND given specialist training?

Said storm trooper just happens to pick up a light saber and finds himself mysteriously good at it instantly.

Best theory I've heard on this (and I might have read it here, IDK) is that, as suggested in the fight scene between Finn and the trooper with that switch-blade electric riot baton thingy, maybe all stromtroopers are trained in hand-to-hand / melee weapons? Besides, he really wasn't that good with it as I recall.

My only other complaint is that it's been 30 years. Thirty...freakin...years. Everything is the same! I don't know about the rest of the galaxy but after years of war on Earth we've gotten really good at fighting with always new and better weapons. But it's 30 years later and they're still using the same type of weapons, ships and what not.

Oh I dunno, our own military likes to find a weapon--whether an M-1 or M-16 rifle, or an F-15 fighter--and stick with it for 30-50 years. Plus the troopers had some new weapons (that riot control baton, flamethrowers), I seem to recall more variants of the TIE fighters, and maybe this explains why Poe's X-wing can maneuver so well, it's the X-wing Mark 2!

And Death Star 3? It's weapon could jack a whole system in one shot right? Death Stars 1 and 2 would have to circle countless 80's-era vector-rendered planets before they could do that.

Plus they have guns that shoot frickin' lasers! How ya gonna improve on that for arming your soldiers!

I will say this, Ren stopping that blaster shot with the raw force...instead of deflecting it with his saber like he was playing badminton...was really, really cool.
There's a companion book that just came out, and it explains a little more about Finn, Rey, and Poe's backgrounds. It apparently explains Finn's sanitation job and his other training. Doesn't tell us who Rey's parents are or why she's on Jakku, though.
I really liked the believability of the light saber fights.

I was so excited when they touted that III was going to have the most epic light saber battle in history. Two guys floating on chunks of something in a lava river that was 99.9% CGI was not epic. Well, maybe epically lame.
Said storm trooper just happens to pick up a light saber and finds himself mysteriously good at it instantly.

I think they explained that well, actually. The first time Finn picks up the light saber, it's to fight another Storm Trooper wielding some sort of electrified-baton weapon, not entirely unlike a light saber. I saw that as them demonstrating that Storm Troopers are routinely given weapons training in weapons similar to light sabers, to make it easier to accept that Finn would be proficient with the light saber.
I really liked the believability of the light saber fights.

I was so excited when they touted that III was going to have the most epic light saber battle in history. Two guys floating on chunks of something in a lava river that was 99.9% CGI was not epic. Well, maybe epically lame.

I watched Ep. IV (original theatrical release, thankyouverymuch) a couple days before seeing Ep. VII. Something occurred to me: imagine seeing that movie for the first time in 1977. Before the Obi Wan/Vader duel, we have seen a light saber on exactly three occasions - two are Obi Wan basically explaining what it is and how it works, the other is when Kenobi kicks some ass in the Cantina. He goes from cool and calm as can be to all action in the blink of an eye. He pulls out the light saber, and in about two seconds, he has sliced one bad Guy's gun in half, and taken the other bad Guy's arm off. Then he stands there, cool as can be, looking off any other takers.

At that point, the light saber is the coolest ^%#ing thing we've ever seen.

Then Obi Wan is sneaking around the Death Star. He senses something is up. He pulls out the light saber, so we know something awesome is going to happen. He walks around the corner and HOLY &%#!!! DARTH VADER HAS ONE TOO!!! AND IT'S RED!!!!!!!

The we see the first ever light saber duel. We hear for the first time ever the sound of two sabers colliding.

That is what makes that fight so much cooler and so much more exciting than the 45-minute CGI clustercluck in Ep. III.

And it's the same people.
Sorry to interrupt the Topic at Hand, but since we are all basically SW nerds at heart, I'm wondering if anyone has a digital copy of the ORIGINAL ROTJ Soundtrack? Not the "remastered" version where they took out the awesome "Yub Nub" Ewok song and replaced it with some instrumental. I want the Ewok celebration that transitions into the Finale. All I can find online is the new version, which doesn't compare IMO.

I HAVE the record, but I don't actually have a record player to play it on.
Sorry to interrupt the Topic at Hand, but since we are all basically SW nerds at heart, I'm wondering if anyone has a digital copy of the ORIGINAL ROTJ Soundtrack? Not the "remastered" version where they took out the awesome "Yub Nub" Ewok song and replaced it with some instrumental. I want the Ewok celebration that transitions into the Finale. All I can find online is the new version, which doesn't compare IMO.

I HAVE the record, but I don't actually have a record player to play it on.

I know exactly what you mean, and yes, as a kid, I definitely had that album on vinyl. But it's somewhere in my parents' attic or basement, 1,400 km from where I am now, and even if I had it, I have no way of transferring it from vinyl to digital. :( If you find a copy, I'd be interested.
Sorry to interrupt the Topic at Hand, but since we are all basically SW nerds at heart, I'm wondering if anyone has a digital copy of the ORIGINAL ROTJ Soundtrack? Not the "remastered" version where they took out the awesome "Yub Nub" Ewok song and replaced it with some instrumental. I want the Ewok celebration that transitions into the Finale. All I can find online is the new version, which doesn't compare IMO.

I HAVE the record, but I don't actually have a record player to play it on.

I thought admitting to liking anything about the Ewoks was to immediately flag oneself as not a true Star Wars fan. ;)

(Incidentally, the Auto-Correct on my phone recognizes "Ewoks". I learned something today.)
I thought admitting to liking anything about the Ewoks was to immediately flag oneself as not a true Star Wars fan. ;)

(Incidentally, the Auto-Correct on my phone recognizes "Ewoks". I learned something today.)

Meh. In retrospect the Ewoks and Jar Jar were the worst characters in the series. But when the movies were released I thought they were awesome.

However, I was never a big enough StarWars nerd to have soundtrack.

I do have the original on Laser disc tho'. Does that count?
When I was 9, I thought the Ewoks were great. Now I understand how silly they were (should have been Wookies or Bothans helping) but I can't bring myself to hate them.
Sorry to interrupt the Topic at Hand, but since we are all basically SW nerds at heart, I'm wondering if anyone has a digital copy of the ORIGINAL ROTJ Soundtrack? Not the "remastered" version where they took out the awesome "Yub Nub" Ewok song and replaced it with some instrumental. I want the Ewok celebration that transitions into the Finale. All I can find online is the new version, which doesn't compare IMO.

I HAVE the record, but I don't actually have a record player to play it on.

When did they replace that song on the soundtrack? I have the 1997 2-CD set with the laser etched CDs. Pretty cool. Lots of extra stuff on there. I can't recall if that song is on there.

I did watch ROTJ with my kids last weekend before I took them to TFA and was really flabbergasted with the changes that have been made. I was watching the blu-ray release from a few years back. Seems like there have been even more changes since the special editions from like 15 years ago. The band playing in Jabba's palace was horrible. And the ending with the Yub Nub song was removed. I was looking forward to that. I remember singing that song in a school chorus in like 1985. I still remember most of the words. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
I tried. I had to turn it off at the stupid, stupid palace band scene. It was unwatchable.

I'll stick with the original theatrical releases.
Meh. In retrospect the Ewoks and Jar Jar were the worst characters in the series. But when the movies were released I thought they were awesome.

I keed, I keed. The Ewoks don't bother me either way, but considering the way fans (myself included) reacted to Jar Jar, I'm not surprised at the backlash.

When did they replace that song on the soundtrack? I have the 1997 2-CD set with the laser etched CDs. Pretty cool. Lots of extra stuff on there. I can't recall if that song is on there.

It was changed on the 1997 re-release, when they changed the ending to show the different planets celebrating the fall of the Empire.
And even though we JUST SAW Sebastian Shaw as the face of Darth Vader, I hear they replaced Shaw with Hayden Christensen when Luke sees the Force ghosts at the end.
I foresee this thread slowly turning into just B%^&*ing about the changes theyve made over the years to the original trilogy, and then (a few years later) being resurrected due to hype about whatever the next entry will be called. Then there will be a new thread that will go through the exact same cycle

side note: I thought the movie was cool
And even though we JUST SAW Sebastian Shaw as the face of Darth Vader, I hear they replaced Shaw with Hayden Christensen when Luke sees the Force ghosts at the end.

They did. Its awful. Like, aside from the fact that a lot of people were not really super thrilled at Christensen's acting, why the hell does Vader's force ghost suddenly go back to when he was young? Obi Wan didn't morph into young self when he became ethereal.
A group of people have pieced together the original releases in HD and put them online for those that want them. After seeing ROTJ, I'm tempted to get them.

But I agree that TFA was really good. I'd have like to see it be a tad longer to flesh out some backstory but maybe they are saving that for Ep 8.
I thought admitting to liking anything about the Ewoks was to immediately flag oneself as not a true Star Wars fan. ;)

(Incidentally, the Auto-Correct on my phone recognizes "Ewoks". I learned something today.)

I wasn't such a fan of the Ewoks in general, but I listened to the soundtrack all the time, and one of my favorite parts is when the Ewok Celebration song transitions into the Finale. It's just a cool moment.

The new song isn't bad, really, but I don't think it transitions as well. The Ewok celebration ends with the Ewoks' voices morphing into a chorus just before the Finale intro.

Besides, who doesn't like a little Yub Nub once in a while!
I foresee this thread slowly turning into just B%^&*ing about the changes theyve made over the years to the original trilogy, and then (a few years later) being resurrected due to hype about whatever the next entry will be called. Then there will be a new thread that will go through the exact same cycle

side note: I thought the movie was cool

Maybe we can get JJ Abrams to direct that thread.
And even though we JUST SAW Sebastian Shaw as the face of Darth Vader, I hear they replaced Shaw with Hayden Christensen when Luke sees the Force ghosts at the end.

Yep. That pissed me off that Lucas kept changing the movies. I haven't seen the original release's in many moons. Even the old VHS trilogy I had was changed.
I have the 6 movie BluRay set now. I wish they would have included the original release in there as well.
I agree with your thoughts on Ren. People give him a lot of crap, but he's definitely a badass for his age and level of training, and especially after taking a shot from that insane boltgun Chewie had. I liked his character a lot, even if he was a bit angsty teeny still. Looking forward to seeing what he's like as a full-on Sith instead of just trainee next movie.

I think Ren worked. He fits with the theme of the Force gradually disappearing from the universe. Jedis and Siths were numerous and powerful during the Old Republic. By when you get to Episode I there are plenty of them and they are very powerful. By Episode IV there are a handful with variable levels of power after them being hunted down. Now by Episode VII the Force is something that even those who have it just about have heard about, including Ren.

He also goes to show that being supercool and powerful (I'm looking at you, Darth Mawl) is no match to being evil and a nasty piece of work.
Was Chewie's crossbow laser the same one from the originals? If so, how had Han never shot that thing before?

I was thinking the exact same thing...Chewie has always had a bowcaster afaik and like seriously Han never picks it up in the 30+ years they are together?
More importantly, why is it a crossbow? Is the laser bolt propelled by a string theory?

I know in one of the old video games (Jedi Knight?) you could use the bowcaster to fire a single bolt, or charge it to fire out like 5 bolts in a fan pattern. It makes a little more sense in that respect, but it's never been shown that way in the movies.
I was thinking the exact same thing...Chewie has always had a bowcaster afaik and like seriously Han never picks it up in the 30+ years they are together?

I'd never really considered it before. IIRC, chewei has always had a crossbow. But when I saw it in TFA my first thought was "why?".
Well actually...

I read somewhere that the little orbs on the tips of the bow do some kind of like magnetic-y thing that propels the electro-bolt dingus faster, and that's why it's crossbow shaped, and more powerful than a blaster. Plus pre-historic Wookies used crossbows and they like that shape.

Or something.
30 years, you guys dont think Chewie mightve upgraded to a more advanced weapon? Of all things to have beef with...

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