Local Swap-o-Rama #2, Bomber style!!!

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I vote for cans because there a variety of brands and styles in my area, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't participate in a different type of round.

If you're going to do away with the preferences, I would probably make it style based. It would be a bummer to send a beer someone didn't enjoy, even though I'm sure the recipient would be gracious. Perhaps you can allow people to exclude one style? So a person could say, send me anything but hefeweizen (or whatever style they don't like). Only one thing to keep track of and everything else is fair game.
I vote for cans because there a variety of brands and styles in my area, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't participate in a different type of round.

If you're going to do away with the preferences, I would probably make it style based. It would be a bummer to send a beer someone didn't enjoy, even though I'm sure the recipient would be gracious. Perhaps you can allow people to exclude one style? So a person could say, send me anything but hefeweizen (or whatever style they don't like). Only one thing to keep track of and everything else is fair game.

yeah i'd agreed too, maybe a style round, that way the receiver doesn't end up with a bunch of styles they really don't like. personally I voted IPAs& DIPAs, but that's a hop head talking! As far as what to send I think a can/12oz mix is nice kinda like round 1, it allowed to send mostly cans to keep shipping costs down but allowed those who didn't have lots of cans available to still participate.

If you were feeling ambitious or got the OK from the mods for assistance you could have multiple swap-o-ramas going at one time if you went with 1 style per swap. But that might be a lot to keep track of at once.
My vote goes to a "everybody send beer to Mikeysab" round. That guy is rad.

But on the slight chance we dont all agree to that, we should have a list of 3 styles we want or 3 that we don't. Or we could do a poll once all the participants are in for top styles and whatever the top 2 or 3 are, thats what we send.

For me, cans only is a limiting factor, and please.....no ipa's.
Nice haul!

Looks like we are nearing completion of this swap o rama! 3 packages in limbo and 3 yet to ship.

For next round, I'll take some input.

I'll likely do away with the whole preferences thing.

Im ok with eliminating 1 style like someone said, say NO sours but cant really pick a style that i would want a whole box of, that or we can do any 12oz above 8%

Other than that. Would people be up for a porter, stout, and sour round? Cans only? Another ounce limit? IPA's only? Throw out your suggestions as I like to get thoughts from everyone.

Like earlier would like to not have a SINGLE style limit but if its 3 mayb 4 i think that would help. Ounce limits still gives the chance of someone getting something there really dont like, even though im down for anything im partial on this one. Im cool for another "vessel" shipment wether it be cans or 12oz.

I am thinking cellaring the oatmeal stout, do you know if it ages well, at over 9% ABV I figured it would sit well. Thank you so much Michael, I collect brewery glasses so the extra is very much appreciated!!!

That stout is great fresh, haven't had it after a good cellar but im sure its a great candidate.

Not to be an arse but only the "bombers" in this one are valued ~30$, and no HB?! Something else we have to make sure we stick to regarding rules to make sure no one gets left out here, extras are great and heady is awesome but that glass was free and the heady is 3.50 once again im sorry not trying to be an arse lets just stick to the limits!

I vote for cans because there a variety of brands and styles in my area, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't participate in a different type of round.

CANS!!!! This is what im leaning to also, distro around me just started getting insane with cans, specially with summer there portable and fun to drink from!! lol

If you're going to do away with the preferences, I would probably make it style based. It would be a bummer to send a beer someone didn't enjoy, even though I'm sure the recipient would be gracious. Perhaps you can allow people to exclude one style? So a person could say, send me anything but hefeweizen (or whatever style they don't like). Only one thing to keep track of and everything else is fair game.


If you were feeling ambitious or got the OK from the mods for assistance you could have multiple swap-o-ramas going at one time if you went with 1 style per swap. But that might be a lot to keep track of at once.

Do you know what TheMan goes thru just to run this swap?!?
Lets stick to one for now until everyone can get all the rules down also!! lol
My two cents, since you asked...

The simpler the better. People can decide whether to participate or sit out a round based on the theme.

Barrel Aged
Senders favorites

Just a few examples...
Not to be an arse but only the "bombers" in this one are valued ~30$, and no HB?! Something else we have to make sure we stick to regarding rules to make sure no one gets left out here, extras are great and heady is awesome but that glass was free and the heady is 3.50 once again im sorry not trying to be an arse lets just stick to the limits!

:( sad to hear that, still happy with what I received and excited about heady. I do wish a bottle of homebrew was in the box.

It all works out in the end though.

I would vote either cans or sender picks with no preference. Picking out style is too limiting for local beers IMO.
The only thing I regret is not sending any homebrew. When I got home from VT I noticed it was out (had a Dipa with conan and a Belgian IpA I wanted to send). Still haven't been able to refill it since I had epidural injections in my back weds and have been out of work since and not able to leave the house. I actually dropped off the packages on the way to the procedure.

Once I get my CO2 filled I'll have no problem sending my guy some of it.

Last note...drink that Heady soon. Canned Sunday from what I was told at the brewery and its def better fresh. Enjoy!
The only thing I regret is not sending any homebrew. When I got home from VT I noticed it was out (had a Dipa with conan and a Belgian IpA I wanted to send). Still haven't been able to refill it since I had epidural injections in my back weds and have been out of work since and not able to leave the house. I actually dropped off the packages on the way to the procedure.

Once I get my CO2 filled I'll have no problem sending my guy some of it.

Last note...drink that Heady soon. Canned Sunday from what I was told at the brewery and its def better fresh. Enjoy!

Was not trying to be a pest i know we all have limitations one way or the other just pointing out some rules were not followed. Also they can mon tues and thursday...there not even open sunday...

They were closed Sunday but canned since it was the Sunday before the Fourth of July. Out of about 5 of the workers mouths there while I waited over an hour in line.

On a side note heady is gonna even harder to come by now with a 2 case limit for the rest of the summer. Enjoy!
I think the idea of only listing one style absolute most two that you do not like in a trade is more than enough. I have found at least one beer in EVERY style I have tried. I think the rule should be a no $ limit. With the sender being required to send 4-6 different styles depending on an amount that sounds reasonable to everyone. A perfect example of why this no $ limit would work is the heady topper and the borris barrel aged. The heady topper was only 3.50 but is still a heavily sought beer for many hop heads. It would be unfair to not send it due to being cheap. On the other hand the Borris BA was around 19 bucks for one. In reality I spent 60 when the limit was 40. I believe there should only be set minimums leaving the choice of what and how much to send. This insures everyone having a great feeling about the beers they're shipping. Meanwhile the person receiving is HIGHLY likely to find at least a couple good to great. To me all the fun in a swap is the mystery and surprise. Maybe it's just that i didn't get enough Christmases with santa but their is nothing better than opening a box that you have no idea what is in it and find something truly awesome inside. :D
Extending the styles is a great idea. Newer locals don't bottle much and what they do is pale, stouts, ipa. Extend the style a bit and more bottles I'm sure the recipient can't get can get in there.
The only part I left out and most important is any style you send is required to be your favorite of that style. Obviously in some instances you may have to send a second favorite if a beer is not obtainable. If a participant can not locate their favorite they should have a side note when shipped of what the real favorite was and why it could not be sent.
Count me in for the next swap. Cans are a bit limited in Cali. There is only 1 local micro that cans. Which would be golden road brewery in LA and ballast point.
Yeah, cans are a bit tricky here in san diego, but I can offer bombers with the best of them.
Do you know what TheMan goes thru just to run this swap?!?
Lets stick to one for now until everyone can get all the rules down also!! lol

I know it's lots of work that's why I suggested maybe assistance but by all means 1 swap at a time is enough in my opinion its not like there are months between them now. Just throwing out ideas.
There should be a deadline to have all beers delivered. If you dont make the deadline, you don't get to join the next one. Now I understand people are busy and have important jobs and families. But it isn't fair to people who get their beers out early then have to wait around to get theirs in. As an example, theres still someone from the last one that didn't get their package out. Thats BS.
That's part of the reason I got stuck a bit here. Wanted to get my pack out ASAP but ran into a few situations. My guy is happy though and I'm sending him homebrew once I can get it out of the damn cornys (no gas).

TheMan deserves a lot of credit especially since I shipped to him in the first round and FedEx 'damaged' my pack. I sent another pack shortly after and even more should have been delivered today but he wasn't available.
My two cents, since you asked...

The simpler the better. People can decide whether to participate or sit out a round based on the theme.

Barrel Aged
Senders favorites

Just a few examples...

This is it right here. .... people can just not join if they aren't into the current guidelines
I say The Man decides as it looks like we have all voted for one of the categories he mentioned. We all seem to want a different category so i think any that he decides will fill up quick
coldcrash said:
My two cents, since you asked...

The simpler the better. People can decide whether to participate or sit out a round based on the theme.

Barrel Aged
Senders favorites

Just a few examples...


Although it might be really hard to find a let alone multiple examples of BA or sour for many local scenes.
Here's a handsome lineup of bombers that I just unpacked, all the way from Sacramento, CA.

View attachment 133495

I was a little concerned as I approached the box on my doorstep; looks like somebody may have been curious about the contents:

View attachment 133497

But an expert pack job kept the curious at bay!

View attachment 133499

All arrived safe and sound. Thanks Andrew! Very excited about all these beers--they look great!

Glad they got there! I did a much better job packing this time. :D

Odd that someone would try to tear open an amazon box.
Glad they got there! I did a much better job packing this time. :D

Odd that someone would try to tear open an amazon box.

Yeah man! Couldn't be more stoked about the beers you selected. Simtra and Drakonic are the only ones I recognize and I've wanted to try them both. The others look great too; without looking them up, I'm guessing I have some smaller locals and I'm really eager to check them out!

Thanks again! :mug::ban:
There should be a deadline to have all beers delivered. If you dont make the deadline, you don't get to join the next one. Now I understand people are busy and have important jobs and families. But it isn't fair to people who get their beers out early then have to wait around to get theirs in. As an example, theres still someone from the last one that didn't get their package out. Thats BS.

WOW that's ridiculous...
WOW that's ridiculous...

Well, he sent a package. It broke though. And he has yet to re ship. Giving him some time to make good on it. The guy who was supposed to receive it is all okay with the situation so far. In the end, things will be made right.
It kind of depends on why he hasn't re-shipped yet. This isn't a cheap thing we're doing here. Between shipping and the cost of the beer, each swap has cost $100. If someone is on a tight budget, I can understand not being able to re-ship. But if he's just being lazy about it then he shouldn't be allowed to participate in the future.
It kind of depends on why he hasn't re-shipped yet. This isn't a cheap thing we're doing here. Between shipping and the cost of the beer, each swap has cost $100. If someone is on a tight budget, I can understand not being able to re-ship. But if he's just being lazy about it then he shouldn't be allowed to participate in the future.

Unfortunately no way to know for sure. I've not heard from the guy in weeks. Even sent a few pms. I honestly feel that if a person has good intentions they would be keeping me up to date and at least let me know that its still on his radar. Not just disappear...

And if there is important stuff going on, that's all good and I understand. But you should also realize that someone spent their hard earned money to ship you beer....and you've not reciprocated. Not much kindness in that act if you ask me.
And just so everyone understands. The package that I was talking about is from the last swap o rama. NOT from this current one.

And there should be 3 packages received today...four if you count indytruks plans...
Unfortunately no way to know for sure. I've not heard from the guy in weeks. Even sent a few pms. I honestly feel that if a person has good intentions they would be keeping me up to date and at least let me know that its still on his radar. Not just disappear...

Then it's pretty clear what the situation is, at least to me.

That is just not cool at all.
I'll bet money he created a new account and is posting like a madman. Personally, I would pm a mod and see if his ip address popped up on another account.
That def sucks. I also had a package break but reshipped and kept in constant contact. Now just trying to see if fedex drank all the beers or there are a few salvageable.
On a positive note, someone should be receiving my package today! And its not just my wife hahaha.

this....made me die at work. CLASSIC!! hahahaha

I'll bet money he created a new account and is posting like a madman. Personally, I would pm a mod and see if his ip address popped up on another account.

Txbrew, or any admin for the matter should be able to trace his IP and see if any other usernames are running on the same one.

Really sad to hear about this situation, maybe make it only supporting members on these swaps so we know everyones legit...?
maybe make it only supporting members on these swaps so we know everyones legit...?

that would exclude a lot of willing and able participants, just because of the misuse of one person on the SWAP. If anything, make it available to supporting members AND those who have the 100% iTrader feedback :D
Came home to this..


Hanger 24 dipa
Hurricane deck dipa
Bootleggers rustic rye ipa
Eagle rock populist ipa

And a mystery homebrew!

that would exclude a lot of willing and able participants, just because of the misuse of one person on the SWAP. If anything, make it available to supporting members AND those who have the 100% iTrader feedback :D

It was 5 and i was running out of work didnt get to reread my post and clicked submit. Now that i look at it, it would be excluding A LOT of members specially in the first and second round, but something like 100% feedback would be good. Not that ive ever seen anything below 100% or a negative score but the sure fact they theve gotten ATLEAST one package to someone and know the rules of sending...

Or im getting to crazy about this, all i know is i wouldnt want to be the one stiffed....

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