HOWTO - Make a BrewPi Fermentation Controller For Cheap

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By the way how would I figure out what IP Address the MYSQL Server is using in a VM. I installed it via the command line directions.


What VM provider are you using? I am going to assume VirtualBox.

What flavor of Linux are you running? I am going to assume one of the Debian flavors.

Jump on a command line and type:
ps aux | grep mysql

It should return a bunch of processes. If it doesn't it means the daemon isn't started, start it with: (as root)
system mysqld start


Should see something like this:

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:BE:AE:5F
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:febe:ae5f/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:534 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:11 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:24692 (24.1 KiB)  TX bytes:710 (710.0 b)

That means the ip address of you VM is, mysql is running on port 3306 by default.

You won't be able to see it from outside your computer because that is not addressed to the outside world. If you want to see it from the outside (which I don't think you do) let me know and I will show you how.
Thankyou. I am actually using VM Ware 10. I would be using virtual box, but why not use a full feature system when you can get it free. (My Community College has everything virtualized. Thin clients everywhere so it is provided free as a learning tool).
The flavor is Debian Wheezy.
I am able to get to the the lamp using the default loopback
If I remember correctly I need to go into config files in to the lamp and modify a couple of admin files with a static IP.
Wow! I'm still trying to figure out what size hole to drill in the stopper for my thermowell and how to hide a chest freezer from my wife.


Smaller the better so you have no leaks, I know my brewers hardware thermowell fits snug in a standard hole drilled for an airlock
Has anyone had problems getting the image for the brewpi. I go Here get this and see this a bunch of hex code. I am guessing i copy the hex and past into the interface on the Arduino. Also I am pretty sure I missed something. when I go to the brewpi interface using my loop-back i get it works but it is the default no data.
Has anyone had problems getting the image for the brewpi. I go Here get this and see this a bunch of hex code. I am guessing i copy the hex and past into the interface on the Arduino. Also I am pretty sure I missed something. when I go to the brewpi interface using my loop-back i get it works but it is the default no data.

When you get to the listing of the *.hex files, right click and 'save link as' and it will save it as a hex file. Alternatively, copy the full link address and use wget to grab it.
I was just given a Fujitsu C series Lifebook. I can now stop playing in a VM and install Debian on it and not have to give up my PI for this project. This thing in so it does not have the option to boot off of a USB. My first goal is to get a live version of Debian running. I am hoping I can get it to work. I have not run a usb live version of linux in some years so I don't remember if I run it in windows then install over windows or if I will have to locate some DVDs and install Debian that way.
Is 18AWG enough to wire this up on the AC side for my ferm chamber? The only two loads on circuit would be my mini fridge which has a max amperage of 6.0 and typical amp load of 1.5A. My heater is a 15 watt light bulb which is only .125A if my math is right. 18AWG is rated to 10A no?
For anything with load I used patch cables made from the power cable I used.

What size power cable are you talking? The c14 powersupply cables I have are 18AWG and I would like to use them but if anyone can convince me that 16 or 14 is better I will spend the $10.
What size power cable are you talking? The c14 powersupply cables I have are 18AWG and I would like to use them but if anyone can convince me that 16 or 14 is better I will spend the $10.

Honestly I don't know. I used an old power cable from a computer monitor. So if it is 18AWG do it.
Method to Make a public accessible version of BrewPi [.

Fuzze, 2 things

1. I can't seem to make this work on my system. I copied the code, made the php files, and placed them in the www folder. It still opens with full access. Any clue or hints?

2. Your website links to view your BrewPi seem to be dead. Were you using the free version of DYNDNS that they took away this month?

I bought the following DS18B20 probes, by chance has anyone else?

I was wondering if there are any wiring discrepancies with these probe leads compared to the advertised labeling?

I bought those same ones. I found that the wire colors aren't the same as in Fuzze's wiring diagram. I can't remember right now as to what they are. I'll have to look when I get home. They do work well though.
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I bought those same ones. I found that the wire colors aren't the same as in Fuzze's wiring diagram. I can't remember right now as to what they are. I'll have to look when I get home. They do work well though.

Awesome, thank you!
Fuzze, 2 things

1. I can't seem to make this work on my system. I copied the code, made the php files, and placed them in the www folder. It still opens with full access. Any clue or hints?

2. Your website links to view your BrewPi seem to be dead. Were you using the free version of DYNDNS that they took away this month?


I am away on vacation so I turned it all off :)
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Has anyone added a LCD or OLED to this yet? If so what and where did you get it from and how to install it?

Thanks guys cant wait to get this running!!!
So... I set one of these up...

I like the capabilities better than with Xively..

BUT - I have two chambers to control - One is my fermentation chamber (Which has both heating and cooling) and the other is my beer refrigerator which only cools. I'm beginning to understand that I need a 2nd Arduino to control the Refer (As chamber 2) - is that correct?
You just want a stc1000 to control your beer fridge. You don't need this type of control just for a kegerator or beer storage. For those you set it to a temp and never touch it again.
You just want a stc1000 to control your beer fridge. You don't need this type of control just for a kegerator or beer storage. For those you set it to a temp and never touch it again.

But just for grin's - if I did want to control the refer, would it reuqire a 2nd arduino?
But just for grin's - if I did want to control the refer, would it reuqire a 2nd arduino?

Yes there are instructions on how to do it previously in this thread, you have to install a second instance of brewpi on a different port is all.
You may find yourself needing a USB hub if running multiple Unos from a single 'Pi. The latter only has the two USB ports, and there isn't much point in doing all this if the 'Pi has no network connectivity. So sans hub you'd have to go with the hard-wired nic, and even then you'd have no keyboard/mouse (which I could live with but some might have a problem with that).

Which brings up the question: has anyone connected their Uno to a 'Pi through a USB hub with success?

And somewhat along the above lines...BrewPi expects to communicate with an Arduino via USB. I've dug through github and a few other likely places to look for such things and see no hint that BrewPi can manage an Arduino via an alternative connection.

Aaaand that means BrewPi likely cannot be run on an AlaMode - as the latter has no USB connectivity at all.

So there's a third reason why an Uno is needed for running BrewPi and RaspberryPints concurrently on the same 'Pi...

You may find yourself needing a USB hub if running multiple Unos from a single 'Pi. The latter only has the two USB ports, and there isn't much point in doing all this if the 'Pi has no network connectivity. So sans hub you'd have to go with the hard-wired nic, and even then you'd have no keyboard/mouse (which I could live with but some might have a problem with that).

Which brings up the question: has anyone connected their Uno to a 'Pi through a USB hub with success?


dont know... But I may be able to tell you soon! Maybe I'll hook a hub up and see what happens. I would think that an unpowered hub and two uno's connected to the pi might tax the 5V power supply on the pi... But a powered hub might be ok.
I dont see why it couldnt, although you may need to make sure its an externally powered USB hub. It should then show up as multiple USB devices on the Debian long as BrewPi has its own USB address for each Uno i dont see why it wouldnt work.

Passive hubs that dont take power probably wont work, i doubt one usb port can supply enough power for two unos without help.
You may find yourself needing a USB hub if running multiple Unos from a single 'Pi. The latter only has the two USB ports, and there isn't much point in doing all this if the 'Pi has no network connectivity. So sans hub you'd have to go with the hard-wired nic, and even then you'd have no keyboard/mouse (which I could live with but some might have a problem with that).

Which brings up the question: has anyone connected their Uno to a 'Pi through a USB hub with success?


What about SSHing in or using VNC to control it from your desktop/laptop.
What about SSHing in or using VNC to control it from your desktop/laptop.

Right - that's essentially the "almost headless" alternative to a keyboard/mouse. I use WinSCP and Putty from my W7U workstation to manage my wee machines - VNC is enabled but typically not necessary. As long as the user is comfortable with that then that's one fewer USB port tied up...

I have tested a few different generic 4 port hubs they all work fine simply plug and play.

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Has anyone had issues with the switch actuators showing up? The temp sensors showed after I replaced my 4.7k resistor. It does show other devices under the device manager however they show as unknown.
BrewerJack where do you assign them to channels? Is this in a config file or within the maintenence panel somewhere?
BrewerJack where do you assign them to channels? Is this in a config file or within the maintenence panel somewhere?

In the maintenance panel where your seeing them as unknown, find the ones that are on the proper pins, Pins 5 and 6 (may show up as D5/D6), and assign them to Chamber Heater and Chamber cooler.
Go to Maintenance Panel > Device Configuration.

Refresh device list. You should see a list of Installed and Destected devices. I assigned Device 2 to Slot 2 and Device 3 to Slot 3 and they both came up as Device Type: Switch Actuator after I did that.

EDIT: They should show up as Arduino Pin 5 & 6
Then they show as device type switch actuators once they are assigned to either chamber heater or chamber cooler?
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