Mr Yuckmouth

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Apr 18, 2006
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I work with somebody who has a dog who $hits in his mouth every morning. At least so I think....

Been tempted to tear out a page in the phone book with dentist names. The thought being to stuff it in a wal-mart bag filled with the following; toothbrush, tooth paste, floss and mouth wash. Then hang it on his door to his office.

If he wasn't such a dick of person I'd tell him about it myself.

This guy's breath is so bad you can tell he was in a room long after he left. Its almost as bad as leaving a stray fart.

Do any of you have coworkers who could make you hurl? It seems at this job that nobody goes to a dentist, more than a few people are in this classification.

How can one get through the day without knowing this? It astounds me....
Oh Gawd.... I know what your talking about. I worked with this guy for a couple years that could almost knock you over...
What gets me are these are key people in leadership positions so you can't avoid the face to face nastiness.

Luckily I'm on the same managerial level....
Leave a box of Altoids with a bow on it on his desk. If he doesn't take the hint, go with the toothbrush & mouthwash & such. Regards, GF.
If it is that bad it is probably not a dental hygene thing. It could very well be a digestive problem that there really isn't much that can be done.
Thank God I have a poor sense of smell.

But I agree with data, it is very likely to be a digestive problem. It could also be a dental problem, but that is rare today, as most dental problems that would cause that would be very noticeable to the person and they would most likely have seen a dentist by now.

Still, you certainly would like for them to be aware of it and at least try to rectify the problem.
I used to work with a guy who couldn't live without a cigarette in one hand and a cup of (very strong) coffee in the other. I would personally watch this guy brush his teeth a minimum of twice a day, but he still had the nastiest breath. When it was at its worst, I would visibly stand back when talking to him and if that was enough, I would tell him that it really was that bad. Not trying to be an ass, but just explaining it.

Point is, sometimes you just gotta be a dick like that. Never been in any kind of managerial spot so I wouldn't know about those kinds of politics. But even if he is a jerk about it, maybe its time to take one for the team. I'm sure there are others who complain as well. And if they know you stood up to him, I'm sure they'll back you up when he retaliates.
One of my best friends in high school used to drink a lot of coffee and smoke a lot of cigarettes before school. He didn't particularly like it when I nicknamed him "sh!tbreath."
I used to work with a woman that left the smell of her vagina on my penis every day.

It didn't worry me at first, but when my wife started to smell it too? Well then it was a problem. Vaginas are like teeth, they need to be scrubbed hard daily with an industrial angle grinder if only to keep the divorce rates lower.
I used to work with a woman that left the smell of her vagina on my penis every day.

It didn't worry me at first, but when my wife started to smell it too? Well then it was a problem. Vaginas are like teeth, they need to be scrubbed hard daily with an industrial angle grinder if only to keep the divorce rates lower.

My day was total crap, until I read this post. Now just crappy, but atleast I'm laughing!
Despite the reputations computer geeks have, I never ran into a problem like this in 40+ years. Some stale sweat occasionally, but that's about it.
I work with a guy who has nasty breath as well as killer BO..... It's a really potent combo.
It's beyond disgusting.
i know the answer to this one. the **** mouthed guy's manager is supposed to pull him aside and tell him he smells like ****, and it'd effecting others.

go to his boss. ;)
Had a VP at my last job w/ swamp breath, whenever I went by his office I stopped at the door and the smell was bad there. He left a lingering stench when he left the room too.