[SPOILERS] Star Wars - The Force Awakens / Rogue One

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I was talking to a friend of mine about the movie and who the bad guy could be and we were discussing the rumors that it could be Sidious or Plagueis and then I said "You know what would be trippy. If Vader didn't die in that fire or he somehow transferred his essence to another being or something and that's who Snoke is." And his response was something along the lines of "That would totally negate the redemption his character had in Ep 6". And I have to say I agree. If Snoke somehow turned out to be Vader, that would be a real bummer. I fully expect it to be Sidious or Plagueis.
Saw the movie with the kids over break, just now getting around to adding my thoughts (many of which have already been expressed by others):

The actors playing Rey and Finn were absolutely fantastic. I can't imagine how anyone could have done any better in those roles.

The Ren character came off as a bit of a simpering whiny-butt; but then again, perhaps I went in there expecting another full-fledged Vader after seeing trailers. After a lot of reflection, I like the character and the way he was played. He displayed the pathos that Hayden Craptiansen was completely unable to.

Carrie Fisher clearly did not age nearly as well as did Harrison Ford. Can't yet say about Hamill, though he was smart to grow that beard to hide his crippled face.

Chewie was so damned likable in this movie!

The 40-foot CGI Snoke. First off, that name sucks. Secondly, just stop, Stop, STOP! already with the CGI flesh-and-blood characters intermingling with real actors. It didn't work in Ep 1-3, it didn't work in Lucas' mangling of the original trilogy, it didn't work in any of the Avengers movies, it didn't work in any of the LOTR or Hobbit movies, it just doesn't work (yet). CGI robots, ships, guys in armor suits, OK, maybe. It kinda worked in the full-CGI world of Avatar (until they had scenes with blue folk AND humans in them). Maybe it's good enough for video games or for SciFi original movies, but that kind of technology just isn't here yet for real movies, stop pretending it is.

This movie kinda straddled the line between "reboot" and "remake." I can certainly see why it mirrored the original movies so much...kids today have been HEARING about how great it was to see Ep4 in the theater from their parents for over 30yrs, now they've seen it for themselves. I really like how they managed to keep the dry humor going in this one (instead of just the "dry," like in Ep 1-3). I am really looking forward to more...but I swear I will stop watching if Rey turns out to be the midichlorian-sired, immaculate-conception offspring of Leia's womb (or of Luke's...something...let's not go there!)

So here's something my son came up with: throughout the movie they should have been referring to the data carried in the droids simply as a "clue" to Luke's whereabouts. Then near the end, when the projection is shown, they should have had Admiral Akbar say, "it's a map!" That would have brought down the house!

I liked Rey. And thought Daisey Ridley did a fine job. Only quirk for me is she, far too often, looks like Kiera Knightly.
I thought she could be the daughter of the lady who plays Cersei. Lena Headrey or whatever. Has the same quirky mouth mannerisms and accent.
I'd like it if Snoke was a member of some dark side force ... group (?) that was not powerful enough to take on the Sith, but who got the opportunity to seize power once the Sith were gone.
I'd like it if Snoke was a member of some dark side force ... group (?) that was not powerful enough to take on the Sith, but who got the opportunity to seize power once the Sith were gone.

Yeah, I'm curious as to his story. Is he just the next emperor or is he something else? Does the Sith even exist anymore? And Kylo is part of the Knights of Ren, whatever they are. Presumably something similar to the Sith, using the dark side of the force. And like every Sith being having the word Darth in their name, the Knights all have Ren.

Maybe these characters exist in the book universe? Or maybe the characters in the movie are an amalgamation of book characters.
Yeah, I'm curious as to his story. Is he just the next emperor or is he something else? Does the Sith even exist anymore? And Kylo is part of the Knights of Ren, whatever they are. Presumably something similar to the Sith, using the dark side of the force. And like every Sith being having the word Darth in their name, the Knights all have Ren.

Maybe these characters exist in the book universe? Or maybe the characters in the movie are an amalgamation of book characters.

I thought the KoR were just a force-trained squadron. Sort of like the Jedi.

As to Sith vs other dark side group, is there enough lore in the movies so far for us to know a difference? We don't really have anything on the Sith besides they're powerful dark-side, want to kill Jedi and seize power.
My guess is Ep 8 will be a lot of flashbacks to how Luke, Han, Leia, Ben and possibly Rey ended up where they are in Ep 7. Did Luke keep Vader's helmet as some sort of reminder and then Ben stole it? If rey is Luke's daughter, then they will have to introduce her mother somehow.

And remember when Kylo takes his helmet off when he's interrogating Rey and he puts it in a container of ash? What's that about?
And remember when Kylo takes his helmet off when he's interrogating Rey and he puts it in a container of ash? What's that about?

I didn't catch that but now I'm curious. I also didn't know about the Knights of Ren. Time for some Wookiepedia
That, or maybe ashes from Vader's helmet after he burned it up. Maybe he was feeling the pull to the light from Vader's helmet so he roasted it? Just a theory I read.

I am not following.

It is clear in Return of the Jedi the helmet was in place when Luke set Vader ablaze.

Eh, doesn't sound right. He was almost praying to the helmet (or to Vader?) asking for help against the pull from the light.
why did you mind snoke's hologram, though? At first i thought he was actually a giant at first and thought wtf, but once i realized it was a hologram just meant to inspire awe to his troops there it was great in my opinion. Made him very ominous and (i feel) he's clearly yoda size and it was just the tech being a large hologram.

Eh, doesn't sound right. He was almost praying to the helmet (or to Vader?) asking for help against the pull from the light.

Not only this but, the table was in the interrogation room. Kylo Ren wasn't portrayed as someone with much emotional restraint. Why then would he gather himself, carry the mask to another room, and then burn it.

Based on his lashing out on what appeared to be a rather important and expensive control room, I don't think he'd do that.
Carrie Fisher clearly did not age nearly as well as did Harrison Ford. Can't yet say about Hamill, though he was smart to grow that beard to hide his crippled face.


They all look really old. Ford was the oldest of the 3 in the original so I guess the change wasn't as stark. He was in his 30s when Ep 4 came otu, Fisher was 21, Hamill was 26, Ford was 35.
Hey, Presidents get grey really fast. Robert E. Lee had a head of dark hair and a dark beard when he assumed command of the Confederate armies, and within 8 months or so his hair was completely white.

It's okay if Her Worshipfulness, Gen. Organa, aged a tad in the 30 years she's been administering a rebellion/resistance and when her son has turned to the Dark Side, which prompted her husband to run.

And Carrie Fischer is sharp as a tack and cool as can be.
Saw this film yesterday. Pretty good film, plenty of action, some really nice FX...
That being said, I'm not sure if it was all the hype or just me, but honestly I was expecting more/better. In the scenes with both Leia & Solo, the acting seemed a little "forced" (no pun) to me. I found it odd that Rey just suddenly developed Jedi powers, with zero training, that took most Jedi years to learn; AND she was powerful enough to defeat Kylo Ren, who obviously has had some training, twice. She must be some sort of soon to be super Jedi.

Now something that has been amiss for every Star Wars film is how the Millennium Falcon is able to out fly FIGHTERS. This has never made any sense, even with Solo's "special modifications," this would be like a DC-9 flying rings around a P-51, and considering how much time has passed & technological advancements, it would be closer to a DC-9 flying rings around an F-15. Now the Falcon hasn't flown in 20 years & it's flight ready in a less than a minute AND can still out-fly not one, but TWO tie fighters.

Another thing they got wrong originally & have continued with in this latest SW film is that "Made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs" bit. If filmmakers are going to use current terminology, they need to at least use it properly. Here's the definition for those who don't already know:

A parsec (symbol: pc) is a unit of length used to measure large distances to objects outside the Solar System. One parsec is the distance at which one astronomical unit subtends an angle of one arcsecond. A parsec is equal to about 3.26 light-years (31 trillion kilometres or 19 trillion miles) in length.

If it is X distance from point A to point B, you CANNOT travel said distance in LESS distance. There has been no mention of warp or space-folding technology in any SW film. It's like they're saying "I drove 14 miles & it only took me 12 miles to get there."

As soon as Leia said "If you see our son, bring him home," I knew Solo would die at the hands of Kylo Ren, Ren said so earlier while talking to the 30 foot hologram...
Predictable; It was still sad though.

The new super weapon? It's just the deathstar 3.0; as good as the FX were, I was rather disappointed with this. They can figure out how to destroy the thing, which is about 5 times bigger & more powerful than the 1st Deathstar, in about 2 minutes, from a stormtrooper who was assigned to SANITATION at the facility; this guy can't fly a ship, but he can figure out how to destroy the secret weapon.

Also, nobody can find Skywalker, nobody knows where this legendary "1st Jedi temple" is, or even if it exists, yet once they have the map, they can fly there in about 5 minutes. Come on JJ, give us a feeling of some passage of time. Then there's the ending, there isn't one, the movie just stopped. I know there's going to be a sequel, we all know this, and we all expect some sort of cliff hanger, but some sort of ending to sort of wrap-up this particular installment of the story would've been nice; this was worse the the ending of The Empire Strikes Back.

Now that I've managed to rag on the latest SW movie, I have to say that overall, I did enjoy it. If you're a diehard SW fan & dress up as your fav character(s), you'll LOVE it. If you've never seen any SW films, you'll likely enjoy it, though there are many references you won't get. In spite of incongruencies, it's a pretty good movie; I just expected more/better. Will I go see the sequel? Sure, why not.
Regards, GF.
I found it odd that Rey just suddenly developed Jedi powers, with zero training

What makes you so sure she's had "zero training?"

Another thing they got wrong originally & have continued with in this latest SW film is that "Made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs" bit. If filmmakers are going to use current terminology, they need to at least use it properly. Here's the definition for those who don't already know: A parsec (symbol: pc) is a unit of length

Wow ... you're almost 40 years late to this party, gratus. That horse was beaten to death decades ago. Yeah, we all know a "Parsec" is a unit of distance, thanks. But they made that mistake in the original, and they couldn't very well change it in the new movie or it would be inconsistent. Besides, if you consult the many (MANY) dissertations on the topic, you'll discover that there are some - somewhat roundabout - explanations that can explain away the apparent mistake. For example, maybe the "Kessel Run" isn't a particular, rigid path (like Germany's Nurburgring), but rather a puzzle to be solved (eg., "What's the shortest distance you can traverse to deliver these 12 pizzas to the people that ordered them?"). Here's an even more nerdy and scientific explanation. At any rate, you're not covering any new ground here.
Question: John Boyega is British. Why have him put on an American accent? Capt. Phasma didn't put on an American accent, so it's not a storm trooper thing.
So here's something my son came up with: throughout the movie they should have been referring to the data carried in the droids simply as a "clue" to Luke's whereabouts. Then near the end, when the projection is shown, they should have had Admiral Akbar say, "it's a map!" That would have brought down the house!

Thank you. I now need to change before work because I literally spit coffee onto my clothes. That was perfect!

I always attributed the parsec debate to how we measure distance in the midwest..."How far is it to Chicago?" "About 35 minutes..."
Some random people have British accents in the Star Wars universe? Rey does, and she's supposedly Luke's daughter (who doesn't). Explain that? C-3P0 does, and he's a droid. In the OT, several of the officers in the Empire had British accents (didn't notice if they did in FA). Daniel Craig does, but his storm trooper character in FA doesn't (not that I noticed, anyway).

So I guess the answer is ... it's random?
I personally got a kick out of the whole kessel run thing. I'm sure they threw it in there just to get a new rise of astronomy/physics nerds. Something like "yeah it's a unit of distance and not time....in YOUR galaxy!"
Not to completely defend the part at the end when Rey defeats Kylo, but he did just absorb a blast from Chewie's laser bow. Everyone else that got shot with that gun flew 20 feet through the air. And we see him bleeding quite a bit from it. So presumably he was weakened during that fight.
Now that I've managed to rag on the latest SW movie, I have to say that overall, I did enjoy it. If you're a diehard SW fan & dress up as your fav character(s), you'll LOVE it. If you've never seen any SW films, you'll likely enjoy it, though there are many references you won't get. In spite of incongruencies, it's a pretty good movie; I just expected more/better. Will I go see the sequel? Sure, why not.
Regards, GF.

I agree with your assessment. I enjoyed it, but there were definitely sticking points. Rey and Finn (one N or two? I'm not sure) are excellent, both as actors and as characters. Poe is an interesting character, but the guy playing him just doesn't do anything for me. Gwendoline Christy (Phasma) is wasted in this movie, but she claims she'll be featured more in the next one as 'a baddie,' so there's hope there. Nearly every new character has a single syllable name (Poe, Rey, Finn, [Kylo] Ren, Snoke, Maz), which bothers me a little, but then so were some of the OT characters (Luke, Han).

One thing that was also weird was Maz. Here's someone who has run a shady establishment 'for a thousand years.' You don't get that level of notoriety for helping the good guys. She seems awfully invested in the good guys, and then sticks around while her place is crumbling around her! No hideout, no crazy escape. A shady tavern owner woulda been outta there so fast.
One thing that was also weird was Maz. Here's someone who has run a shady establishment 'for a thousand years.' You don't get that level of notoriety for helping the good guys. She seems awfully invested in the good guys, and then sticks around while her place is crumbling around her! No hideout, no crazy escape. A shady tavern owner woulda been outta there so fast.

This is a good point. I kind of liked Maz, though I thought she needed a little more work in the computer modeling/animation studio. As far as the character went, she came across as the wise, gentle, caring, helpful type; which does seem to be a bit odd for a tavern owner. Might be a bit more to this character that will be revealed in the next film. Maybe she's a sort of "Guinan-like" (STNG) character. Or maybe she's far more mercenary & might sell-out the good guys; guess we'll have to wait & see.
Regards, GF.
Poe is an interesting character, but the guy playing him just doesn't do anything for me.

If you want to have your mind changed, watch the excellent movie "Ex Machina." Interestingly, the actor who played General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) is also in Ex Machina.

If you still need more motivation, it also features full frontal nudity of Alicia Vikander.
If you want to have your mind changed, watch the excellent movie "Ex Machina." Interestingly, the actor who played General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) is also in Ex Machina.

If you still need more motivation, it also features full frontal nudity of Alicia Vikander.

Thank you for this info, I've been wondering about Ex Machina for a while now; I'll have to watch it.
Regards, GF. :mug:

"How far is it to Chicago?" "About 35 minutes..."

I grew up in rural, central PA. Moved to the Chicago 'burbs for school and met my wife. One night we were going to her brother's house in Aurora and I asked her how far it was. She replied, "About a half hour". I asked again and got the same answer. She looked completely baffled as explained what I meant, and finally took a guess at the mileage. Followed by, "it doesn't really matter, it takes a half hour".

Although after living here for 30 years, time is often times more accurate than distance. And even that needs to be qualified by the time of day (rush hour, weekend, etc.).
I actually liked the end of TFA. I think it leaves a lot of question marks for the next movie and I dig some of that anticipation.

Carrie Fisher didn't "Age" well is something I have heard a lot about the movie. Well who cares? It's a movie! She is supposed to be old in the movie and she was. That said, I thought the acting was better with the younger cast overall. Harrison Ford was "up to his old tricks" and it didn't look like he was getting any better at it!

I thought they could have done a better job of showing him deciding to slow down and really want to try to reach his son. I think that would have made the death scene more compelling.

I liked the way Luke looked. He looked older and wiser and still conflicted about something. We still don't know his perspectives on things. Is he battling the Dark Side just as Kylo was fighting the light? Is that why he went into seclusion? Is he simply disappearing after not being able to protect his pupils from Kylo Ren? Is he just really embarrassed about his feelings toward his sister?

I just can't wait to see what Rey and Chewie and Luke are going to be up to, and what happens to Finn and the droids. What happens with Kylo Ren? Snoke? (Terrible name, BTW. Snoke. Snoke. Ugh...) How did he get that massive fissure in his skull?? Did Luke do that? Maybe an unsuccessful attempt at his life from a former apprentice?

So many questions!
While I enjoyed the movie at the end when my brain engaged again (I like to turn it off and just enjoy the movie) I found myself a bit disappointed. It's like they took Episode IV and just remade it.

Person on a desert planet struggling to find out who they really are? Check.
Said person seems find the force easily and doesn't really need to be trained. Check.
Giant death star with only one weakness that everyone seems to find? Check.

There were some other things in there but at the end of the day I ended up disappointed. Here's this storm trooper that was designated as waste management but was wearing a storm trooper outfit and was out on mission with a gun. Seriously?

Said storm trooper just happens to pick up a light saber and finds himself mysteriously good at it instantly. To boot he's fending off a fighter that's been trained with a light saber and has the force. Seriously, use the force to throw Finn down and end him.

Rey has the force and just mysteriously learns to use it despite never being shown how to use it. I, like many others seem to think that Rey is Luke's daughter and I think that we'll find out that Luke had an "oops" and fell in love with someone who was also a Jedi in training (older obviously) and Kylo killed her too. So he went to find the first Jedi temple to control his thoughts and stay in the light.

My only other complaint is that it's been 30 years. Thirty...freakin...years. Everything is the same! I don't know about the rest of the galaxy but after years of war on Earth we've gotten really good at fighting with always new and better weapons. But it's 30 years later and they're still using the same type of weapons, ships and what not.

I did like the addition of being pulled to the light side. It made it the movie more human. No one is truly good or bad for the most part, they just make bad decisions for bad reasons and they can be brought back to be good or change their ways.

Overall, after thinking about it for a while I'm hoping that this movie was just a set up for episode 8 and that it will be a really good movie.
Don't forget, most of the movie is on the outskirts of civilization. I bet there are places on Earth that are still using old 1970s weapons (AK-47?) and have no computer access, etc. and haven't progressed a heck of a lot.

And the Finn Ren fight? Ren was wounded, Finn was scared s**tless, and Ren was toying with him like Vader and Luke in Ep. V.
And the Finn Ren fight? Ren was wounded, Finn was scared s**tless, and Ren was toying with him like Vader and Luke in Ep. V.

Speaking of call backs to Vader, did anyone catch that moment when Kylo and Rey were fighting and a tree branch gets saber sliced and swings toward Kylo just like the piece of ducting from the episode V fight between Luke and Vader?

Wow run on sentence...I wish I could get a screen shot of it but I swear it was like 3 seconds of choreography that was almost exactly the same.