Remember when...

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I remember all my color computers makin that same sound. Even when loading taped files. Was glad to finally get a floppy drive!
shelly_belly said:
I used a motorola KDT800 for many years at work to connect remotely to a host computer. It had a 2 way radio data network. If I was in a dead zone I would have to find a payphone and connect it with an acoustic-coupled modem so that I could update my service calls, order parts or send messages to coworkers. I once left it on top of my car and drove off. When I remembered and backtracked to find it, it was in the road and had been run over a few times. Still worked! We called them 'Bricks' because of their size, weight and how hard they were. These were replaced by RIMs devices which have today evolved into Blackberrys.

I remember when you could drop things and them not break. Or appliances would last more than 5 years. I can't think of one toy my 4 yo has that's not been at least partially broken after a few weeks except his hot wheels and he's not tough with his toys
I remember when a pair of boots would last me 3 or 4 years, I have to buy at least 1 pair every year now, often 2 pair. And why do my jeans always wear out in the crotch 1st? Jeans used to last a couple years too, now I'm lucky if they last a year.

I remember building a model plane, starting with a few sheets of balsa wood & tissue paper, cutting each rib, strut & spar, gluing it all together & covering the wooden skeleton with tissue paper; sprayed (or brushed) with lacquer to add strength to the paper & increase the overall strength. Then came time to paint it. Probably took me 3 weeks to build that plane & a couple of months to save up to buy the kit & paints.
Regards, GF.
I remember waiting for hours in line to see Empire Strikes Back. I also remember the first friend that got a CD player for his car. 4-5 of us crammed in his car to listen to it. Those were the days.
gratus fermentatio said:
And why do my jeans always wear out in the crotch 1st? Jeans used to last a couple years too, now I'm lucky if they last a year.

I still have a pair of jeans that I spilled red paint on during my sophomore year of high school. The knees ripped out about 20 years ago but you pay extra for that these days...
In my sociology class with a bunch of 18-20 year olds the teacher asked if any one knew the game king of the hill and I was the ONLY one who knew what it was. I thought of asking if they knew smear the queer but decided against it for fear of being expelled for bigotry
I remember laughing at my brother after he ignored my advice and bought an 8-track player. A few years later I just kept my mouth shut when he bought a Betamax player... :drunk:

Bet he had one of these, too.


If not don't feel bad it was a fad that lasted a month or so. Here's a finely written article to describe it

I remember my slammer was OJ in the slammer because it was around the OJ trial times. Also remember one kid went from dork to awesome in a week because he had about 300 pogs and a battle arena he brought to school. The next week when no one cared any more someone made fun of him and broke his battle arena and he became a dork again. The fun of middle school
In my sociology class with a bunch of 18-20 year olds the teacher asked if any one knew the game king of the hill and I was the ONLY one who knew what it was. I thought of asking if they knew smear the queer but decided against it for fear of being expelled for bigotry

We simply changed the name to stay out of trouble. Now it's called "smear the kid with the alternative lifestyle."
I remember watching Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. I remember when cigarette companies sponsored TV game shows. I remember when I found out (the hard way) that a fence could be electrified; I got zapped right in the armpit.
That horse had better sense than I did that day.
Regards, GF.
Apparently I must have been alive when dinosaurs roamed the earth. I recall the following:

Dwight Eisenhower's inauguration...BOTH times;
The controversy about voting for a Roman Catholic presidential candidate;
Air Raid drills in addition to fire drills in schools;
Life WITHOUT Daylight Saving Time;
Plaid polyester bell bottoms...for men;
Gasoline at 26.9 cents a gallon;
FOUR breweries operating full-force in Milwaukee!

I started reading Harry Potter SS to my daughter. She's 7, I figured she's old enough to appreciate the humor and handle the scary bits of at least the first 4 books.

I started reading the series on a business trip back in 1999.
I remember Markie Post!

There are times when I am glad I was born in 81. I got to see what my grandparents and my parents had from the 50's, 60's and 70's. (Including grandma's cloths wringer and grandpa's film reels & projector)

Other times it is hard to explain to my 11 year old daughter WTF was going on in the 80's...

Then you see the college kids dressing like they are in the 80's and all I can think is that wearing pajamas or sweats all day would look more respectable.

Twisted Sister.jpg


We simply changed the name to stay out of trouble. Now it's called "smear the kid with the alternative lifestyle."

I got to thinking about this post of mine on the children's game "Smear the Queer." Back in the day, we kids had no idea "queer" had any other meaning than "different, strange or weird." The kid with the ball was different from the rest of us because we didn't have a ball, so he was "it."

It was just an amped up, testosterone-infused game of tag. We just tagged each other a little harder than we did on the school playground. :D Harmless fun, really (bruises excepted). The only point seemed to be to wear yourself out silly as there were no points or winner. I'm sure our mothers appreciated us blowing off that steam outside and on each other even if it meant she had to go the extra mile to get the grass stains out!

So I guess all that is to say: I Remember When adults would just let us be kids -- blissfully unaware of the bigger picture of the proverbial "Million Stories in the Naked City" rather than burdening us with adult worries and our leaders' inability to apply common sense.
So I guess all that is to say: I Remember When adults would just let us be kids -- blissfully unaware of the bigger picture of the proverbial "Million Stories in the Naked City" rather than burdening us with adult worries and our leaders' inability to apply common sense.

This +1
We ran, we played from sunup to sundown, rain or shine, as long as the chores and school work was done!
Dirt clod wars, rotten tomato wars, hunting, fishing, trapping, snowball fights and snow forts, teasing each other with spiders and snakes and frogs and crawfish, accused each other of having 'coodies', drank real lemonade and didn't talk back to our elders, gave them the chairs and we sat on the floor.
Third that. No if you run around like that you have ADHD and put put on mind altering meds

Also queer was a vocabulary word for us in 4or5 grade. Was only different didn't think it was bad except my grandmother said some people were as queer as a 2 dollar bill

I'm only 32 this wasn't that long ago was it
I also remember ding dong ditch being called something else universally unacceptable now
Minor nitpick, but it did not have a 486 MHz processing speed.

It likely had an Intel 486 CPU, with a speed anywhere from 25 MHz to 200 MHz, but "486" was the CPU designation, not the clock speed.

It was the last in the "x86" line (8088, 8086, 286, 386, 486) before Intel changed to the "Pentium" branding.

Fair enough. I work with biological systems. Computers I hit with something heavy repeatedly and hope for the best. So if you say that is what I must have meant, then you are likely correct. :)
I remember watching Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. I remember when cigarette companies sponsored TV game shows. I remember when I found out (the hard way) that a fence could be electrified; I got zapped right in the armpit.
That horse had better sense than I did that day.
Regards, GF.

Apparently I must have been alive when dinosaurs roamed the earth. I recall the following:

Dwight Eisenhower's inauguration...BOTH times;
The controversy about voting for a Roman Catholic presidential candidate;
Air Raid drills in addition to fire drills in schools;
Life WITHOUT Daylight Saving Time;
Plaid polyester bell bottoms...for men;
Gasoline at 26.9 cents a gallon;
FOUR breweries operating full-force in Milwaukee!


Wow! you guys ARE old. I'm a bit younger but old enough to respect my elders. My kids are learning that; too many out there are not.

I can't say I remember cigarette ads on TV. I wish they would come back and replace all the insurance, drug and drug class action commericals though. Cereal commercial are still rampant. I bet the additives they put in kids breakfast cereals would kill a 50 year smoker in a month. What were the original shapes in Lucky Charms?

GF, I'm glad you didn't wizz on the electric fence. Ren and Stimpy taught me better.

26(.9). I thought that was a modern way to get an extra penny a gallon. Back then it would have made more sense when a penny (or a tenth of one) was worth something. Why not just put a whole number on something? I am smart enough to know that $14.99 is $15 dollars and I would give you the extra penny if you just advertised it that way and you would save money on ink printing all of those irrelevant numbers. Actually what the hell am I going to do with that penny?

I cannot remember it but there must have been a time when consumers weren't stupid and marketers did not treat them as such. I remember buying things that were worth the money I spent. I have to actually search and be so sceptical now so I don't get ripped off.

I remember when there wasn't a dumpster next to the exit at wallymart and all the other **** stores that sell worthless junk so you wouldn't have to fill your own trash bin at home. Wait, that's the future, I hope.

All in good serious fun:mug:
Whatever happened to Sugar Bear? For an animated cereal mascot, he was pretty cool...
So cool, he wore a turtleneck sweater with no pants. :D
Regards, GF.
Whatever happened to Sugar Bear? For an animated cereal mascot, he was pretty cool...
So cool, he wore a turtleneck sweater with no pants. :D
Regards, GF.

anything with the name "sugar" was determined to be deathly evil

Super Sugar Crisp, the cereal pimped by Sugar Bear became Golden Crisp
Whatever happened to Sugar Bear? For an animated cereal mascot, he was pretty cool...
So cool, he wore a turtleneck sweater with no pants. :D
Regards, GF.

I had to look it up on Wikipedia. Sugar Crips still exist in Canada.

Consumer Reports says the cereal is 50% sugar by weight. The rest is torrified wheat.
Remember when, if someone had a "scanner" available it was probably either an EMS scanner or CB scanner ... not a computer scanner.
(yep, just called on one of those. Don't need another one ... I've got 4 ripening in the basement already).
Remember when, if someone had a "scanner" available it was probably either an EMS scanner or CB scanner ... not a computer scanner.
(yep, just called on one of those. Don't need another one ... I've got 4 ripening in the basement already).

Remember when you had to buy 'crystals' for your scanner to be able to get certain channels? Good times.
A bit before my time, but ...
What did it mean when you came home from school in warm weather and saw on the ground a line of water going up the street, punctuated by periodic puddles??

They were flushing the water lines... Or kids playing in the sprinklers....

Ice truck delivery.

Remember when cars didn't come with seatbelts, passenger mirrors or radios that had even heard of FM, but did use a bumper jack?
Frigidaire electric stoves had fat coils when everyone else had skinny ones?
GE Refrigerators had a lazy susan built into them?

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