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Yesterday our son flew back home to Minnesota following a brief visit. He took this pic from the plane, sunset over the Rockies.

OK, that's really cold. 38F and light snow here on the S. Sound.

But what frightens me is the 15% indoor humidity. My skin starts cracking at about 45%, how do you manage?
This part of the world is basically a desert. The RH is seldom >30%. We don’t deal well with dampness.
-4 here in the Southern Colorado Rockies. Forecast is for a little colder the next few days. The old (1989) Geo Tracker complained a bit this morning when I fired it up for the weekly town trip.

Almost didn't get to town as an errant truck driver was following his GPS.... yeah, we are 22 miles off the pavement on a FS road. GPS often points people this way as a "shortcut" to Pagosa Springs. Except the pass another 10 miles further on now has chest deep snow! He got his truck pretty well stuck but with him rocking our friends threw his chains under the tires and he was finally able to get out.... yesvyou read that right. No he didn't PUT THE CHAINS ON while he could still move! View attachment 807885View attachment 807886
Really quite surprised that trailer doesn’t say SWIFT.
You can do some fun stuff at -40F! The one that seems to amaze Californians the most for some reason is frozen soap bubbles.

I think my personal favorite is pouring boiling water, but I can see how that might not sound as cool if you aren't there, surrounded by the resulting fog.
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You looking forward to the icy winds in a few days? We're supposed to see -40f.
So far, the wind has been mild. It’s dead calm right now. The current forecast predicts 15-20 mph tomorrow, then even colder, but with less wind Thursday. Low close to -40 Thursday night, high close to +40 on Monday. Eighty degree temp swing in a few days. Not unusual this time of year. OTOH, it keeps the riff-raff out. :cool:
So far, the wind has been mild. It’s dead calm right now. The current forecast predicts 15-20 mph tomorrow, then even colder, but with less wind Thursday. Low close to -40 Thursday night, high close to +40 on Monday. Eighty degree temp swing in a few days. Not unusual this time of year. OTOH, it keeps the riff-raff out. :cool:
I was afraid you were going to get worse up there! And the riff-raff aren't bothered by it here :(
I was afraid you were going to get worse up there! And the riff-raff aren't bothered by it here :(
I think what really keeps the riff raff away from here is the fact that we’re 180 miles from the nearest Starbuck’s. :cool:
Our house at the farm is a passive solar design. On the south side is a 14’x14’ wall of windows which act as a collector. It’s overcast today so the blinds are closed. A few minutes ago, while in the basement near the windows, I could see something moving through the gaps between the slats of the blinds. Turns out we had a curious visitor.
is he in season?

Our house at the farm is a passive solar design. On the south side is a 14’x14’ wall of windows which act as a collector. It’s overcast today so the blinds are closed. A few minutes ago, while in the basement near the windows, I could see something moving through the gaps between the slats of the blinds. Turns out we had a curious visitor.
View attachment 808272
Our house at the farm is a passive solar design. On the south side is a 14’x14’ wall of windows which act as a collector. It’s overcast today so the blinds are closed. A few minutes ago, while in the basement near the windows, I could see something moving through the gaps between the slats of the blinds. Turns out we had a curious visitor.
View attachment 808272

looks more like a pic from a 70's TV......?
You can do some fun stuff at -40F! The one that seems to amaze Californians the most for some reason is frozen soap bubbles.
View attachment 808261
I think my personal favorite is pouring boiling water, but I can see how that might not sound as cool if you aren't there, surrounded by the resulting fog.
You're right, my favorite thing to do at -40f is stay the f*ck inside.
Our house at the farm is a passive solar design. On the south side is a 14’x14’ wall of windows which act as a collector. It’s overcast today so the blinds are closed.
The whole southern side of our house is windows, and there's at least a strip of tile in all the rooms on the south. The sun heats the tile so that our heater rarely comes on before 10 PM, and then we shut it back off by midnight. I am also the "blindsmaster" in the house, deciding when there's enough sun to open the blinds and when it's time to shut each one.
We pass through the National Wildlife Refuge near Monte Vista Colorado on our way to town. That Refuge hosts huge flocks of Sandhill cranes during migration. They are usually here October into November then return February into March. Do they winter over near you?