You Plug it You Plunge It

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Sep 6, 2013
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Lake Jackson
So my wife told me today that I'm a jerk and an ******* because she plugged up the toilet and I told her she had to plunge it. I personally grew up in a house that had a rule that if you plug it you plunge it so I have applied that rule in our home. Anyone have an opinion on the matter? I'm try to prove that I'm right on this one so does anyone agree or disagree?
I believe if you break it you fix it. Watching coworkers try to fix some things on occasion ends up in it being unfixable and requiring replacement entirely. With that said it's kind of difficult to break a toilet.

Usually when toilet clogs arise the person who did it tries to fix it because it's overflowing onto the floor. That is undesired operation and best stopped ASAP.

Like the old Meatloaf song

Because there's so many new Meatloaf songs...:p
I weigh, and eat, twice as much as my wife. I have never clogged the ****ter. She seems to poop stones. I do all of the other crappy jobs around the house, so I plunge it.
If you are looking for approval to be a dick, you aren't going to get it from me.
Plumbing is usually a guys job. so just get the plunger and get it over with.
If she doesn't appreciate your efforts at plumbing and whatever else you do, that's something you should try to work out with her.
Do you and this gal "got it goin' on" or not?
Does she support your brewing efforts and other things you are into?
If you really treasure her companionship, friendship and love, then you shouldn't
worry about doing a needed household task.
If you are looking for approval to be a dick, you aren't going to get it from me.
Plumbing is usually a guys job. so just get the plunger and get it over with.
If she doesn't appreciate your efforts at plumbing and whatever else you do, that's something you should try to work out with her.
Do you and this gal "got it goin' on" or not?
Does she support your brewing efforts and other things you are into?
If you really treasure her companionship, friendship and love, then you shouldn't
worry about doing a needed household task.

I'd rather be happy than right. On the other hand, I don't tolerate people who call me names.
Interesting. My instinct (and assumed everyone else's) when I realize a toilet is clogged is utter panic. I immediately feel the need to FIX the problem before it floods out on to the floor. I can't really conceive of the idea that I'd just expect someone else to clean that up for me. And to be called an ******* for not being willing to clean up someone else's ****? Odd.

On the other hand, if this is someone you care about and want to spend the rest of your life with then shut up and clean up her **** if that's what makes her happy. That's probably BJ cred right there bro.

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
That's probably BJ cred right there bro.

Yep, that's it in a nutshell. The OP IS correct BTW, but if it ain't too bad, I'd plunge it; I'd also expect something in return, BJ is a good start. Nothing in return? Then next time she plunges it.
How long have you been living together? Maybe you should have covered this in the roommate agreement. How has this not come up previously.
My wife and I have an understanding. She takes care of the house work, like cleaning and dishes, etc. She wants it this way. I get yelled at if I try to wash my own dishes and am prohibited from the laundry room.

I, on the other hand, fix stuff. I would gladly unplug the toilet. Not that I like playing in the toilet mind you but there are benefits. Example, If I want a BJ or anything else, it's there for the asking. This after 40 years of marriage.
If you are looking for approval to be a dick, you aren't going to get it from me.
Plumbing is usually a guys job. so just get the plunger and get it over with.

Equality bro! Women fought for years to get equal treatment. Don't go pulling that "guys job" stuff on me.

Funny related story. Was sweeping the warehouse when a different department manager came over and asked for me to lift something and her department was swamped. Exact quote "It's heavy and that's a guy's job." Follow up "Sure. Here you go. <passes broom> Sweeping is woman's work." You know that look of "I'm not too happy at the moment but can't do anything because you're right." Yeah one of those.

Sorry but can't stand one way equality.
Plumbing is usually a guys job. so just get the plunger and get it over with.

Last time I plunged a toilet, I don't recall using my penis to do it...

Kind of reminds me of this:

My wife and I have an understanding. She takes care of the house work, like cleaning and dishes, etc. She wants it this way. I get yelled at if I try to wash my own dishes and am prohibited from the laundry room.

I, on the other hand, fix stuff. I would gladly unplug the toilet. Not that I like playing in the toilet mind you but there are benefits. Example, If I want a BJ or anything else, it's there for the asking. This after 40 years of marriage.

Very similar situation here.. my SWMBO truly enjoys taking care of me and making sure that I'm happy and content. Granted, while she's tending to house stuff, I'm building garden beds or painting the garage, or refinishing the kitchen or brewing beer(!!), but it's not gender-based roles.. it's the fact that she doesn't have carpentry skills or know how to brew (outside of the basics).

If she asked, yes, I'd plunge the toilet. But not with my penis, and not for "BJ cred", because I get that anytime, anywhere. However, I've never had to plunge the toilet for her, because she's got no problem doing it herself.

Now if only I can instill in her that the toilet paper goes OVER the roll, and not UNDER... then we'll have made progress. ;)
Equality bro! Women fought for years to get equal treatment. Don't go pulling that "guys job" stuff on me.

Funny related story. Was sweeping the warehouse when a different department manager came over and asked for me to lift something and her department was swamped. Exact quote "It's heavy and that's a guy's job." Follow up "Sure. Here you go. <passes broom> Sweeping is woman's work." You know that look of "I'm not too happy at the moment but can't do anything because you're right." Yeah one of those.

Sorry but can't stand one way equality.

That would be the exception. You want to be equal, then be equal, not just the stuff you want to pick and choose. Luckily I have an "old fashioned" wife. Also luckily, she likes my beer. She made some room in the pantry and hall closet for my brewing stuff and insists on doing all the washing of the brewing equipment.

When I was doing the civil service test for the police dept. part of the test was running an obstacle course and at the end you had to climb a 6 foot wall then drag a 200 pound dummy 10 yards. None of the women could do it so they made the wall 5 feet and the dummy 150 pounds. I weigh over 200 pounds so I am SOL if I need help and she's the only one there.
That flow chart raises more questions than it answers.

You clog, you plunge sounds good. Until you wind up with a broken shutoff valve, the handle of the plunger stuck in the crappy crapper, and turds floating down the hallway. Sometimes you just have to go by who's better at what.
I'm not of the opinion that gender has anything to do with cleaning up your own mess.

If you plug it, you plunge it.

I had a child (a girl) who was known for her "two week specials". She had plugged toilets in motels and everywhere else. When she was little, the closest parent fixed the problem. When she was old enough, she was taught how to do it herself.

Being a male (or female) has nothing to do with cleaning up your own mess. If I go out in the yard, and make a big mess in the yard with leaves and rocks while making my rock garden, I don't expect a man to go out there and clean it up. If he makes a huge mess in the kitchen cleaning his veggies from the garden, he cleans it up. No one is someone else's servant.
So you wont chase your wife's turds? What would you do if the hottie from next door asked you to chase her turds? I'll unclog for my wife, but not for the hottie next door or others.
This isn't about turds or toilets. Name calling and seeking justification on the internet - these are signs of a more serious relationship problem. But what a prefect metaphor: too much crap, and crap stops working.
Maybe I am just old fashioned but Chivalry is alive and well at my house.
I always open the door (including car door) for my wife or any other woman. When traveling with a female co worker I always carry their luggage. I tend to the big stuff like mowing the lawn fixing vehicles and carrying wood. And if the plumbing breaks for whatever reason I fix it. I am sorry but the people who use equal rights most of the time use it to rationalize their selfish and or lazy ways.
I don't hear them using this argument to beg to do more dishes, laundry, cleaning or grocery shopping.

I personally believe men and woman are different in nature but equal in dignity.
So that all being said get your lazy ass off the couch and treat your wife with a little love and respect.

I actually do quite a bit for my wife. I am the predominant cook and cleaner in the house. And to be honest I usually wind up taking care of plunging for her but this was the 3rd time in 3 days and its always related to her excessive use of toilet paper so I was tired of it. Seriously half a damn roll almost at a time. Plus i really dont consider plunging a toilet plumbing, removing a sink drain to clear out hair might be close to a line called plumbing but I do that too. So this post was really a tounge and cheek post but something I do kind of believe should be true you make a mess you clean it up.
No one is someone else's servant.

I hear what you are saying but in this situation, it has nothing to do with anyone being a servant. It's teamwork. My wife is very good at the things she does, and sometimes I am too. We work together, help each other.

My wife could not fix a broken lamp, and you wouldn't want to wear anything after I laundered it. Not that each of us couldn't learn, it's just that we are comfortable in our arrangement.
Maybe I am just old fashioned but Chivalry is alive and well at my house.
I always open the door (including car door) for my wife or any other woman. When traveling with a female co worker I always carry their luggage. I tend to the big stuff like mowing the lawn fixing vehicles and carrying wood. And if the plumbing breaks for whatever reason I fix it. I am sorry but the people who use equal rights most of the time use it to rationalize their selfish and or lazy ways.
I don't hear them using this argument to beg to do more dishes, laundry, cleaning or grocery shopping.

I personally believe men and woman are different in nature but equal in dignity.
So that all being said get your lazy ass off the couch and treat your wife with a little love and respect.


Well said. I'm with you on this, especially the equal but different.
wife never asked me to plunge for her but if she did I would. Not a big deal done a lot worse for no good reason. Wife does anything and everything for me n I'd do the same for her.
liked the post though, cause it made me think who would I be ok with plunging for. Besides the wife and kids I think everybody else is on their own.
Dear Toilet guy,

I've been married 25 years.

Let's distill this to it's essence:

Plunge the toilet now. Outcome: you're done. go have a beer. (wash your hands first)


Refuse to plunge the toilet . Outcome: Listen to her complain about you not doing it FOREVER.

Me - I'd just plunge the toilet.

You have to pick your fights in life. This one has no upside.


A broken man :D
Dear Toilet guy,

I've been married 25 years.

Let's distill this to it's essence:

Plunge the toilet now. Outcome: you're done. go have a beer. (wash your hands first)


Refuse to plunge the toilet . Outcome: Listen to her complain about you not doing it FOREVER.

Me - I'd just plunge the toilet.

You have to pick your fights in life. This one has no upside.


A broken man :D

That was really well put. Seriously.

I had a whole 'bother paragraph written and realized it wasn't as succinct and clear as this.

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew

Problem solved, and everything is cleaner and fresher. Its a bonus all the way around.
Dear Toilet guy,

I've been married 25 years.

Let's distill this to it's essence:

Plunge the toilet now. Outcome: you're done. go have a beer. (wash your hands first)


Refuse to plunge the toilet . Outcome: Listen to her complain about you not doing it FOREVER.

Me - I'd just plunge the toilet.

You have to pick your fights in life. This one has no upside.


A broken man :D

For the win.
Maybe I'm just weird, but I prefer to live under the self-imposed delusion that women do not poop. Sorry, I don't like to think that pretty dainty ladies do that. That's a disgusting thing that only us men do.

I will do anything to keep that fantasy alive, and I have made that fact clear to SWMBO ever since we started dating. If she ever plugs up the toilet (doing something unspeakable) and needs my help to fix it, then she had better concoct some elaborate lie about the man she was cheating on me with while I was at work doing it; otherwise, she's on her own.... :cross:

I will do my manly duty and fix anything that's broken in the house, but I need to keep the illusion alive at all costs.... :D
So my wife told me today that I'm a jerk and an ******* because she plugged up the toilet and I told her she had to plunge it. I personally grew up in a house that had a rule that if you plug it you plunge it so I have applied that rule in our home. Anyone have an opinion on the matter? I'm try to prove that I'm right on this one so does anyone agree or disagree?

Sounds like you need a paddle more than a plunger.

Yuo better hope if she gets pregnant it turns cesarian.
Maybe I'm just weird, but I prefer to live under the self-imposed delusion that women do not poop. Sorry, I don't like to think that pretty dainty ladies do that. That's a disgusting thing that only us men do.

I will do anything to keep that fantasy alive, and I have made that fact clear to SWMBO ever since we started dating. If she ever plugs up the toilet (doing something unspeakable) and needs my help to fix it, then she had better concoct some elaborate lie about the man she was cheating on me with while I was at work doing it; otherwise, she's on her own.... :cross:

I will do my manly duty and fix anything that's broken in the house, but I need to keep the illusion alive at all costs.... :D

Ohhhhhh man you are in for a real wake up call if you ever choose to experience the bodily functions of a pregnant woman. Don't matter how pretty or dainty they might be, they are still subject to being full of **** now and again.