Is this the worst beer ever sold???

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magic hat #9 gets my vote as worst beer. i've had several bottles from several vintages and its all awful.
I think one of the worst commercial beers I ever had was a Redds Apple Ale. For me beer and apple don't mix. I used to drink really cheap beer with my brother on his boat in Lake Erie as a teenager. I forget what it was, but it was pretty much your cheap American lager in a can. Definitely not *bad* but nothing to write home about either. :)
Once upon a time I ordered a glass of...I think it was Avery's Hog Heaven. Sounds familiar. Many positive experiences with beers described as "barleywine" had made me careless.

I think I did in fact choke it down, but now I make sure to ask if what I'm ordering is actually a barleywine, or a misleadingly labeled IPA.

Had a bottle of Shipyard BBA Double Scottish Ale, recently, that was a huge disappointment. I don't know if the batch or bottle was infected or what, but it had acquired a pronounced sourness that swamped out any scotch ale qualities I might have been expecting. Other reviewers I've seen on Google mention sourness and general disappointment, but...

[EDIT]Adding: I've encountered two imperial stouts I disliked. The first was Mother Earth Brewing's, which had the body and mouthfeel of flat Coca-Cola and tasted like licorice and...actually that was pretty much it. The second was Cigar City/Amager's Xiquic and the Hero Twins, which pretty much tasted like wood. Not "wood-aged beer." Wood.
Once upon a time I ordered a glass of...I think it was Avery's Hog Heaven. Sounds familiar. Many positive experiences with beers described as "barleywine" had made me careless.

I think I did in fact choke it down, but now I make sure to ask if what I'm ordering is actually a barleywine, or a misleadingly labeled IPA.

Interestingly enough, it was the beer that saved the brewery, or so the tale on their tour goes.

(But many "barleywine" are hoppy these days - American vs. English)
There's a HUGE difference between English and American style barleywines

I know; I've had Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot and Anchor's Old Foghorn, and both of them are recognizably "barleywinish" big beers with a strong malt presence and more hops than I entirely enjoy. As opposed to "hopped to the point of '...wait, there's malt in this too?'"
But srsly, folks...the worst not-a-bad-batch not-a-style-I-dislike non-BMC-or-cheap-drunk beer I've ever drank has been Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat. I don't dislike American wheat beers, I don't dislike fruited beers / radlers / shandy, but I do dislike a beer that intentionally tastes like a handful of tylenol was ground up and dissolved into my glass of otherwise unremarkable beer.

I sh*t you not, I was just going to say this. Frooty Pebbles in a glass is really not a very tasty beer IMHO. Maybe not the worst ever sold but pretty terrible.

This...Fruity Pebbles flavor all the way. No bueno.
At the local Spring Beer and Wine fest a couple years ago I had some beet beer and it was like drinking dirt. Thank goodness it was just a sample size.

Was it by Doomsday brewing? I had a beet beer from them and loved 2 3/4 pints of it.....last 1/4 not so much.
I bought a single of Leinenkugels Sunset Wheat a while back and it tasted undeniably exactly like Fruity Pebbles. Glad to see I'm not alone in that assessment.

I've also had Swamp Ape, bought a single 12 oz bottle for something like $4 and while I didn't think the beer itself was too bad, I was rather put off by the fluffy off white coagulated-something-or-other that came out of the bottle and filled the bottom 1" of my tulip glass.

I definitely agree that Magic Hat #9 has this weird bad fruity taste to it.
I think one of the worst commercial beers I ever had was a Redds Apple Ale. For me beer and apple don't mix. I used to drink really cheap beer with my brother on his boat in Lake Erie as a teenager. I forget what it was, but it was pretty much your cheap American lager in a can. Definitely not *bad* but nothing to write home about either. :)

I agree that Redd's Apple ale is terrible, and while it technically is beer, I put it in the category of mikes hard and didn't even think of it for this thread haha. It is terrible though.
I've also had Swamp Ape, bought a single 12 oz bottle for something like $4 and while I didn't think the beer itself was too bad, I was rather put off by the fluffy off white coagulated-something-or-other that came out of the bottle and filled the bottom 1" of my tulip glass.

I definitely agree that Magic Hat #9 has this weird bad fruity taste to it.

Two things:

1. You drank the beer after "fluffy off white coagulated-something-or-other" poured out of the bottle as well? You are apparently far braver than I am.

2. I believe that terrible fruity taste is apricot extract. I'm not a fan.
1. You drank the beer after "fluffy off white coagulated-something-or-other" poured out of the bottle as well? You are apparently far braver than I am.

As a homebrewer, you're scared of a little bottle-conditioning sediment? (Also goes for OP)
I've had the Blood Orange Lambeek. I stand by my Ratebeer review (jesterdeal).

Someone brought a bottle to a tasting. I didn't know these guys that well and I literally thought they poisoned me. It BURNED all the way town and I immediately started to feel sick. Even the smell of this thing was noxious.

Having flashbacks...not in a fun way :fro:
As a homebrewer, you're scared of a little bottle-conditioning sediment? (Also goes for OP)

Not at all, but your description made it seem like it was not normal bottle-conditioning sediment. Plus I've done my best to block out Swamp Ape from my memory and thoughts forever so I didn't recall whether or not it was bottle conditioned.
I think one of the worst commercial beers I ever had was a Redds Apple Ale. For me beer and apple don't mix. I used to drink really cheap beer with my brother on his boat in Lake Erie as a teenager. I forget what it was, but it was pretty much your cheap American lager in a can. Definitely not *bad* but nothing to write home about either. :)

Ugh, so many people in my social circle have Redd's Apple Ale as their go to. I remember trying it on the advice of some waitress (I'd never heard of it), and thinking it was the worst aspects of BMC combined with the worst aspects of cheap artificially flavored cider, and somehow worse than the sum of its parts. I'm hosting a game night/small party tomorrow, and am gonna have to hold my nose and at least buy a six pack of that stuff for the folks who won't even touch my Centennial Blonde or Kölsch.

That said, I've at least had one good apple beer - Epic's Sour Apple Saison is dang tasty, although the apple character is very, very subtle.
Other gross ones:

Tiberian Inquisitor from 3 Floyds. We settled on the term "dumpter juice" to best describe that infected mess.

Tactical Nuclear Penguin/End of History/and the Eisbock Schorschbock 31%: all iced beers that taste like dogfood, teriyaki, and earthy mushrooms. Also all over 31% alcohol.

Kill all Golfers mead was really gross too. Like somebody made a Crystal Light Arnold Palmer and accidently melted a candle into it.

Love this thread btw.
I've had a few pints of Peacetree's Sour Mash / wild ale - probably one that doesn't get distributed very far. It took me a little bit to pin the aroma and flavor....I knew I had some sort of association to the flavor in my head and couldn't figure out what...

Then I got closer. "This" And then it hit me. It's very close to Burger King plain double cheeseburgers. Like a processed meat flavor.

Heh, I kind of enjoyed it though (like I said - a few pints. I went back for it). I had their Kiss From a Gose last night, and it had the same flavor (but this time it was "cut" a bit by the saltyness of a gose). I had a friend smell and taste it. He said it was just like the meaty treats he gives his dog. I could see either of them ending up in this thread with enough distribution exposure though.
A few of the sours from the Chef's In Black have a wonderful "spaghetti O's" tomato taste. Pretty embarrassing that they just release it.
Ugh... Sam Adams Raspberry Wheat. I'm sure many people like it because it's been around a while, but to me it tastes like stale, sour Robitussin
I will say the worst beer I have ever had the displeasure of tasting was not a basic BMC beer, but rather Swamp Ape Imperial IPA. It was in an incredibly expensive 4 pack, and I didn't have my phone on me to do any research while I was at the grocery store. They should've named it Swamp Ass. Floccing horrible. If you want to try the worst beer ever go find a bottle of it.

I posted this almost word for word more than a year ago in a similar post!!
A grocery store 6 pack, not particularly expensive, and terrible.

I've not had any others that were nearly that bad, out of 1042 unique ones that I've had. Not all to my liking, but none that BAD.
I agree that Redd's Apple ale is terrible, and while it technically is beer, I put it in the category of mikes hard and didn't even think of it for this thread haha. It is terrible though.

Actually, I believe their use of artificial apple flavoring and sweetener gets them classified by the federal TTB and many states as a "flavored malt beverage" rather than beer, and subject to different regulations.
I've had the Blood Orange Lambeek. I stand by my Ratebeer review (jesterdeal).

Someone brought a bottle to a tasting. I didn't know these guys that well and I literally thought they poisoned me. It BURNED all the way town and I immediately started to feel sick. Even the smell of this thing was noxious.

Having flashbacks...not in a fun way :fro:

Did you pick up any of those delicate notes of poopy diaper? :cross:
It sounds like the Malort of beers. Ever had Malort? Hot garbage. Anyone who says they like it is lying and should be kicked swiftly in the shins.
Did you pick up any of those delicate notes of poopy diaper? :cross:

Ha ha ha. More battery acid death and vinegar than poopy diaper, though I have not had the pleasure of tasting a poopy diaper.

"Does he actually have to use the word 'poopy'?" - Phil Conners.
Every beer they make is a D bomb...and I actually almost got a job there years ago...

High on my list for most overpriced garbage is this guy


I'm hoping we just got a crappy mishandled keg all the way out here in CO but good god it was terrible, like the booziest CTZ ipa you've ever had. At $10 a pint

The brewery is 2 towns from me so while I have never been there I have picked up a 4 pack at the local packy that was about a week old. It isn't $10 a pint good, but I wouldn't call it a bad beer, I'd grab another 4 pack of it some time... Then again I think the 4 pack was ~$10, most good 6 packs are in the $10 - $15 range here.

My worst commercial beer that I can think of is Rouge's Voodoo doughnut bacon (or something like that). It was a few years ago and to this day, all I remember is a horrible fake liquid smoke taste.
My worst commercial beer that I can think of is Rouge's Voodoo doughnut bacon (or something like that). It was a few years ago and to this day, all I remember is a horrible fake liquid smoke taste.

Oh man, good call. That was revolting and it just sat on the shelves forever.

Cisco's Rumple Drumkin was really gross too. Tasted like WD-40 and rubber tire.
Big Flats.

We did a supermarket beer shootout a few years back, and I didn't think Big Flats was all that bad.

This also started about a 6-8 month run where I primarily drank Hiland Ice (at $9.99 a 24-pk!) and played Skyrim. Not sure where those months went.