08-08-08 Russian Imperial Stout Exchange

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We're now well past the agreed upon shipping window and fast approaching the hottest days of the year.

Get off your arse and get those boxes shipped or forever face the wrath of the beer gods.

Don't make me go all Barney Fife on you....


BM's got a good point, though. Sitting on a UPS truck for 5 days when it's 100º outside is not good for beer.

And yes, we did set up a shipping window for precisely this reason. And that shipping window was huge.
My guy hasn't posted since February. He also happened to be one of my recipients. I'm not going to stress over it. If he wants to send me something else, that's ok too.
If we pulled together a list of those who had not been heard from and there-by a list of those who had not received product we could probably pretty easily get some 888 out to them from volunteer sources. Maybe it wouldn't be the same quantity from a single individual, but the same quanity from a variety could happen. I would be willing to send a bottle or two out to individuals in need!

I am assuming some folks are just write-offs and that is just the way it is.
I still owe a package to Poindexter. I already shipped it twice but the first time it came back due to insufficient address and the second time it was destroyed by UPS, from whom I received a nasty phone call about shipping beer. I'll make sure Poindexter gets his beer but I'll likely never do a mail swap again. Too stressfull for me.
I truly apologize for not getting it out yet, but assure everyone on my list that you will get the beer.
Well I'll start the list. I haven't recieved from:


I know, I know, Yuri has explained himself. The other I have barely heard from.

Yeah...unfortunately it's time to start dropping names.

We're 2 months past the agreed shipping window and basically 30 days from the "magic date".


I'm still waiting. :confused:
According to his profile, Jacoby has also not logged in for a little over a month. I haven't heard from him in almost two.

This is the messaging that I have recieved from him.
04-06-2008, 10:23 PM
Hey man, just wanted to let you know that I received you in the swap, and that I will be sending them out this weekend when I return to Utah. I'll shoot you another PM once they are sent, thanks!

05-17-2008, 03:47 PM
Hehe, sorry man. Not trying to neglect, just a mistake
Beer is all packaged up, and I'll be heading to UPS here in a few! Send you a tracking number later on this evening.

05-17-2008, 04:25 PM
OK, I'm a moron. I deleted the original PM from chriso at some point. Can you send me your addie please? Thanks!!
And this was the last time he posted....
05-17-2008, 12:05 AM
I've PM'd all my recipients, but just in case, my beers will be going out this weekend. Sorry for the delay, my upcoming transfer to Portland has kept me out of town most of the past month.

To all the PDX'rs out there, what are some good beer stores and homebrew shops in town?

And I could understand with a big move and everything....but his last post before that was in February. I have a feeling we may never hear from him again...

But then again, you can't take even the best people at their word....
:D :D :D :D
06-11-2008, 07:41 PM #280 Yuri_Rage

I'm sampling one more right now, and I'm finally satisfied that this beer is carbonated to a point where it doesn't need more attention. I should have them out next week.

Please don't be upset and weld me into one of your creations, it was only a joke. I don't want to be part of your new 318 V8 Stir Plate for 20 gallon starters!!!!I'm too ugly, it would look more like Biermunchers creations.
Please don't be upset and weld me into one of your creations, it was only a joke. I don't want to be part of your new 318 V8 Stir Plate for 20 gallon starters!!!!I'm too ugly, it would look more like Biermunchers creations.

LOL, I think Yuri's a little more conservative than that - the 318 is the "Look at me! I have huge testicles!" route. I'd wager that Yuri would choose something with a little more class... I'm thinking turbine-driven. ;) What's your brand of choice? Boeing a'la the Porsche Jet?
I am guilty of being one of the aformentioned procrastinators. But the good news is, I sampled one of these over the weekend and proclaimed it to be ready to ship. I'll be doing the packing and shipping this Thursday and will update my swappers in PMs.

Sorry to be so late, but I didn't get to brewing this until nearly the date of the shipping deadline. At least you'll have these before 8-8-08 actually gets here!
So now the big question...

How long do we wait before we count Jacobyhale out of the swap and make other arrangements? I would be quite fine with shipping to both of the others that were supposed to recieve his brew if they would be willing to ship in return...then I would get to taste FOUR different brews intstead of three...but don't call me greedy!:mug:
I'll man-up and send you some, DB, no worries. In the meantime (if you haven't already - you probably have) I'd PM Muncher with which two you haven't received. I know one of your senders is one of our confirmed MIA people right now, hopefully he's doing OK with his out-of-state move that he indicated he'd have to deal with.... I thought your other two senders had both shipped already, so maybe one got confi'd en route or something? Either way, expect a box from me dude. :)

I can't wait to brew more RIS. And I can't WAIT to finally get my Brett Raspberry RIS into bottles... someday... Still don't know how long I should age it before bottling... or how to kill the Brett off.....
This beer is so good, I am going to brew another batch. Masterful recipe guys.
Going to do 8 gals. and do something fun in a 3 gal. keg.

888 is just around the corner!

btw, is there a review thread?
Just a little refresher, I know that 99% of you have done this... but it's been a few months, a review never hurts!

WHEN YOU SHIP YOUR BEERS, Please go to the Sampling & Critique forum (the one this thread is in) and create a NEW THREAD.

TITLE THIS THREAD "RIS Swap - *Yourname*'s Beers"

Within the thread, please post: How many beers you sent out, to whom, and what beers they are. Especially if you use abbreviations on the bottle caps, PLEASE post what each abbreviation stands for.

Again, you are creating YOUR OWN new thread. When your recipients get their beers, they post IN YOUR THREAD. When you receive someone else's beer, you post the review in THEIR thread.
Yeah, you're not the only one with one visiting brew in the fridge. I'm glad that I'm not quite the noob I was when I signed up for this, this was my first swap, and I think if I wasn't cool as a cucumber I might swear off swaps for ever...
I think if I wasn't cool as a cucumber I might swear off swaps for ever...

This is exactly the "hurt" feelings we want to avoid... Muncher and I are keeping each other updated with who's in a pickle, who hasn't shipped, etc.... But if the net result is "a bust" for you in the end, I will make it worth your while. Brewt00l had a good idea of how to "fill in the gaps" that I forwarded to Muncher for consideration.

Thanks for being patient and cool as a cucumber. I appreciate it, and as I said, I will most definitely make it worth your while. Sometimes these things "just happen", no matter how many precautions we take... :(
I'm all for filling in the gaps by anyone who wants to volunteer.

I'd say we wait one more week, then assemble a list of people who only received one (or none) and a list of volunteers who can muster up a couple bottles.

If anyone received two...we consider that a success (I'd say). I've only received one, but I'm fine with that.

I'm probably only good for one package because I've done a few private swaps of late and my shipping budget is shot...plus, these included some RIS's so my supply is getting low. :(

Then finally, when it's all said and done, we all box up some fresh farts and send them to the "welchers" in the group. Shouldn't cost much to ship a fart.
I could probably do 4 people. Might only get 1 RIS and a couple other assorted goodies though. I, too, am low on RISes due to only bottling 2.5 gal, and infecting the other 2.5 gal with Brett. I guess I could whip them into a keg, carb 'em, and bottle 'em in a week. I wonder if the pellicle will reform in the bottle though.

I've got my 7% sinful stout sitting in a keg, too, that could be tasty! Need to hook that one up to the gas. Oh and the Hobgoblin should be ready to keg tomorrow, too. I've got some Dryhop Honey Wheat in bottles... and I thought about buying some of the Boulevard Smokestack series to include as a special present.
I could probably do 4 people. Might only get 1 RIS and a couple other assorted goodies though. I, too, am low on RISes due to only bottling 2.5 gal, and infecting the other 2.5 gal with Brett. I guess I could whip them into a keg, carb 'em, and bottle 'em in a week. I wonder if the pellicle will reform in the bottle though.

I've got my 7% sinful stout sitting in a keg, too, that could be tasty! Need to hook that one up to the gas. Oh and the Hobgoblin should be ready to keg tomorrow, too. I've got some Dryhop Honey Wheat in bottles... and I thought about buying some of the Boulevard Smokestack series to include as a special present.

That's awfully nice of you Chriso, but I'm sure nobody would want you to rack that Brett beer prematurely. I say let the pelicle fall and send me a bottle then. :) Just kidding of course; you don't have to send me anything. I got two out of three; I'm happy. I better get all my 9-9-9 though!
Mine were sent today. I don't like to *****, since I waited so long but part of the reason some of these fellas might be holding out is shipping costs. It cost me $40 to send 3 boxes. In the future we might look at cutting back the amount required (I.E. maybe 2/ 12oz bottles). I understand everything was random as well, but all of my recipients were east of the Mississippi. How about breaking it up so that a person can ship 1 to the east coast, 1 to midwest, 1 to west.

Yeah, I'm whining and I'm a bit buzzed too so don't take me too seriously. I hope everyone on the receiving end enjoys their brew.
First, I'd like to address quantity - The reason we chose 44 oz minimum is that some people were planning to bottle in 22-oz bottles. If a person shipped a sole 22-oz bottle, and it broke, the recipient gets screwed. If a person ships two 22-oz bottles, and one breaks, then there's one survivor. Same with 12's... if you ship 4x 12-oz bottles, and 2 break in transit, there are still 2 beers to enjoy. 44 total ounces A) was in trend with past swaps that had been done, and B) seemed like a fair amount of beer to send, not too much, not too little. It's up to BierMuncher what happens for the Barleywine swap.

Perhaps in the future perhaps we can try to put a tangible $ amount in the FAQs so that it is abundantly clear -- but if we do that, we leave it wide-open for people to come back and ***** at us because their individual shipping bill was over whatever arbitrary amount we quoted. You dig what I mean?

Mine were $42 total to ship, and I'm sure most others' were on par with that number as well. In fact, at least two brewers had to make up AND ship 2 extra boxes because their first ones were lost/broken, so that's both less of their own beer they get to drink *and* extra shipping cost. I understand the pinch totally. Don't get me wrong there. Just tryin' to help see the other side too.

And as far as zones... well, when we planned this, we deemed that it was not feasible to manage all of the seperate zones and who is part of them. Part of why I used BierMuncher's randomizer was to keep the time commitment of organizing it to a minimum. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, just explaining why it was done this way this time. I know BM will take it into consideration as he's organizing the 9/9/09 swap, and I know that he and I gave it a lot of thought as we were getting this swap off the ground, too.

This post isn't meant to be an "F U" towards you. I just wanted to make sure to address your concerns, and in doing so, to hopefully help *everyone* understand why things were done this way. - I tried really hard to make this swap fair to everyone, and I plan to personally encumber extra burden to ensure that the ones to whom it's been less than fair, are compensated fairly.

Cheers and all the best.
I understand. I might have overpadded too, driving up my shipping costs. My box to North Carolina (farthest away) was cheaper than the closer ones.

Again, posting while buzzed might not be the best option, hope I didn't piss you off.
Quite the opposite, I wanted to make sure *I* hadn't pissed off *you* or anyone else.... Minor snafus aside, I'm very very pleased with this swap as a participant... I'm just trying to hold up my obligation on the coordinator-side, too, to making sure that the participants are happy, or at least mostly happy... Cheers!
I am willing to chip in some bottles for folks that got shorted as we approach the deadline.

Shipping is what it is these days. The first time you ship some bottles it can come as a bit of sticker shock. It's just one of those factors you have to take into account when participating in bottle trades/swaps.
we're definitely not doing this to save money or i'd just make more of my own RIS.

as for bottle breaking, how are you guys packing these??? NONE of the bottles should be breaking unless they are heavily mistreated during shipping.

wrap every bottle in bubble wrap or some other wrap, even crumpled up newspapers. Put the "bottle wrap" in ziplock bags or plastic bags with twist ties. layer bottom of box with more crumples/bubbles. put "bottle bags" in center of box and surround sides and top with more crumples/bubbles.

fedex can drop-kick that packaging into their truck and it still won't get damaged ;)

it also shouldn't change shipping costs at all, as all the packaging weighs far less than a pound.

oh, and put the label on the TOP of the box. In doing this, the MAJORITY of it's time in transit, it will be right-side up.

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