[SPOILERS] Star Wars - The Force Awakens / Rogue One

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Han was just set in his ways. He never felt a need to try anything except his blaster, until he didn't have a blaster!

I didn't interpret that comment as indicating that Han had never shot the crossbow before, but rather that he hadn't used it for quite a while. I also didn't interpret it as that Han suddenly preferred it over his blaster, just that he thought it worked well after he had lost his own preferred weapon.
I didn't interpret that comment as indicating that Han had never shot the crossbow before, but rather that he hadn't used it for quite a while. I also didn't interpret it as that Han suddenly preferred it over his blaster, just that he thought it worked well after he had lost his own preferred weapon.

IIRC, he didn't lose his blaster. He holstered it and asked to use the bowcaster then commented the he loves shooting it.

I grew up in rural, central PA. Moved to the Chicago 'burbs for school and met my wife. One night we were going to her brother's house in Aurora and I asked her how far it was. She replied, "About a half hour". I asked again and got the same answer. She looked completely baffled as explained what I meant, and finally took a guess at the mileage. Followed by, "it doesn't really matter, it takes a half hour".

Although after living here for 30 years, time is often times more accurate than distance. And even that needs to be qualified by the time of day (rush hour, weekend, etc.).

This is so true
IIRC, he didn't lose his blaster. He holstered it and asked to use the bowcaster then commented the he loves shooting it.

Could be, don't remember the details of the scene. Either way, same thought. In this particular scenario Han liked the crossbow, but he wouldn't have it as his every day carry. Chewie prefers to carry it everywhere he goes, and being a much larger creature doesn't mind the extra size and weight.
Could be, don't remember the details of the scene. Either way, same thought. In this particular scenario Han liked the crossbow, but he wouldn't have it as his every day carry. Chewie prefers to carry it everywhere he goes, and being a much larger creature doesn't mind the extra size and weight.

You guys are leaving out an important fact. Earlier, Han fires the crossbow out of need and is clearly shocked by the results. This was silliness.
that pic makes me laugh. When you have no chin, do not keep a neatly trimmed beard to show off your lack of chin.

It's the only way to distinguish where his neck (pelican pouch) ends and face begins.

Ok that was mean. I'm not sorry
You guys are leaving out an important fact. Earlier, Han fires the crossbow out of need and is clearly shocked by the results. This was silliness.

I really just don't recall any "shock". More of a giddy remark. More of a sense that it did not surprise him how it shot, but made him happy that he got to shoot it.
You guys are leaving out an important fact. Earlier, Han fires the crossbow out of need and is clearly shocked by the results. This was silliness.

I really just don't recall any "shock". More of a giddy remark. More of a sense that it did not surprise him how it shot, but made him happy that he got to shoot it.

Even if he is shocked, it doesn't mean he never shot it. I have a car i don't drive in the winter. It has more power and handles much better than the car I drive all winter long. I own this car and I've had it for years, I'd even say that it's the car that I'm most used to driving. But every spring when i haven't driven it it for a few months, it gets a reaction out of me that's actually pretty similar to Han's.
Kylo Ren is an Emo with daddy issues. worst bad guy ever. Also wears a mask cause hes ugly.

also why does his voice change with the mask on? reminds me of dark helmet from spaceballs.
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Uh, who do you think Dark Helmet was a parody of?

well obviously but darth vader had a breathing thingy so tahts why his voice was different. Kylo is just making his voice different like dark helmet
I didn't notice any change in Kylo Ren's voice. Obviously, through the mask, it had a "radio" quality, as though it were coming through a speaker, but I didn't notice any change in the timbre, pacing, or intonation of his voice.
I didn't notice any change in Kylo Ren's voice. Obviously, through the mask, it had a "radio" quality, as though it were coming through a speaker, but I didn't notice any change in the timbre, pacing, or intonation of his voice.

I agree. With the mask on, he sounded like...Adam Driver wearing a mask. Without the mask on, he sounded like...Adam Driver not wearing a mask.
I didn't notice any change in Kylo Ren's voice. Obviously, through the mask, it had a "radio" quality, as though it were coming through a speaker, but I didn't notice any change in the timbre, pacing, or intonation of his voice.

It definitely was deeper and some distortion. Needed to be a cool masked villain though.
More importantly, what was up with Chewey's voice?

I finally got to watch the movie last night, so finally I can read this thread.

BTW I did think how they destroyed Death Star 3 was interesting. They were trying to disable the weapon, and I'm convinced if it wasn't charged, they wouldn't have destroyed the planet. But add it had just ingested an entire star's energy, it couldn't contain it and exploded into a new star.

I never understood how the first two Death Stars were designed such that any instability to their power core creates a chain reaction blowing the whole thing up. Seems a terrible design. At least this was more explainable...
I never understood how the first two Death Stars were designed such that any instability to their power core creates a chain reaction blowing the whole thing up. Seems a terrible design. At least this was more explainable...

Because the movies would have sucked if they didn't blow up at the end. Literally the Death Star engineers HAD to design it that way because they were more concerned with making a good movie and not making a scientifically sound battle station. There was a whole scene they cut out where they show the emperor explaining that to a group of engineers in a flashback.
There are still some theaters that are showing it at 9:15 am. I may have to see it again this Saturday morning.
BTW I did think how they destroyed Death Star 3 was interesting. They were trying to disable the weapon, and I'm convinced if it wasn't charged, they wouldn't have destroyed the planet. But add it had just ingested an entire star's energy, it couldn't contain it and exploded into a new star.

I've wondered if they will write any plot into future additions addressing the fact that they moved an entire star from this place to that.
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Well I loved the movie and I thought Ren was actually a pretty good villain, very torn which was good, definitely a much better job than any anakin...

I like the throwbacks and the obvious nods to the fact they were re-doing a lot of the same plot elements. But in the end I just take the movie as it is, entertaining, fun, exciting. Yeah there are going to be some things that don't make sense, or can be nit-picked but eh.. it was fun, which i can't say about the prequels.
Is that a Han Solo carbonite chocolate bar?!?
Why have I never seen these?
Now I have to either turn in my geek card or make Han Solo chocolates...
Regards, GF.

No, that is my Han Solo Carbonite Action figure from 1983.
I have a few left that my kid brother dd not chew the hands off of.
They were never in good enough shape to be collectors items, so I gave them to my son to play with.
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OK, after digesting this (I just saw it yesterday) I have put my finger on a few things that I didn't like. It was an entertaining movie, but I don't think I thought as highly of it as most I've heard discuss it.

1. I hate when the director/writer assumes that the viewer is too dumb to understand context so they have characters say things that are ridiculous so as to spell it out. An example: Snoke says something to Kylo Ren that includes the words "...your father, Han Solo...". Did he really think that Ren did not know that Solo was his father, so he had to specify that he meant Solo by "father"? Do you say to your friend, "...your dad, you know, Tom..."? I think it would have been obvious to the viewer that when Han tells Leia "he was here...our son was here..." and then he has the face off with Ren later on, that Solo is the father. Another example is that we had to hear, at least 3 times, what a great pilot Poe is, including the awkward, misplaced dialog of Fin during the battle (following the fairly preposterous display of piloting abilities by Poe).

2. As others have said, it was too fast. There were no stops, no slow moments that allowed us to understand the characters. It was almost like a shoot 'em up movie. Entertaining because of the action but I don't think the plot or the characters were developed very well.

3. Along the same lines as #2, I felt the characters were forced to evolve way too fast. It was like they wanted us to have the backstory of 15 characters all thrown out and as complete as you would have after a full trilogy. Are we really to believe that Rey went from no knowledge of the force to just figuring out that she could use the Jedi mind trick with no training or teaching? It was like watching the alien in the movie Species evolve over the span of an hour.

4. I thought Carrie Fisher, in general, was horrible, and Harrison Ford only marginally better. I suppose I can cut them a little bit of a break, as their characters were central to the plot, but they could have spent a little less time on them. I also didn't buy into Han reverting back to his smuggling ways after Ren turned to the dark side.

100% how I feel. Just saw it last night and I was dissappointed. I felt the movie tried to do so much, it was rushed. It sacrificed the storytelling that made the originals so good. I think this also costed in terms of ambiance, i never felt present in the movie, the world didnt swallow me in.

I also agree that Han and Leia didnt feel like Han and Leia...it almost reminded me of how I felt with the last indiana jones. Their acting didnt make me feel it was the same character that had aged, they felt completley different.

I also HATED the progress with Kylo, didnt like his character, and was dissapointed how he couldnt easily take out a stormtrooper and a scavenger. Didnt make sense. Took Luke 3 movies to be able to face Vader.

Lastly, and i cant believe im saying this, but as much as I hated the prequels, they made me feel more "in" the star wars universe than this one did. I feel this one is a better movie, but it just didnt feel star wars to me.