Project 10der and Mild: 10 Milds in 10 days in Month 10

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Not a problem at all, I understand what you guys are trying to do and totally respect that. I know I'm not a supporter, YET. It's on my list of "brew things too do". We just founded Mississippi's first homebrew club last week, had a board meeting last night. Gotta pay those dues, build a wort chiller, spend time and money on new HB club, brew more bier, purchase another propane tank, purchase kegging equipment, brew more bier, and join/support HBT. Joining up is actually on my schedule for the first of next year!

Grinder12000 be on the lookout for a PM from me.

+1 to accept New Glarus in trade! They are damn tasty! I have 3x 6'pks from the last time I drove up to Madison.

The Rasp Tart is excellent, but might be out of season! ANY of their beers are excellent, and worth trading for! :D :D
Thanks Phillip.

I think the spirit of the swap is to test a brewers ability to brew up a clean tasting, servable beer in 10 days.

olllllo PMed me but I've been following this thread anyway. I love the Mild I made and I'll likely do another one in a month or two but I bottle mine and there's no way it could be done in 10 days. It took two weeks to carb in the bottle. Good luck, though - it sounds like an interesting challenge.
Tell ya what S.S., we can exchange bottles, since it'll be nice and cheap to ship locally :D

Mine will be ready mid-October in the keg, from which I'll be BMBFing it into bottles

Okay, I am too drunk at the moment to have read the whole deal...

and I have never done a swap...

But I am getting ready to rebrew my mild recipe anyway so, could be fun?

Am I too late?


yummy mild...
okay, then. was going to do 10 gallons. I'll do 5 now, 5 later...

I'll recheck when sober. yes. formerly zero...

I don't have my kegging kit yet so I can't participate directly.
However, I do want to do a mild again (I did one as one of my first AG brews). I think I may brew on schedule with you guys and see if I can't get a drinkable 14 day bottle conditioned mild. It sounds like a challenge to me.

that's the way anchor does their beers. that's what gave me the idea and i've been talking with a friend about it for a while. bought all the equipment a month ago but haven't had the chance to use it yet.

in the commercial biz, the name of the game is speed for fast turnaround. my bro made a vienna lager in 30 days that was simply AMAZING. it's all about the yeast ;)

anyway, what kind of mild recipes are we looking at here? here's my little red hen:

Little Red Hen Ale

A ProMash Recipe Report

BJCP Style and Style Guidelines

11-A English Brown Ale, Mild

Min OG: 1.030 Max OG: 1.038
Min IBU: 10 Max IBU: 25
Min Clr: 12 Max Clr: 25 Color in SRM, Lovibond

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (Gal): 2.50 Wort Size (Gal): 2.50
Total Grain (Lbs): 3.75
Anticipated OG: 1.036 Plato: 9.12
Anticipated SRM: 11.4
Anticipated IBU: 20.2
Brewhouse Efficiency: 67 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Pre-Boil Amounts

Evaporation Rate: 15.00 Percent Per Hour
Pre-Boil Wort Size: 2.94 Gal
Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.031 SG 7.78 Plato


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
40.0 1.50 lbs. Munich Malt Germany 1.037 8
33.3 1.25 lbs. Pale Malt(2-row) Great Britain 1.038 3
13.3 0.50 lbs. Crystal 55L Great Britian 1.034 55
6.7 0.25 lbs. Honey Malt Canada 1.030 18
6.7 0.25 lbs. Cara-Pils Dextrine Malt 1.033 2

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
0.20 oz. Fuggle Pellet 4.30 8.5 60 min.
0.20 oz. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 4.50 8.9 60 min.
0.20 oz. Fuggle Pellet 4.30 1.4 5 min.
0.20 oz. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 4.50 1.5 5 min.


Danstar Nottingham

Mash Schedule

Mash Type: Single Step

Grain Lbs: 3.75
Water Qts: 6.00 - Before Additional Infusions
Water Gal: 1.50 - Before Additional Infusions

Qts Water Per Lbs Grain: 1.60 - Before Additional Infusions

Saccharification Rest Temp : 158 Time: 60
Mash-out Rest Temp : 0 Time: 0
Sparge Temp : 170 Time: 5

Total Mash Volume Gal: 1.80 - Dough-In Infusion Only

All temperature measurements are degrees Fahrenheit.

i'm going to brew it up on Sunday, i think. i'm changing up the recipe a bit. i'm going to mash lower (at 155-156°F) and use S-04 yeast for more fruitiness, lower attenuation and more residual sugars. the "dry maltiness" that i taste from the high mash and nottingham could use some improvement.

EDIT: oh, this was a 2.5 gallon recipe, btw. I'm going to do a 5 gallon batch this time.
Here's a thought- maybe use one or two recipes for the swap. Say, Orfy's Mild Mannered and Jamil's Mild from Brewing Classic Styles?
i dunno...i'd kinda like to see other people's renditions of the style. i can always brew up those recipes on my own and we already do that stuff with some of the other swaps.
i dunno...i'd kinda like to see other people's renditions of the style. i can always brew up those recipes on my own and we already do that stuff with some of the other swaps.

Yeah, excellent point. This would be my first swap, so I was just thinking out loud.
I think I got it...

Batch Size: 5.00 gal

5 lbs 8.0 oz Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM)
12.0 oz Caramel Malt - 60L 2-Row (60.0 SRM)
6.0 oz Chocolate Malt (350.0 SRM)
6.0 oz Special Roast (50.0 SRM)
0.75 oz Challenger [6.00 %] (60 min)
0.50 oz Challenger [6.00 %] (2 min)

OG:1.035 SG FG: 1.009
ABV 3.33 % , 19.6 IBU , 19.5 SRM

60 min Mash In Add 2.31 gal of water at 171.1 F 156.0 F
Because I ws bored, I started a brew calenday here:
10der and Mild

Once your date is firm, you can send me updates and we'll document fermentation and shipping, etc.

I took your earliest brewdate or OCT1 if you didn't give me that.
Wow, olllllo you must be psychic. I have decided to brew on the 1st but I did not tell you that yet. :eek:

So I guess that means I will send it out on the 11th? or is it the 10th?

I assume this is going to be a dark mild yes? Do we need to post our recipe here I notice folks have been. I have never posted any recipes yet, not sure how to easily transfer the information but I'll figure it out.

I have been reading up on swaps but I am still a little fuzzy on the details. Is there a concise place I can read about how it works? Who sends to whom? How you send it? like that... I did read the stickies...

Sorry, I'm so clueless. :(
Zym: Here're some links on the shipping aspect of things:
Is it legal to send homebrew through the mail? - Home Brewing Wiki Beer Break - Shipping Beer
This is a good pictorial: How to Ship and Package Beer « Gowanus Brewery
I do the same thing he does, but with paper/foam instead of peanuts (I'm anti-peanut) and with one bottle per sheet of bubble wrap, not two.

Not applicable here, but here's the "official" go-round on international shipping and customs brokerage for the WBC: World Beer Cup - Competition Info

Here's the thread from the 08-08-08 RIS exchange, it has some good info re: swaps in general. A lot of it is copy-pasted from other various places.

Also if you go back to olllllo's first post in this thread, he links to the Policies, which are a good read too.

I'm going to set the signup deadline for Sept 23. Unless I hear compelling reasons otherwise... I'm going to stick with 4 (edit 3 was indeed a typo) beers each or 2 bombers.

Do we want a random trade with one individual or 2? I think three is excessive.

We sure could use 1 more participant to even this out. I have no problem doubling up if that is our lot.
I think 2 is fun, but I understand if the majority would prefer just 1 other. My shipping budget could use a little break for a while. (Still have 2 or 3 more RIS packages I'll be sending out for people who were shat upon, just been paying off the DHL bill from the last round.)
Tell you what... lets stick with 1.

Once we get all of the info in and together and the assignments designated, etc. We can always do a second round.
really? we're only get one other persons beer? i know it's a bit expensive, but that kinda seems not worth it. i'm still down, i guess. i'll have a ton of mild anyway.

also, shouldn't we do the usual 4 - 12 ouncers or 2 - 22 ouncers? why stray from all of our previous swaps...or was that just a typo?

anyway, i'm ready to keg my little red hen. i wasn't able to do my experiment with the natural carbonation...too much work right now.

if it's as good as i think it will be, i'll be ready to do the 10der and mild. i may have to change my schedule a bit as my vacation ended up longer than expected.

let's see...i will be out of town 3-13th. that kinda screws everything doesn't it? suggestions? should i start late or early?
I'll chime in too, but i'm a n00b to swaps.
I'd like to get feedback from at least 2 other people, so that's my vote. I have some of the pint plus sized bottles from anchor I was considering as my bottles, or some 16oz pet bottles. I'd be up for a 4-3-2 (4-12oz, 3-pint, or 2-22oz).
really? we're only get one other persons beer? i know it's a bit expensive, but that kinda seems not worth it. i'm still down, i guess. i'll have a ton of mild anyway.

also, shouldn't we do the usual 4 - 12 ouncers or 2 - 22 ouncers? why stray from all of our previous swaps...or was that just a typo?

anyway, i'm ready to keg my little red hen. i wasn't able to do my experiment with the natural carbonation...too much work right now.

if it's as good as i think it will be, i'll be ready to do the 10der and mild. i may have to change my schedule a bit as my vacation ended up longer than expected.

let's see...i will be out of town 3-13th. that kinda screws everything doesn't it? suggestions? should i start late or early?

Yes. Typo on the 3. Fixed.
If you would like to do more than 1, let me know. 1 is the minimum. That works right?
In other words, if you want to swap with 2 or 3 or all 10, that's how many names I'll put in the hat. I just have to ensure that you won't get yourself.
i'd like to swap two. what about the brewing date, thing? am i screwing everybody up if i do it later in the month?

No, it just means we receive our boxes from you a little later. The "ship within 5 days of bottling" is still applicable, so it means that we'll still be drinking a 15-20 day old Mild at the time of tasting. I think it'll work out just fine DB. :)
Man I really want to get in on this. I just happened to buy a Mild kit from Northern brewer and was going to brew it this weekend but could wait. I also just got my c02 tank and would actually be able to force carb, but haven't used it yet...I'm sure i could have it up by October....What pressures are you guys force carbing at? Let me think it over before committing though, don't wanna screw myself out of future swaps. I'll let you know by the 23rd ollo.
Actually, is it even ok if I use a kit? didn't think of that. Is this about creating the recipe too?

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