This Really Annoys Me Pet Peeve Thread

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People who don't know the difference between "except" and "accept". [emoji57]

I "accept" your pet peeve with all humbleness and with a lowered countenance admitting my own ignorance on such matters..Except in the rare event you may be my 5th grade English teacher Mrs Johnson. Then it becomes a battle cry "Down with you" as being my number one peeve which are known far and wide as the Spelling Police of the internet. At which juncture becomes totally unacceptable.. Except unless I made a mistake somewhere in there someplace.:D
Having a leak in your co2 setup. I lost a full 5# tank to a 3 gallon keg at room temp. And naturally, the co2 tank in my kegerator is about to kick as well (not due to a leak). At least I have a full 3rd tank to swap with the one in the kegerator.
When I'm at a bar with my woman, go to get a beer and come back to find some drunk jerk refusing to leave her personal space. Normally, they get two warnings that I am going to take them down to the floor by the throat before I actually do take them down to the floor by the throat.

******** in bars, in general. I was in a large nightclub, alone, just going up to the bar to get a beer and some ******* decides to block my way and tell me that I can't pass - trying to impress his buddies or something. He got zero warning before I took him by the throat and swept his legs out from behind him with my left foot - happened in a millisecond and all his buddies were trying to pull me off him while I had him on the floor by his throat.

Women in bars who ask me to buy them drinks. Hello, if I want to buy you a drink, I will ask you.

Pointy haired bosses. The kind who look like they should be bitchslapped just for waking up and dressing that way.

Upper middle class people. The kind who buy fish knives and BMWs to try to impress others.

People who started grilling yesterday, bought a big green egg, and all of the sudden they are "pit masters" with their flimsy-ass tongs. In general, people who refer to themselves or anyone else as a "pit master". I've grilled over 5000 - that's right - over five thousand times in my life and I am not a pit master nor do I need a freaking thermopen to tell me when my meat is done.

People who come to my house and tell me how to behave or criticise something. I was having an extended family party for my oldest teen last summer and one of her grandfathers (the parents of my wife's ex) told me that "we already shook hands". I replied that "this is my freaking yard and we will shake hands again, if I want to". And then, we did.

People who go to a smokery and eat ribs with a knife and fork. Pick them up with your damned hands and eat them.

OK, probably need to stop for a while now :mug:
WTF did the the in-laws bring for house warming?

It wasn't a house warming - it was a "protujuhla" for our oldest daughter (my step-daughter). Protojuhla, I don't guess there is a word in English for this term but it is roughly equivalent to a bar mitzvah for atheist teens.

Her grandparents on her father's side are extremely religious, so they had to be armtwisted to show up in the first place. Showing up with an attitude, I gave him an attitude adjustment right in front of his wife.
Wow, you sound like a total badass, Podz. I really respect your take-no-prisoners, do-what-I-want, get-out-of-my-way attitude you have, and your total disregard for anyone else's feelings/opinions. Everyone should be more like you.

Is that what you wanted to hear?

Bring that throat-grabbing habit to a bar in the USA and you'll get stabbed.
Yeah, I'm fairly certain that I touched an exposed nerve with that post but didn't figure out yet which one of the points did it.

I actually consider being called a "cocky *******" as a compliment. If I hear it from a man, it means that I'm still on top of my game. If I hear it from a woman, it means that I'm about to get laid.

Back on topic:
People who completely overreact when they see flashing lights on a vehicle.
If an ambulance is coming from the opposite direction, by all means give them the right of way. But, there's no need to come to a dead stop from ~45mph when you're not in any danger of actually blocking the ambulance's way. The stopping has a big risk of causing another accident and the ambulance didn't get any benefit at all from you stopping in the middle of nowhere for no reason.
Back on topic:
People who completely overreact when they see flashing lights on a vehicle.
If an ambulance is coming from the opposite direction, by all means give them the right of way. But, there's no need to come to a dead stop from ~45mph when you're not in any danger of actually blocking the ambulance's way. The stopping has a big risk of causing another accident and the ambulance didn't get any benefit at all from you stopping in the middle of nowhere for no reason.

Or people who stop for ambulance / fire truck on a divided road when the emergency vehicle is coming the other way.

If there's a 15-foot-wide grass median with curbs and trees dividing the road, you don't legally have to stop for it.
Our elementary school "trained" us to walk specifically on the right hand side. I always kind of thought it was weird. Now I can't go to shopping malls because of it. People walking both directions, or just shuffling around aimlessly like a zombie, makes me way too frustrated to be in public.

I went to college at Virginia Tech where there is Student Army Corps. My freshman dorm was half normal students, half corps. It always made me chuckle seeing the freshman corps kids having to hug the walls on the right side.

Like, if you needed to use the bathroom and it was on the left side of the hall, you had to go down on the right, around and back. No way I couldve dealt with that crap having to pee really bad on a weekend night.
Heres one that annoys me. My neighbors girlfriend... Chick is clueless. But even worse than that (I get it, some people are absentminded) she's always trying to score free beer. And I dont mind giving her some free HB, I brew it for myself and friends anyways so its not a big deal. But here's my issue, which I guess is the pet peeve... People who try to beat around the bush instead of sacking up and asking for/about it.

For example, whenever Im in my garage and she walks by, she asks if Im brewing and stands there talking about how much she likes such and such a beer and then says... Is that what you're brewing (which is usually followed by a few statements implying she would like to try without ever asking)? To which I slid out from under my truck and told her "no, actually Im just changing my oil".

Apparently she thinks oil is an ingredient in beer. Maybe a dirty oil stout? This has happened in other occasions too... :confused:
Heres one that annoys me. My neighbors girlfriend... Chick is clueless. But even worse than that (I get it, some people are absentminded) she's always trying to score free beer. And I dont mind giving her some free HB, I brew it for myself and friends anyways so its not a big deal. But here's my issue, which I guess is the pet peeve... People who try to beat around the bush instead of sacking up and asking for/about it.

For example, whenever Im in my garage and she walks by, she asks if Im brewing and stands there talking about how much she likes such and such a beer and then says... Is that what you're brewing (which is usually followed by a few statements implying she would like to try without ever asking)? To which I slid out from under my truck and told her "no, actually Im just changing my oil".

Apparently she thinks oil is an ingredient in beer. Maybe a dirty oil stout? This has happened in other occasions too... :confused:

I think she wants sex.
Internet tough guys

Store checkout clerks who say "here ya go!" instead of "thank you" when the transaction is complete. It's like they're saying "you spent your money, now GTFO."

I don't ask for much, but a little courtesy would be in order.
Store checkout clerks who say "here ya go!" instead of "thank you" when the transaction is complete. It's like they're saying "you spent your money, now GTFO."

I don't ask for much, but a little courtesy would be in order.

Customers who ask "how much do you get for _____?"

Me? I don't "get" anything you floccin neanderthal. I can tell you what it costs though
Customers who ask "how much do you get for _____?"

Me? I don't "get" anything you floccin neanderthal. I can tell you what it costs though

Customers (like one of my coworkers) who go to order food or ask for something at a retail store or bar or otherwise and say "Yeah let me get...."

Show some respect morons. The person working there is not your slave and does not need to be told to get them something; how about asking for what you need with a please and thank you?
Customers (like one of my coworkers) who go to order food or ask for something at a retail store or bar or otherwise and say "Yeah let me get...."

Show some respect morons. The person working there is not your slave and does not need to be told to get them something; how about asking for what you need with a please and thank you?

I work in healthcare foodservice (but not for much longer!! :ban::ban::ban::ban:) and nurses/CNAs/clinical staff that don't give two ****s about their patients annoy the hell out of me. I swear I know more about a lot of the pts than they do...just had a dietician come down and kept referring to someone as "the kosher lady" even after I gave her the correct name, twice. Like, I know you obviously loath your job by the disgusting look on your face when you come down to the kitchen to get a can of pepsi for somebody, but if you can't be empathetic at least a little bit you probably should find a different career path. I also work in a behavioral health facility so it gets a little weird here.
Here's one. I saying I'm going to grab a bite. Carry-out. Didn't eat lunch.

I ask "Do you want anything?"

I get the standard answer "No I don't want anything. I'm not hungry."

I'm like, "You're sure??"

"No I ate a late lunch. Where are you going?"

I say"Poorboys, probably getting an Italian beef with fries."

"No, I'm Good."

------ 20-30 Minutes Later -----------

I am back, sitting down getting ready to chow on my Gyro Plate with fries.

"Wow! That looks good. You mind splitting that?"

Me "Really? You're fricken kidding me. Right?"


Me "No"

"Why do you have to be an a$$?"

[I'm thinking who? Who's being the a$$ here?] :confused:
I work in healthcare foodservice (but not for much longer!! :ban::ban::ban::ban:) and nurses/CNAs/clinical staff that don't give two ****s about their patients annoy the hell out of me. I swear I know more about a lot of the pts than they do...just had a dietician come down and kept referring to someone as "the kosher lady" even after I gave her the correct name, twice. Like, I know you obviously loath your job by the disgusting look on your face when you come down to the kitchen to get a can of pepsi for somebody, but if you can't be empathetic at least a little bit you probably should find a different career path. I also work in a behavioral health facility so it gets a little weird here.

What's empathy? I work in mental health, and have had plenty of experiences where people showed none. It's crazy that people can work in healthcare and not show empathy towards another human being.

On the other hand, today's example of good people doing the right thing: I was driving through the city right in front of the courthouse and saw an old lady's purse get blown out of her hand and then she fell in the middle of the road during a huge wind gust. 2 guys who were walking down the sidewalk near her ran over and helped get her up and grabbed her purse for her, then helped her into the building. It gave me some faith in mankind...
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