Fellowship of the Drink XI: Lunar Landings

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I actually always send homebrew (sorry if it sucks :).

That said, I have a (hopefully limited, floccing travel) time period where I get beers other people get pumped about. I want those people to have them and will send them on. Some day it dries up, and I will still be involved here but the extras fade. I want to toss them in, but also want to avoid creating an expectation for everyone rlse. 6 cool beers is better than zero cool beers, right?

I agree that these are the shippers whim and can vary week to week, month to month etc
I do admittedly worry about the "arms race" that FotD can feel like, in that it potentially makes the trade inaccessible to new entrants. That said, this round had the highest (tied for highest?) number of participants thus far, including a handful of new faces - which would suggest that the full boxes aren't causing issues just yet.
I hear you; but, I’m gonna politely disagree. If someone wants to send extras, why should it be hidden?

Being new to this, it is a bit overwhelming; but, it’s cool seeing how far above and beyond most people go. It also seems like no one in this group of guys is going to get pissed if they send out a bunch and don’t get a bunch in return.

I’m happy to get what was in the offer, anything above that is simply extra. However, I feel like if the person is going to send a bunch of extras, it should be made public so folks know they’re doing it.

Now, that doesn’t mean just because you only send 5 bottles you’re some schmuck who isn’t worth trading with. If you sent five bottles of Bud Light, yeah, you’re a schmuck. But if you’re sending five bottles that are quality bottles and hard to come by, that’s perfectly acceptable, at least in my eyes. Nothing in the rules say you have to do anything more than that so there shouldn’t be any negativity associated with it - and it’s important to point out from a new guy - it doesn’t seem like there is. The only reason I’m making it a point to send @pshankstar a bunch of extra goodies is because I’m new in the group and want to gain trust.

When I was contemplating joining this thing, I went back and looked through all of the old ones and saw what the norm was and had absolutely no reservations about whether or not to join. And, that said, I’m not positive I could be any happier. I’ve got a few side trades going on and feel like I’ve met a group of very similar guys. I’ve even joined a bottle club in another state because of this thread and one of the members in this trade was willing to (graciously) act as a proxy for me to pick up the monthly release and mail it to me.

I don’t mean to sound disrespectful; but, If someone is considering joining this thing and feels overwhelmed by the amount of beer being traded, there are several other trades going on here on HBT that don’t seem to have quite the level of “extras” associated with each trade.

This group seems more like a group of friends willing to spend a little extra because they like each other, not because it’s an implied obligation.

Just my two cents.
If you go back and read the other FotD threads, you'll see this is a common attitude with folks new to the thread. Believe me, the receivers are gracious of what they recieved. Please don't be discouraged.
Well....i will say that there should be some sort of limit, and should the reciever get "extras" they should be labeled and not photographed ....maybe just a pm'd thank you or else people will feel really obligated to ship a poopy ton of extras to "keep up with the jones".

For example, i only shipped 5 bottles to my reciever, but those 5 together were well over $80, the last one i participated in, i sent maybe 10 beers, but 4 of those were $12 bombers.

Having that said, this round I am perfectly happy and satisfied and feel as though my offer was worth it to the reciever, but i dont want him/her to be upset if he/she sent off 12 and only recieved 5. I dont want him/her to feel as though they were cheated.

Not that extras arent awsome to get, i just dont want to scare away potential new players with the feeling of having to send tons of extras.

One quick point, you would have still been one of my top choices on your base offer alone regardless of bonus/extra/whatev beers. I am in this for new beers more than lots of beers. Lots of beers come and go. New interesting beers, well... now that is something special.

I try to throw In more fun so people get some extra fun and keep involved (hell, I have only gotten a couple of offers in five round, more to go) but I do not think or expect more than what I bid on. Even if that makes me nieve.

Totally. 100% agreed.

And to be 100% honest, @afro_lou incredible record of hooking guys up had absolutely nothing to do with me picking him, although I was aware of it before I did.

It was a solid offer that I’d never seen before and that floccing squirrel staring at me through the teku glass.

I think it’s also worth pointing out, and you guys will see sooner than later, with the exception of a request from @pshankstar all of my “extras” aren’t really beer related and they’re just a way of my trying to share some of the things I do for fun - not unlike the coffee that seems somewhat popular as a side item.
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Nothing beats the “Squirrel Stare”

Also, good to know about the coffee extras! I’ll have to get in on that next round [emoji41]
I hear you; but, I’m gonna politely disagree. If someone wants to send extras, why should it be hidden?

Being new to this, it is a bit overwhelming; but, it’s cool seeing how far above and beyond most people go. It also seems like no one in this group of guys is going to get pissed if they send out a bunch and don’t get a bunch in return.

I’m happy to get what was in the offer, anything above that is simply extra. However, I feel like if the person is going to send a bunch of extras, it should be made public so folks know they’re doing it.

Now, that doesn’t mean just because you only send 5 bottles you’re some schmuck who isn’t worth trading with. If you sent five bottles of Bud Light, yeah, you’re a schmuck. But if you’re sending five bottles that are quality bottles and hard to come by, that’s perfectly acceptable, at least in my eyes. Nothing in the rules say you have to do anything more than that so there shouldn’t be any negativity associated with it - and it’s important to point out from a new guy - it doesn’t seem like there is. The only reason I’m making it a point to send @pshankstar a bunch of extra goodies is because I’m new in the group and want to gain trust.

When I was contemplating joining this thing, I went back and looked through all of the old ones and saw what the norm was and had absolutely no reservations about whether or not to join. And, that said, I’m not positive I could be any happier. I’ve got a few side trades going on and feel like I’ve met a group of very similar guys. I’ve even joined a bottle club in another state because of this thread and one of the members in this trade was willing to (graciously) act as a proxy for me to pick up the monthly release and mail it to me.

I don’t mean to sound disrespectful; but, If someone is considering joining this thing and feels overwhelmed by the amount of beer being traded, there are several other trades going on here on HBT that don’t seem to have quite the level of “extras” associated with each trade.

This group seems more like a group of friends willing to spend a little extra because they like each other, not because it’s an implied obligation.

Just my two cents.

And a little known fact is that even though I live in Montana, I went to NC State University and I’m still willing to associate with @EcuPirate07 and will probably pick his offer at some point as long as he can figure out how to throw in some Cheerwine and Bojangles. My point being that, to me anyways, it just feels like a group of guys with no obligations, just a good time sharing beer we otherwise wouldn’t get.
Don't worry about "keeping up with the joneses" type attitude. Like someone said earlier. These threads have turned into more or less a bunch of casual friends excited to try new beers. I like the 86oz limit for the initial offer.
I've lost my original train of thought when i started typing this. But basically it's RDWHAHB. And enjoy the friendship and camaraderie associated with these threads.
Don't worry about "keeping up with the joneses" type attitude. Like someone said earlier. These threads have turned into more or less a bunch of casual friends excited to try new beers. I like the 86oz limit for the initial offer.
I've lost my original train of thought when i started typing this. But basically it's RDWHAHB. And enjoy the friendship and camaraderie associated with these threads.

Yeah, and I’ll take the blame for creating that tone. I just really wanted to make a splash with my first offer since I was new and unproven. I didn’t mean to be problematic.

I know now that it was 100% unwarranted. I’d be willing to bet that if a new guy flaked on this trade, someone would pitch in and cover the person that picked him. That’s why I feel like it’s such a good group of guys, friends even, just sharing beer.

It almost seems like the extras are just an attempt to share more local favorites while saving on shipping since you’re already sending a package!

Seems like the type of group that if we were gathered in person, there would be a fight over who would do the dishes.
Well....i will say that there should be some sort of limit, and should the reciever get "extras" they should be labeled and not photographed ....maybe just a pm'd thank you or else people will feel really obligated to ship a poopy ton of extras to "keep up with the jones".

For example, i only shipped 5 bottles to my reciever, but those 5 together were well over $80, the last one i participated in, i sent maybe 10 beers, but 4 of those were $12 bombers.

Having that said, this round I am perfectly happy and satisfied and feel as though my offer was worth it to the reciever, but i dont want him/her to be upset if he/she sent off 12 and only recieved 5. I dont want him/her to feel as though they were cheated.

Not that extras arent awsome to get, i just dont want to scare away potential new players with the feeling of having to send tons of extras.

Alright. Here is my take.....do what you want, the extras are just that....extras! Sometimes if I have a ton of beer that I can’t drink I’ll send em along, if I’m short I’ll send a couple extras. The people who pick YOU are picking what you have up for offer, not what you may include. I would hate to limit people’s generosity because that’s part of the fun. I promise no one is judging and no one should feel judged. If you do a side trade than just be like hey here is @afro_lou trade and the ones to the right are a side trade or whatever. That’s just my two cents and I’m a crowler deep in from @gromitdj so who even knows if this makes sense. So, in the end......drugs are bad!
Alright. Here is my take.....do what you want, the extras are just that....extras! Sometimes if I have a ton of beer that I can’t drink I’ll send em along, if I’m short I’ll send a couple extras. The people who pick YOU are picking what you have up for offer, not what you may include. I would hate to limit people’s generosity because that’s part of the fun. I promise no one is judging and no one should feel judged. If you do a side trade than just be like hey here is @afro_lou trade and the ones to the right are a side trade or whatever. That’s just my two cents and I’m a crowler deep in from @gromitdj so who even knows if this makes sense. So, in the end......drugs are bad!

Yeah, I’m pretty deep, too. Just can’t help but feel like this is a good group. Look at what @pshankstar did when the guy who picked his offer ended up breaking the glass within a day, or two, of getting it.

Sorry, I’m too lazy to look back to see who that was. All I can say is, “Hand wash only.”
I would, i have ocd and am a clean freak

I love it. I have a group of guys I hunt with a lot and they’re like that. Not OCD; but, no chore goes under the radar. Everyone is so willing to help everyone else out that there have been arguments over who gets to work vs. who gets to relax and drink. Most people are fighting to work so the others can enjoy their time with friends.
Nope. I just know that only 2-3 breweries around me are distributing outside of the state. Most of our breweries are so new they can’t afford the ridiculous costs associated with bottling/canning in MT until they’ve done enough local stuff to raise the capital.
And a little known fact is that even though I live in Montana, I went to NC State University and I’m still willing to associate with @EcuPirate07 and will probably pick his offer at some point as long as he can figure out how to throw in some Cheerwine and Bojangles. My point being that, to me anyways, it just feels like a group of guys with no obligations, just a good time sharing beer we otherwise wouldn’t get.

Hahaha, man I can’t tell you how many northerners I have converted to bojangles and “chicken for breakfast” you can’t beat that Cajun 2 piece meal [emoji1373] I have old college buddies that still send me messages like “man, I would kill for some bojangles chicken and boberry biscuits!” I won’t hold state against you, because remember, ABC!
ABC, for sure.

Actually, some of my fondest memories from college were from out 264 at EasyU.

As for Bojangles - I was born and raised there. You don’t have to tell me about chicken for breakfast. I have about 48 little jars of their seasoning and no matter how much or little I use, I can’t get it right.

I travel for work and I try to book at least 1-2 flights a year through either Charlotte or Atlanta, just because they have Bojangles in the airport. Cajun fillet biscuit for breakfast, three piece dark with double fries and extra seasoning for lunch, super tailgate pack for dinner. Mmmmmmmm.
Fair enough :tank:

I did learn quite a bit about packaging from @RevKev this round, and every bit of packing material was saved and will be reused!! Lol


As the recipient of your 5 beers, rest assured they are appreciated.

I had a hell of a week, losing a friend that I’ve been through thick and thin with for 30 years. The past week or so has completely sucked...

You should know that when I got together with friends I haven’t seen in years, this group and the super rare beers on my shelf were a topic of conversation.

Like others said, we choose for the offer - not the extras.

I generally offer New England IPAs generally with a focus on NEBCO beers like fuzzy baby ducks and G-bot. Often my “extras” involve doubling up. I do this because I’ve had drinker’s remorse. (Waking up in the morning regretting I drank that last beer the night before without really enjoying/appreciating it like I should.) I also do this because sometimes you want to give one to a friend. I can’t always double up, but I try to when I can.

If I’m going to include different beers, they are often just me sharing what I’m drinking.

I like seeing the porch bombs and seeing the offers/extras involved. There is no pressure to keep up, we all offer what we can, when we can, and more beer doesn’t always mean better beer.

That being said, this is about sharing what you can with friends. I’ve done more side trades since joining this group than FOTD trades and I look forward to more... and I haven’t been disappointed yet.


Just to kind of add to what everyone else has said, I've done 2 or 3 now (can't remember) But I've always felt a little guilty about the extras I send. I have to remind myself that they chose my initial offer and everything I throw in extra is just for the love of beer. For me personally it wouldn't matter if I opened the box that I received in return to find no extras. I think its cool to see how/what others send as extras. Gives a good idea of the beers in different areas. At the end of the day I'm still getting to try beers that I wouldn't otherwise get to do without FOTD. I've yet to have a bad box and I haven't actually made any of my picks as I'malways asleep on pick day lol
And a little known fact is that even though I live in Montana, I went to NC State University and I’m still willing to associate with @EcuPirate07 and will probably pick his offer at some point as long as he can figure out how to throw in some Cheerwine and Bojangles. My point being that, to me anyways, it just feels like a group of guys with no obligations, just a good time sharing beer we otherwise wouldn’t get.
I broke my cheerwine cherry last year in the Outer Banks. It was good and I’ll get it again this year.
@PianoMan do you have access to jester king? I keep trying to plan a vacation to the Austin area just to go to jester king but haven’t been able to make it.
Well....i will say that there should be some sort of limit, and should the reciever get "extras" they should be labeled and not photographed ....maybe just a pm'd thank you or else people will feel really obligated to ship a poopy ton of extras to "keep up with the jones".

For example, i only shipped 5 bottles to my reciever, but those 5 together were well over $80, the last one i participated in, i sent maybe 10 beers, but 4 of those were $12 bombers.

Having that said, this round I am perfectly happy and satisfied and feel as though my offer was worth it to the reciever, but i dont want him/her to be upset if he/she sent off 12 and only recieved 5. I dont want him/her to feel as though they were cheated.

Not that extras arent awsome to get, i just dont want to scare away potential new players with the feeling of having to send tons of extras.

I don't think there is an expectation, or at least there shouldn't be, that you have to include extras in with your trade box. What @fourfarthing posted was merely a side trade, and a return gesture for a box that he dropped on my door step out of the blue. I'm glad he posted it though, because it sure is a pretty picture! :)
Almost all of my offers are my offers, and no one has complained yet. I have no problem receiving offers as they're posted because that is the offer I'm expecting. I usually just pour the extras on the ground out of spite!

Side trades are a different story because it's more personal :)
I actually took a couple of FOTD rounds off because I felt the generosity of others was something my wallet couldn't keep up with. So I think the 86oz. limit was a good idea. However, I always try to send at least a few extras. I also try to make sure my initial offer is something that can't easily be had outside of my immediate area.
I feel that if I have done the best I can and I know I wasn’t being stingy then I have a clear conscience. I already know that I can’t afford to send as much as some offers that I have seen but I would assume if someone picked my offer that means they wanted it. I would also say if they didn’t like it then they can send it back o_O.
I’m just happy to participate and be with a group of good people!! Good people who love good beer! Now let’s have a drink and look forward to the next round!

PS - I’ll have to see if I can participate in the next round with my schedule but I do plan to be in many more moving forward. Cheers!
Enjoying one from @TBC. FOTD has allowed me to try beers I would most likely never get to try. I could care less if I get extras or not, but I much enjoy tossing in extras.
I’ve got a guy coming to the office from ULINE tomorrow to talk about those 12 slot wine mailers. They are ~$17.50/ea and come in packs of 4. If anyone wants to go in on some, let me know.

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