My first attempt at Mead. Please confirm my process.

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Active Member
Dec 19, 2020
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Dharamsala India
Hello friends!
This is my first attempt at Mead making. I have procured some nice natural raw honey direct from a honey collector. It has not been treated, not even filtered. Also has pollen. The temperatures here are low (around 11-13 deg C daytime, nighttime goes down to 4 degrees C). I want to make a 4L batch. I seek advice from elders to affirm I am on the right path please. Here's what my process will be.
Batch size. 4L
Honey 1.3kg.
Water 2.7 litres (alpine spring water from a rivulet)
Yeast .6 gms per litre (yeast procured online rated at 15% ABV
DAP 2gms staggered/step fed in 3 parts
Energiser 2gms staggered as DAP nutrient
Lemon juice 3 teaspoon
Campden powder 1gm.

Sanitise all vessels
Heat honey to 35 deg to make it runny and filter manually to remove contaminants like bee parts etc
Add 1/2 the water heated to 35 deg C to honey
Shake well to mix.
Add DAP, Energiser, Capden & lime juice. Shake well
Add rest of the water and shake till honey is well assimilated.
Check Gravity reading, Close lid and leave overnight without Airlock
Activate yeast
Bring must to 20 degree C (yeast pitching temp is mentioned on label)
Add activated yeast to must (honey water solution)
Pour from one vessel to another 3-4 time to introduce oxygen
Leave for a month with airlock
Check OG again
Transfer to secondary and leave for another 3-4 months with airlock.
I shall try to maintain temperature around 20 degC using a digital temperature controller & a heat blower.
Check FG
Taste, back sweeten if required.

Please educate me if the process sounds OK and fill up loopholes if any.
Thank you all for your time.

Kind Regards,
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