Sunday Morning

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The sun is rising into a cool and partly cloudy late September Sunday morning. Looks like it's going to be another beautiful day.

The wife and I will be starting it with a breakfast of eggs, sausage gravy, home fries, and biscuits. After breakfast I'll likely spend a couple of hours working on my MG, or maybe stacking some fire wood. I haven't decided yet. Then I'm sure I'll watch the Bill's game, and maybe even drink a few beers.

All in all, it is looking to be a typical lazy Sunday here in Western New York.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable Sunday!

List for today:

1. Get off work -done 0831
2. Go grocery shopping for 1) cabbage soup, 2) meatloaf 3) buy "Frozen" cereal for the kids to piss off SWMBO (act of love) -done 0845
3. clean the RV (in laws coming)
4. tune up Mt Bike - Need exercise...
5. do the laundry (because once I get going, you can't stop me!
6. take a nap
7. listen to the King's Hockey game
8. read a book

something like that... Enjoy Sunday!
Work 6 hours, maybe just 4.
Brew a blue moon clone for the wifers.
Clean my desk.
Write my new sponsor child from the Phillipines, Lorelei.
My first sponsor of 9 years, Jocelyn, graduated in July.
Definitely gotta clean my desk some more. Gotta put away some more bottles to make space on the fermenter stand for a 2 gallon pail I'll be brewing gallons of malt vinegar in soon.
Good morning all, and aren't we an ambitious bunch today. Finally rolling out of bed and off to what might be my final baseball day of the year if we lose two games back to back. I am not saying that i see that happening, but stranger things have happened.
Have to hustle and get dressed or i wont have time to stop at dunkin doughnuts on the way.
I hope everyone has a great day.
Starting off slow this morning. Big brewday yesterday.

I could tell you about all the things my brain thinks I'll be doing today, but instead, I'll tell you all the things my body will actually do today.

Bed shopping. Would never have suspected a mattress could cost up to £11k (about $16700) apparently it is hand stitched and made from the wool of lambs that have only ever been washed in perfume.
Don't forget it was probably sewn together with the raven tresses of virgins.

My sunday is going to be lazily spent. We just had a minor blizzard last night, so the odds of a plane coming in today are low. Best part is, i'm unionized, so I get paid regardless.
Just rolled off the wife then fixed the kids breakfast. Gonna have a shower then breakfast myself. Then it's tarp the boat shed for winter for a deep north winter. The wife wants to move the bedroom around to better suit her. Then 6 gallons of cider will be started then some beers and relaxing.

Since Saturday ended with me getting called into work until 4:30 this morning, today's plans include catching up on some sleep. Slept for about 4 hours, then went to son's usual hockey practice. Nap for a bit shortly, go to kids birthday party from 1-3, then watching football, having some beers, and then brewing up a few things that I planned for yesterday.

Let's hope today's plans don't get screwed up...
I am disappoint.

The weather is refusing to cooperate so that I can see the full eclipse of the super-moon tonight. I was gonna set the camera up last night, for positioning & whatnot, but it's been rainy & cloudy all weekend and isn't supposed to let up until Tuesday.

I am enjoying the cool days (finally!) but the next full eclipse of the super-moon won't be for another 18 years... and really, my chances of being here then are dropping dramatically with each passing year.
This Sunday morning finds me up early. Our 1 year old grandson spent the night with us last night. :D It's a bit cool in the house, so I started a fire to warm things up a bit.

We had diner at my mother in laws last night and my folks are due here for breakfast in a couple of hours. I don't really like to share the boy that much but the great grandparents get to see him even less than we do.

The day will be spent chasing him around, at least until someone younger gets here to take over. Then I'm sure grandma and I will need to relax the rest of the day. I'm sure there will be at least one football game on, and the annual Fall Foliage Festival is wrapping up in town today. Likely we won't have time for getting there before it's all shut down and a muddy mess, so I'll do my best to talk the wife into skipping it again this year.

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!

Early morning, nice cool air, if a bit damp. Coffee poured, car packed. Going to pick breakfast burritos up on the way to the parking lot. Tailgating to bring in about an hour!
Landscaping part of my back garden so that I can move the garden bar down on to its own hard standing before the winter. Coffee and bacon butties before the hard graft should see me through.
Working again this Sunday morning. Later it will be cleaning house & trying to get ready for company. I've got about a weeks worth of cleaning to do & less than 24 hrs to get it all done. "Hey we're going to be in town tomorrow, thought we'd stop by; we've been planning this for over a month, but didn't tell you till the day before we get there." :smack:
Hope your day is better than mine. Regards, GF.
Unseasonably cool here in Florida, I"ve got all the windows open for the first time in months. Got up early to have breakfast and a pot of coffee. Got a ton of chores done yesterday so I don't feel guilty about taking today as a day of rest.

May get out on the motorcycle to enjoy this great weather, or I may just lounge around all day.
Everton v. Liverpool and then Arsenal v. Manchester United.

Keg of dry stout.

Sunday morning.
Making breakfast in a bit, then gonna try to get my son's ice skates sharpened before his first hockey game of the year. Right after that, driving out to the in-laws for an October fest party to drink beers, eat some wurst, and watch football. Enjoy your day guys!
It's nice and cool this morning. Looks like it'll finally be dry, too. A nice fall day shall be enjoyed.

Starting my day hovering over my coffee, and enjoying some Cab Calloway. I feel like I may actually accomplish something today, so I'll go ahead and say that I'll make some Italian bread, keg a brown ale, and do some garden clean up. There may be more, but no sense psyching myself out before I even begin.

Enjoy your Sunday, all.
This Sunday morning is starting off clear and cool. The weatherman claims it's supposed to be another nice October day. I'll likely spend it cleaning up from a small party we had yesterday, cleaning up the shop after finally getting my MG's motor back in and running, or maybe I'll just go cruising on my new utv. We'll just have to see. Later we are off to spend the afternoon shopping for the grandson's first birthday.

But first I need to get my poultry fed, and some breakfast made. French toast and bacon sounds about right!

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday.

Just started making a big pot of chili, probably make a batch of spent grain bread to go with it.

This afternoon I'll be cursing at my TV as the Bills inevitably blow a very winnable game against the Titans. I'll probably enjoy a few HB brown ales and a couple microbrews throughout the day as well.
This Sunday morning is cloudy, cool, and lovely. I plan to get some fish and vegetables going in the crockpot and some spent grain bread in the bread machine. Then I'm off to watch my Lions hopefully get their first win of the season. Not totally sure why I like to torture myself by watching them every Sunday... But I do. Even go out of my way to see the games now that I live out of state.
This Sunday morning is starting off clear and cool. The weatherman claims it's supposed to be another nice October day. I'll likely spend it cleaning up from a small party we had yesterday, cleaning up the shop after finally getting my MG's motor back in and running, or maybe I'll just go cruising on my new utv. We'll just have to see. Later we are off to spend the afternoon shopping for the grandson's first birthday.

But first I need to get my poultry fed, and some breakfast made. French toast and bacon sounds about right!

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday.


Just went through our Grandsons first birthday. May I suggest a big cardboard box filled with balloons? He will love both of them and spend hours crawling after balloons and climbing in and out of the box! Take the money you did not spend and stash it in a college account.....he will never know and thank you later.
Just started making a big pot of chili, probably make a batch of spent grain bread to go with it.

This afternoon I'll be cursing at my TV as the Bills inevitably blow a very winnable game against the Titans. I'll probably enjoy a few HB brown ales and a couple microbrews throughout the day as well.

Ah, the soul crushing life of a Bills fan...

Drinking some coffee after getting to sleep in, then taking my son to hockey practice. The misses decided I will skip watching football and take our kids out to a pumpkin farm this afternoon. ****! Beers will flow when I finally get back home.
Yes! Friends bailed on going to the pumpkin farm. Maybe I can watch football after all! :D

Same thing I'm doing everyday: packing the house and listing stuff for sale.

I should have done this years ago. I put my 5 glass carboys up for sale yesterday. It hasn't been 24 hours and I've sold two and have a sale pending for the other three.
Up at 5:30 to brew an amber. Pitched yeast at 10:10, changed clothes and went to church. Watching the Bears game. Why do I torture myself? Hopefully Fox can get us turned around next year. Cleaning off the deck and getting it ready for a neighbors afternoon after the game. It will be mid 70's and sunny. Going to sit, visit and enjoy some home brews. It will be my first taste of two IPAs I kegged a couple days ago. Had them on 30 psi for 30 hours and then set at 12 psi this morning. Probably not quite there, but good enough for a taste. Dinner will be burgers on the grill. All in all a good day. Cheers everyone!
Up at 5:30 to brew an amber. Pitched yeast at 10:10, changed clothes and went to church. Watching the Bears game. Why do I torture myself? Hopefully Fox can get us turned around next year. Cleaning off the deck and getting it ready for a neighbors afternoon after the game. It will be mid 70's and sunny. Going to sit, visit and enjoy some home brews. It will be my first taste of two IPAs I kegged a couple days ago. Had them on 30 psi for 30 hours and then set at 12 psi this morning. Probably not quite there, but good enough for a taste. Dinner will be burgers on the grill. All in all a good day. Cheers everyone!

Sounds like my day love it !
Easy start to the day. Curled up on the sofa with my 10 year old watching old episodes of Scrapheap Challenge for some daddy daughter time.
I spent the day yesterday with 8 kids, less than 3 years old, and their parents, at my grandson's first birthday party. Can anyone say,"utter chaos". Wow, someone needs to figure out a way to harness the energy of a toddler, and the worlds energy problems would be solved!

Today will be spent a bit calmer, with 4 coon hound pups in a training session. No less energy, but half the number, and something I'm a bit more used to. The chaos of bawling hounds is somehow more preferable to me, than a house full of someone else's squealing kids. I wouldn't have missed his party for anything, but still I can't wait until he can come running hounds with me.

Later, I need to put some brakes on my wife's car and at some point I will sit down and watch the Bill's lose another game, while I enjoy a couple home brews. I should put some time in, in the tree stand, but there just won't be any time for that today.

All in ll, a great weekend. I hope everyone else has as good a Sunday my weekend has been.

How I loathe those mornings when my mind is much sharper and ready to go than my body is.

I'll be heading out to the grocery store before coming home and dealing with the last of this year's garden offerings. Some family is coming by this afternoon, so a bit of a cleaning is in order. I've got several carboys whose current occupants need my attention, so hopefully will be able to attend to them. A saison potentially needs bottled, a braggot needs sampling at the very least, and a barleywine needs racked to secondary and oaked. Somehow, I am determined to get all of this done.

And I need to go buy some Mad Elf, now that it's out.
Brewing an 8% DIPA with 15 oz of hops this morning. Struggled with my mash temp because it's so cold out, but it turned out alright. Getting ready to sparge now.
No brewing for me today folks as I will be headed to the worlds most famous arena Madison Square Garden for Rangers v. Devils at 1. First game of the season for the SWMBO and myself and very much looking forward to it!

Have a great Sunday everyone!

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