Sunday Morning

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All my fermenters are full but I still have stuff to brew. I'm just trying to decide if I want to make the 40 mile round trip to the LHBS to pick up a 6 gallon bucket.....or maybe just watch football and have a homebrew...
Foggy calm morning, 25*F. The promise of seeing five planets strung across the sky in the early morning hours is obviously going to have to wait. Hot oatmeal for BF, second cup of coffee up next. Hoarfrost is forming on the trees and the hubby's ham radio antenna, quite pretty. Going to work on our vacation plans and the garden plans (too early to start any seeds yet!) I really would like to brew today, but we will be out of town soon, so I should probably wait until we get back...Nothing needs bottling yet, lots of cider aging in the cool storage room.

Lazy Sunday, hope you all enjoy yours!
Up a couple of hours before sunrise again to kick off another Sunday morning brew here. Making 6 gallons of a winter saison using dark candy syrup and WY 3726 Farmhouse Ale. It was about 42F when I got up this morning, but overall a very nice morning, especially after the week long rain we've had. Got the strike water going just as the sun was coming up, and I only have about 5 minutes left in my mash right now. Hit 150F perfectly which was nice. During the mash I had a chance to get some kegs re-assembled that I picked up on the cheap a couple of weeks ago, missing some posts and odds and ends, but nothing that quick trip to More Beer didn't fix. I also got a box of beer all ready to go out to a buddy of mine in Chicago, and I'll be dropping that off when I take the wife and son out for sushi lunch once the brew day is over.

Cheers gang, enjoy your Sunday!
I always enjoy reading your "Sunday Morning" posts, your lifestyle seems a million miles from mine. Would love to tag along on one of your weekends if I wasn't the other side of the Atlantic.

So far my Sunday has been getting my daughter and her friend to the swimming pool whilst I sit in the viewing gallery with my design text books and a coffee ( a crap one from a machine I would add). Hoping to make some donner kebab meat this afternoon though.

We rarely have anything very exciting happen around here, especially on Sunday's, but you are more than welcome to tag along any Sunday you can make it. We love to meet new people and make new friends, especially if there is food and beer involved. (who am I kidding, there is always food and beer involved.)

:mug: :tank:

The hounds did their jobs well this morning and sent many fur balls into rocket like motion, the gunners were not quite as proficient though. Not a single hair, nor hare, was harmed. None the less, we all had a good time, a few beers were enjoyed, and all have gone on their way. Now I need to find the ambition to get after that bottling that needs doing.
Well, all in all I don't think the day could have been much better. Ended up hitting all of my numbers spot on for the saison I was brewing and wound up with 6 gallons of pretty awesome looking wort in the fermenter. I also dry hopped an IPA that I brewed a couple of weeks ago with 3 ounces of hops and took a sample of that. Not only did it wind up at the exact FG I was looking for (1.008), it tasted amazing! I was pretty happy as I took a recipe I was already pretty happy with previously and tweaked it to move the late edition hops to two different whirlpool additions. Based on the sample I took today I think that was a good idea.

Finished up the brew day around noon, and then I took the wife and kiddo out and had an awesome sushi lunch. The restaurant just happened to be right next door to FedEx so I was able to pop in drop off that beer box too. Got back and after only about 3 hours my saison was just going crazy in the fermenter; the airlock sounded like a machine gun! Finishing up the day drinking some leftover commercial brews from my son's 1st birthday party yesterday and trying not to think about going back to work tomorrow.
Sunday morning has rolled around yet again, and there is so much that needs doing that I know not all will get the attention they deserve.

I need to get some firewood cut. My truck needs to be cleaned out and some maintenance work done on the rear brakes. The shop needs a good cleaning. I have two beers ready to bottle that didn't get done last Sunday. I need to visit the neighbors and retrieve some potatoes and carrots that we put in their root cellar back in early October. There are shelves that need to be built for the store. The house can always use way more attention than it receives. Above all, I haven't seen my daughter, her husband, and my grandson in almost two weeks.

Looks like I'll need to get started early so that I can spend the afternoon and evening with the kids. (time with the boy always wins out over everything else, especially the work.) I think I'll get the day started with some breakfast. Eggs, sausage patties, home fries, toast and some good strong black coffee sound about right for such a busy Sunday morning.

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!

My Sunday is fairly straight forward. There's nothing to eat here, and I'm too lazy to go out and get something.

Looks like I'm hanging out with the cat and watching TV where there's nothing to watch with all these channels.
Up 2 1/2 hours today for another early Sunday morning brew day only to get rained out :(

Went to bed last night and no sign of rain in the forecast until Tuesday and then woke up this morning to some pretty good showers.

Oh well, I don't want to be the guy complaining about rain in the middle of a drought, so for now I'll just enjoy my coffee while watching the creek rise outside my back door. How quickly it's receded since the last rain only re-enforces how badly we need this one too.

Current weather report says it's supposed to finish up here by 8 am, but given the accuracy of yesterday's report I think I'll just wait and see. If so, I still might be able to squeeze a brew session in, but don't want it dip too much into our afternoon as we've got some other things going on.

Either way I've got an IPA that is ready to be kegged, and a mead that needs sampled, so there will be brewing activity going on today. I guess worst case would be that I get that done and then get to harvest more jars of WLP001 from my starter than I'd originally planned.

Then tonight we've got our baby sitter coming over so we can head out for our monthly kid-free date night. There's a great tap take over at one of our spots downtown tonight as part of SF Beer Week, so we might hit that depending on how crowded it is, then dinner, and finish up with a movie - either the new Star Wars (I've seen it, the wife hasn't) or the The H8teful Eight, not sure which yet.
Kid woke me up about 630 and we've been up watching Disney, Jr. Ever since. If the weather stays calm we have family pictures. Kinda hoping the weather gets bad so I can brew a few gallons of a light lager. Should be ready for the first time I do the yard in a few months.
Coffee and the news to start the day off. Heading to the basement soon though for some brewing - Scottish 70 on the agenda and also kegging a Citra IPA. Probably lay in some additional brewing supplies as weather looks bad for tuesday/wednesday - sounds like another perfect day to brew.
Hard at work again. Almost ready to fix peoples wounds just need breakfast first. Didn't do any brewing this weekend but i'm going to need to soon. Have a great day people.
It's a slow day today. Was at a party last night for a friend's 30th and drank a considerable amount thanks to euchre.
9 am, 60 degrees, headed for 72 here. Drinking coffee, sparging a 10 gallon smoked robust porter. Warm, sun is bright, and about to start the boil.
Double brew day with a full keezer. Czech pils and Dusseldorf Alt, not sure if my pipeline can handle all this beer but it is a good problem to have.
Got up early and met a buddy to go fishing in Devil's hole in the Niagara Gorge. We didn't catch anything, but it was scenic and relaxing. Have some work to do around the house, and will likely enjoy a few beers.
Kid woke me up about 630 and we've been up watching Disney, Jr. Ever since. If the weather stays calm we have family pictures. Kinda hoping the weather gets bad so I can brew a few gallons of a light lager. Should be ready for the first time I do the yard in a few months.

Decided to brew instead of pictures.

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Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend!
Well, I did end up getting rained out of my brew session today, which is kinda funny as it is now absolutely gorgeous outside. That's the way it goes on the coast though. It can be raining like crazy sometimes in the morning, and then come lunch time you wouldn't have even thought it had rained.

Oh well, I just took the opportunity to harvest 6 - 500ml starter jars of WLP001 from my starter for the brew day today, so I should be all set with that yeast for a while! I was originally going to pitch 2L and harvest 2 - 500 ml jars, my usual procedure for harvesting from starters. I also got my 3-Way IPA kegged up and carbing, and it was smelling and tasting amazing, basically hop juice. It's 2-row, honey malt, and crystal 60 together with about a pound of Nelson, Simcoe, and Galaxy for a 5 gallon batch. Conan yeast dried it out to 1.008 too. Can't wait to put that on in the keezer!

I also got around to sampling my strawberry peppercorn short mead and was quite pleased with that too. It made it all the way down to 1.001, and the strawberry flavor managed to stick around without being overwhelming. I'll probably end up kegging that one day next week and carbing it up to about 1.8 volumes or so for starters and see how that turns out.
Brewed beer. I was done chilling at 10:30am. 12.5lbs Golden Promise 1.063 5.5 gallons into the Fermentor. I would say it was a good day because I had time to fix a problem with the wife's car then hang photos for her AND watch the NHL ALL STAR game.
church this morning, then kegging up an Irish red ale that's been conditioning for a couple weeks now.
previous keg of IPA just kicked, time to start carbing the next one!
Sunday morning has once again rolled around and it finds me lazily sleeping in late. Feels good to be able to do that for a change, but now I have to get busy with a long list of chores.

I have a group of extended family members coming to the house to begin work on a memorial project for my grandfathers farm, that has now been turned into a family campground. Several members of my family are very talented artists in one media or another and we have all decided to build a memorial that encompasses each of our talents. I have a large workshop at my home that is located centrally to most of the family so I was chosen to host the build.

The shop will need some tidying up and the house will need a once over as well. I will need to haul out some hard wood lumber and a few tools. There will surely be some brews enjoyed so I'll need to get the shop fridge restocked. There is some ice forming on the side walk going to the house, so that will need some attention before guests arrive. My SWMBO has a meal of some sort planned, that will need to be prepared. I still have a beer overdue for bottling. There is always chicken chores needing doing. Fire wood needs to be moved to the basement so it will be good and dry when it comes time to burn it. And the list goes on.......

First, though, there must be breakfast, and some bacon has been calling my name for a few days now. I'll have to fry some up with some french toast and real maple syrup and strong black coffee.

I hope this Sunday finds everyone well and joyful.

I gotta get to some brewery cleaning I've been putting off. Then pull some turkey off the carcass & mix with the left over meat jello for gravy over biscuits with taters for supper.Maybe do some more writing...
Got woken up early by my wife :ban: now drinking coffee in bed together. Will head down soon with a goal to have strike water on by 9:30. Then, wheeling a keg of dry stout down the street for a super bowl party at the neighbor's house this afternoon. It promises to be a great day. It's certainly started out that way.
Was the only person in a group class to show up.

Well I guess this means it'll go faster since there aren't any nooks asking so many questions!

Perhaps I'll get to bottle today after all.
Spent a little extra time in bed this morning - the dogs joined us and we hung out for a bit.

Got a brew kicked off on my Picobrew that should be wrapping up momentarily. Walked the dogs to the beach and around the neighborhood, then spent a few hours in the garage putting a cart and cart/toolbox together that I've been avoiding, and cleaning up.

Need to clean the Picobrew after the batch is done - actually run a cleaning cycle I suppose. Need to get ribs in the slow cooker before going to look at a fixer upper property this evening before the Super Bowl.
Spent the morning recouping from last night, then cleaned up the house a bit. Son had a hockey game, and I need to run to the store before our company shows up. Enjoy your Sunday guys!
No brewing for me today so I got to sleep in a little, which for us meant 7:30 am. Got some coffee going and made a quick breakfast for the family. Once the kitchen was cleaned up I put it to use make starters for my 15 gallon solera project I'm kicking off next Monday. I stepped up some dregs from a 3 Fonteinen Armand'4 set to 2L, and I did a 2L starter of ECY34 Dirty Dozen Brett Blend. I'm going to pitch both of those along with 1-2 vials of ECY20 Bug County. Once I had that taken care of and cleaned up I transferred my winter saison over to secondary where it'll sit for at least another couple of weeks before kegging.

We're about to head out now for our 3rd one-year-old's birthday party this weekend, which will hopefully go quickly, and then we'll be back home for the rest of the evening. We're not watching the game, so I plan on trying to finish up my keg carbing station I'm putting together for the garage, and the wife also has a project she wants to get done before dinner.

Somewhere in there we'll have a brew or three! :mug:
Well, thanks to a teething toddler I was up way before sunrise this morning :smack:

Oh well, once we got him settled down and back to bed I was wide awake anyway, so I just went ahead and got a jump on things.

I got my Kombucha Kreik (hard kombucha experiment) kegged and carbing up and got the fermenter soaking.

Already got everything ready to go for my 2nd of 5 brews over the long weekend. I brewed a no boil Gose yesterday. Today is my House Kölsch, and then this evening the wife and I are going to do a batch of my Governor's Graf on the stove top. Tomorrow is back to back batches of a golden sour base to fill my 15 gallon solera vessel.

Once I get the brew day done and cleaned up we've got a 1 year old's birthday party to go to this afternoon. We already prepped 2 weeks worth of slow cooker meals yesterday, so as long as the brews go well, it should be smooth sailing the rest of the long weekend.

Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday! :mug:
Studying for an Ontario Security ministry exam. Will probably be gaming by noon, as there isn't much material here.
Fell asleep early last night and got to sleep in. Cleaned the house, did dishes, then went to my son's hockey game where he scored a goal. Having some beers with the inlaws and waiting for some pulled pork to be done. Enjoy your Sunday!
Going to bottle a 1 gallon AG porter as soon as the priming solution cools down. Had some brewery cleaning to do first.
This Sunday morning finds me feeling much better than I did last week. The wife and I have a very busy day planned. It's supposed to be a fairly nice day, with mostly sunny skies and temps above freezing.

I have the boys and their beagles coming first thing this morning to chase a few bunnies. Hopefully we will put a few in the game bag today.

Then we have the kids and the grand baby coming for the boys first sled riding, and a ham dinner. My folks may join us and make an event of it.

I have to get some firewood brought in sometime during the day as well. The nice weather isn't supposed to last past this afternoon so I really need to make it happen today. If this mild winter holds out it may be the last time Ill need to bring in wood this winter.

First I'll need to get some breakfast on the table. Eggs over easy, bacon, home fries, toast and some good strong black coffee sound about right to get this Sunday started.

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday.

Today will bring decent weather, so brewing is a must, as far as I'm concerned. I'm going to shoot for two barleywines. Grain and hops are weighed out, just need to fill some kettles and start crushing.
A batch of NE IPA is on deck today...... trying to get the pipeline topped off - Track season starts tomorrow so coaching is going to start to put a bigger and bigger dent in brewing opportunities over the next 3 months as the school year winds down. Luckily, I will have 6 batches of beer in fermenters after today, as well as another 8 batches kegged...... should carry me through the spring.
Am I the only old dork who relaxes on Sunday morning by paying the bills, balancing the checkbook and doing other household financial things? Don't know why, but I find I feel so much better, mentally, after that is done each Sunday...and everyone in the house leaves me alone for 30 minutes with my coffee and computer to do it...

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