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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2013
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I haven't seen an "In-laws" thread, so if there is, excuse an additional one.

Anyone else out there that can't stand them? This has been 12 days of hell visiting them....

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I haven't seen an "In-laws" thread, so if there is, excuse an additional one.

Anyone else out there that can't stand them? This has been 12 days of hell visiting them....

My in-laws rock. My wife's in-laws suck though.
lol my father in law is the one that bought me my brewing equipment, so they're not all that bad!
My fil is awful he asked me all the time when am I going to brew some good beer? He only drinks BMC he also always asks to borrow money and he's a general pos I could fill an entire thread with his bs. Let's hear some stories op.

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No real horror stories as of yet since we don't see them often and my wife and I have only been married for 8 months. My wife and I live in Germany and they live in Canada.

My MIL is always complaining and an expert in everything. She will argue to the death to try and prove her point. The one thing that irritates the living hell out of me is that despite not being American or having ever lived in the states, she is a self-proclaimed "expert" in everything that is wrong with America (or Canada or basically any country that isn't Germany). The weather has been pretty crappy here during our stay and they gave us no options on things to do. We don't know the area (the middle of nowhere) and come to find out 2 days before we leave that there is a shopping center with a movie theater, some stores and restaurants like 25 minutes away. "Why didn't I look online," you might ask. Well, unknown to me, they have satellite internet that only works when the weather is nice, which it hasn't been, so I couldn't even look for things to do. They are also trying to sell their house so I somehow was wrangled into spreading 17 metric tons of gravel by myself (by choice, I told her to leave me alone), do their yard work and cut down trees for firewood to make the property look nice.

Now, I don't mind doing a little work here and there to earn my keep while we stay at their house for vacation, but the amount of crap they asked me to do was ridiculous and I finally just said no, I'm not doing anymore. Then the FIL making snide comments about me "sitting around" all day.

It's really just more irritating that we spent the money to fly halfway around the world to spend our vacation time like this. Maybe I just expected too much. When we have visitors, we always make sure they have options for things to do. We research and find fun things that they may want to do and always have back-ups in case of bad weather or something like that. Being inconsiderate is a real fast way to get on my bad side.

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PJoyce85...notice you're in Mainz. I used to live in Mainz-Kastel. Don't get me started on in-laws. I'll be here all night. Even the Pope would lose his patience with my brother-in-law!!!
The other night my brother-in-law calls me. Asks if I can give him a corny keg, hoses, regulator, co2 tank and 5 gallons of he can be my "official beer taster". He drinks Keystone or whatever is on sale. He wouldn't know good beer if it jumped up and bit him on his rear end!! He comes over to my house and when I'm not looking he's in my fridge sneaking bottles of beer to his car. Tells me he has to work the next day and he can't drink a lot, but would I mind if he took some beer home so he can drink it tomorrow! Sorry, I could go on and on.....just venting!!!
PJoyce85...notice you're in Mainz. I used to live in Mainz-Kastel. Don't get me started on in-laws. I'll be here all night. Even the Pope would lose his patience with my brother-in-law!!!

Oh, on the "dirty" side of the river ;)

My BIL is the same. Nothing wrong with vegans (to each his own) but if I want to enjoy a steak, then shut your mouth. I don't force steak down your throat so don't try to push your bean curd tofu cakes down mine. Did that sound sexual.....?

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My actual father in law is pretty cool as is my step mother in law. The dad's side are all pretty cool.

The mom's side of the family is filled with crazy people.

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< rant>

The in-laws do not drink and drop by uninvited multiple times PER WEEK. They always seem curious/interested in my brewing but I have heard them call me an alcoholic behind my back (because I have 1-2 beers after work).

The best (read: worst) part is they feel free to use our house to host any holiday parties and invite a huge amount of people over (who then come into my home and talk about how homebrewing is something only alcoholics do). My wife gets annoyed by it to an extent, but she thinks we are obligated to let them use our house whenever they feel like it.

< /rant>
wow I must have lucked out... my in-laws are just as nice as my parents (who are awesome). I do feel sorry for you guys that marry into a pool of ********...
Wow! I guess I lucked out. Someone once offered me the advice that you don't marry the wife, but the whole family... I am pretty sure it was given by my FIL. Go figure...
My in-laws rock. I could hang out with my Father in law and one brother in law all week and be good. The other BIL is a POS when it comes to life and his kids, but he's at least polite when he decides to come around to family events. I'd like to think my wife has pretty awesome inlaws for the most part. He father in law is a bit crazy at times, but her MIL, Step-FIL and Step-MIL are all awesome people :)
I feel sorry for those of you stuck with ****ty folks for the rest of your life!
wow I must have lucked out... my in-laws are just as nice as my parents (who are awesome). I do feel sorry for you guys that marry into a pool of ********...

Good thing we are separated by the Atlantic or I would never survive this side of her family. Like I said, my FIL's side is awesome. Great people, super fun and they love my beer. Her step sisters have boyfriends that I really get along with so it's pretty awesome. It is nice my wife really likes my family, as do I. Other than typical divorced parents drama, we get along awesome with my parents and my brothers.

So this morning at 830am while we are laying in bed reading, the MIL comes in saying she is going to leave to visit a friend (and we knew she was going). She asked if we could walk the dogs and we say sure no problem. We are under the impression she'll be gone a few hours. As she leaves she says there is a pizza in the freezer, see you at 4pm and leaves. The FIL is at work (understandable) and with the MIL taking the other car all day, we are sitting around doing nothing again! It is 3 miles to the nearest town which has a gas station, a restaurant and a lumber store. Son of a ......

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I consider myself extremely lucky. Met my wife in Mexico, I'm a JAM. FIL, since passed, was somewhat of an ******* but always very nice with me. MIL is like a traditional Mexican/Italian/Japanese wife. My wife is an exec for a Fortune 500 so she has lost her traditional side. The rest of my wife's family are great.

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My in-laws are great. More win people than beer people, but that's no big deal.

My only issue with them is their house is small. Smart square footage-wise and short/narrow doors. I'm 6'-5" and broad shouldered and feel like Shrek walking around.
Good thing we are separated by the Atlantic or I would never survive this side of her family. Like I said, my FIL's side is awesome. Great people, super fun and they love my beer. Her step sisters have boyfriends that I really get along with so it's pretty awesome. It is nice my wife really likes my family, as do I. Other than typical divorced parents drama, we get along awesome with my parents and my brothers.

So this morning at 830am while we are laying in bed reading, the MIL comes in saying she is going to leave to visit a friend (and we knew she was going). She asked if we could walk the dogs and we say sure no problem. We are under the impression she'll be gone a few hours. As she leaves she says there is a pizza in the freezer, see you at 4pm and leaves. The FIL is at work (understandable) and with the MIL taking the other car all day, we are sitting around doing nothing again! It is 3 miles to the nearest town which has a gas station, a restaurant and a lumber store. Son of a ......

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I'd go bang on their bed and take pictures. Leave them someplace that they'll find them after you leave...

I'm lucky. My MIL can get a bit crazy at times, but that comes with age (and genetics). My FIL is great. He'll drink our beer, but prefers his Coors Light. I have no problems with that (every beer has it's place).
My mother in law is a saint. Just about as close to Mother Teresa as you can find.
My father in law is a decent person, but he likes to veg out in front of a certain cable "news" channel for about 5-6 hours per day. It makes him crazy and he goes on never ending political rants. He eventually cools down, until he turns the tv back on.

I've learned to tolerate & ignore the political rants, but we occasionally do long car trips with them, after which, I need about 12 beers to aid in the recovery.
Thankfully I lucked out with the in-laws. My wife's parents rock. I can't be in a confined space with her sister for too long though...
My in laws are very cool, although it didn't start out that way, my FIL has always been a decent person, big guy, take no crap type of person, ex-Sergeant (decorated Police Officer) with a reputation as a "don't screw with this guy" type of guy, we get along well. My MIL is great now, it took about a decade of being married to her daughter for her to stop busting my balls, she had this old time notion that since I'm Italian, (she is Irish) I wasn't good enough for her daughter... She went as far as to try to screw up our wedding....grrrrrr....
Now we get along real well, we bust each others chops on a regular basis, all in jest of course, both my MIL and FIL enjoy the Beer and Wine that I make, and as an added bonus, my children (both in their 20's) get a kick out of mentioning that they are Italian to my MIL as often as possible, it drives my MIL nuts....LMAO!
My Brother in law is a real good guy, he would do anything for you, couldn't ask for better.

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