Most annoying response when you tell someone you're a homebrewer?

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I got something like that once. The ex neighbor's wife stood out front of the house,(summer,windows & door open) & she says on a cell phone "yeah,it looks like a meth lab or something!" to whoever she was talking to. Cops showed up at a later date,see my brewing stuff on the fermenter stand next to the comp hutch & no further problems. Particularly after explaining I don't sell or trade with my bottled brews. Besides that, does a yuppy from the right side of the tracks know what a meth lab looks like? Let alone the nastie chemical smells? DOOOUY!:drunk:

You know my buddy and I have joked about what people think when they drive by while we're brewing in the driveway. We always comment to each other when people stare "Don't mind us just cooking some meth over here!"

Honestly from the outside looking in the process looks a bit odd lol
I got the meth lab question posed to me, or,oh you like,that strong dark stuff, or you like that wired stuff, that really isn't beer is it? You like that beer thats as thick as ketchup! No thanks I'am not done living yet! No thanks, I,like the cheap cold stuff best. I started to tell them that I was going to take a case of their BMC and use it like the water it is, and brew a real beer with it and give it to them!! :0)~

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I got the meth lab question posed to me, or,oh you like,that strong dark stuff, or you like that wired stuff, that really isn't beer is it? You like that beer thats as thick as ketchup! No thanks I'am not done living yet! No thanks, I,like the cheap cold stuff best. I started to tell them that I was going to take a case of their BMC and use it like the water it is, and brew a real beer with it and give it to them!! :0)~

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using BMC as mash water, now that's a new one... and I'm actually tempted to try it
Radical Brewing has a bit about using the runnings from one batch as strike water for a fresh grain bill, so it's not unprecedented.

like Kombat says, would have to deal with the carbonation and pH

someone needs to DO IT! because SCIENCE!
I gave some to some friends once. I saw them later on, and asked what they thought of my beer. They started off with, "Well, we really don't like dark beer." I said, did you see the letters on the cap? That P/A meant pale ale. If it was dark beer, it would have looked like a coke.

Some people's children.
Well,if they watched breaking bad,then they'd know what I have isn't meth lab equipment. With these yuppies around here,stupid is as stupid does.
Are you really tempted to buy 4 cases of BMC for mash water? I would rather take the $80 and brew 3 or 4 batches.

I'll go out on a limb and predict that this won't be done. However, on another thread a while back, some folks were seriously considering using BMC instead of boiled/chilled water for yeast harvesting and storage. That is not a bad idea.
I'll go out on a limb and predict that this won't be done. However, on another thread a while back, some folks were seriously considering using BMC instead of boiled/chilled water for yeast harvesting and storage. That is not a bad idea.

Why wud anyone do that to yeast??

"Sometimes Im right half of the time ...."
It's a pasteurized product with a moderate alcohol content. Should be about perfect for inhibiting infection.
I was thinking of doing a one gallon batch just to see how it is! I can get enough BMC to do that for free.

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I was thinking of doing a one gallon batch just to see how it is! I can get enough BMC to do that for free.

Sent from my iPad using Home Brew

I'd like to hear how that turns out.

Here's another idea: use BMC for top off water on an extract batch. It's clean, clear, flavorless and boosts the alcohol a bit. I see some real possibilities there.
It's a pasteurized product with a moderate alcohol content. Should be about perfect for inhibiting infection.

alcohol is basically poison to yeast (and most creatures) Just because they can tolorate it, doesn't mean they like being in it. The best medium to store them in would be boiled, distilled water.
Distilled water could cause osmotic problems. Distilled doesn't mean inert.
alcohol is basically poison to yeast (and most creatures) Just because they can tolorate it, doesn't mean they like being in it. The best medium to store them in would be boiled, distilled water.

Had an interesting conversation with a rep from Wyeast about washing and storing their yeast strains after fermentation. His opinion was essentially to add boiled water to the yeast cake (if it was filtered that is good too) and store it that way. Also adding about 1/2 tsp of DAP to the whole batch of washed yeast would be good for storage. While Im sure there are other opinions on this, jus sharing what he offered.

"Sometimes Im right half of the time ...."
The argument for keeping the alcohol content is to inhibit growth of other organisms. Yeast handle alcohol much better than almost any other microflora.
the one that usually grates me a little bit is "what kind?"

once my mean old neighbor said "isn't it easier just to buy it?"

or that guy who starts on about how he used a mr beer once

generally, though, most people find it novel or interesting

"What kind" is the most common response I get.
I've herd most of the responses I just read throughout this thread. Funniest reaction I ever got was when I was just starting all-grain in my apartment garage. My set-up was a turkey fryer. A couple of Mormons (WITH ALL RESPECT) rode up to me.

Mormon #1: You shouldn't be doing that so close to the building.
Mormon #2: Yea, I've seen those things catch fire before!
Me: You've seen water catch fire before?

They peered in at my mash, looked up at me, and rode away without saying a word!
I've herd most of the responses I just read throughout this thread. Funniest reaction I ever got was when I was just starting all-grain in my apartment garage. My set-up was a turkey fryer. A couple of Mormons (WITH ALL RESPECT) rode up to me.

Mormon #1: You shouldn't be doing that so close to the building.
Mormon #2: Yea, I've seen those things catch fire before!
Me: You've seen water catch fire before?

They peered in at my mash, looked up at me, and rode away without saying a word!

In their defense, had you actually been deep frying a turkey in your turkey fryer, those things have been known to cause major fires. They may have assumed you had oil in there rather than wort.
So this next one goes in not because it's annoying in itself, but it does seem to be the most common response I get. "I've wanted to try that for a while, is it difficult?" I usually tell them that if they start with canned kits it's not much more difficult than making a jug of orange juice in the morning.
I've gotten moonshine questions and "Is it safe to drink?"/"Will it make me go blind?" a few times. Most people ask if they can taste it sometime. Then again, I work with Marines and Corpsmen, so free beer is always welcome.
I've gotten moonshine questions and "Is it safe to drink?"/"Will it make me go blind?" a few times. Most people ask if they can taste it sometime. Then again, I work with Marines and Corpsmen, so free beer is always welcome.

I get the moonshine response all the time... Just did a quick google search, and apparently people have distilled homebrew before... with mixed results (and messing up their stills). But anyhow, they always refer back to Moonshiners on TV.... yes, what I'm doing is exactly like some fake reality show.
I got the meth lab thing once. Idk how the upper middle class yuppies around here know what a meth lab looks like? Much less have it set up in the front room of our house?! The room was intended to be a parlor,but is now the comp room/man cave.
I can only think of one. That would be an eisbock or an ice distilled beer. Well, that and Bud Ice
Doo-be doo-be doo.


Is that a penguin?
I got the meth lab thing once. Idk how the upper middle class yuppies around here know what a meth lab looks like? Much less have it set up in the front room of our house?! The room was intended to be a parlor,but is now the comp room/man cave.

Too much Breaking Bad, probably.
I'd like to hear how that turns out.

Here's another idea: use BMC for top off water on an extract batch. It's clean, clear, flavorless and boosts the alcohol a bit. I see some real possibilities there.

No, can't do that. Some of it has an awful flavor.

(I forgot I replied to this one before.)
I've gotten moonshine questions and "Is it safe to drink?"/"Will it make me go blind?" a few times. Most people ask if they can taste it sometime. Then again, I work with Marines and Corpsmen, so free beer is always welcome.

I had a co-worker lay the "blind" thing on me once. The funny thing is, she was telling me about the wine she makes. I told her that I preferred brewing beer and she replied, "Yeah, but wine won't blind you if you screw it up."

I had to walk away at that point.
I had a co-worker lay the "blind" thing on me once. The funny thing is, she was telling me about the wine she makes. I told her that I preferred brewing beer and she replied, "Yeah, but wine won't blind you if you screw it up."

I had to walk away at that point.

I can imagine with that knowledge base, her wine is amazing!

"Sometimes Im right half of the time ...."
Person: "Oh you brew your own have you tried [insert trendy obscure microbrew name]?"

Me: "No I haven't. I don't buy a lot of beer since I make my own."

Person: "You should really try it. Have you tried [insert a different trendy obscure microbrew name]?"

Me: "No I haven't tried that one either. But like I said, I brew mostly my own recipes so I don't buy a lot of commercial beers unless I'm researching a specific style."

Person: "I can't believe you haven't tried it. It's so good. Have you tried [insert another different trendy obscure microbrew name]?"

Me: "No. What style of beer is it?"

Person: (blank confused look) "I don't know but it's really good."
Its annoying when I say that I have some home brew and would they like to try it and I get the response " As long as there's alcohol in it, I'll drink anything."

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