Bottle Bombs?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2013
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So I am on my first brew ever a India Pale Ale. I went out and bought everything I needed and did what I have read. Clean and Sanitize and again and again. Everything went well...I followed the recipe I was given without a problem...Well One. I dumped the hot wort into my Primary Bucket right after the boil. Brain Fart on my part so I quickly dumped it back into the pot and tossed in on water with Ice. Cleaned the bucket again and Sanitized again.

Once I had it all cooled down I dumped in back to the Primary and tossed the yeast in. I was told to sprinkle it on top and cover. All went well....The next day it started bubbling and going like it should. Opened it up and had a nice foam on top. I let it go for a week and checked on it. All together is sat for 7 days. I then had a clean sanitized glass carboy I siphoned it into. Dunno I have read there was no need to but I also read it would clear it up. While I was at it I took a Hydrometer testing. My O.G was 1.045 could have been off since I took the reading after I topped it off. This time after 7 Days I was at 1.020. After a few days I saw milky looking bubbles and some foam and a slight clear slime on top...No big bubbles or bad smells. Yeast kind of rested on the sides which I though was odd and when you moved the carboy it didn't come off. It kind of swayed like something was holding it on the sides. I took another test on the 11th day it came at 1.010 I tasted it and it seemed ok.

It had a slight carbonated taste and kind of burned my tongue a little. By the 14th day it had not cleared really. I took another test and it was still sitting at 1.010. With all of the reading around I figured I was ready to bottle.

I used a priming sugar calculator based on what beer I had left and proceeded to go with it. Bottling went well everything was clean and sanitized. No problems at all. I did notice the small amount left in the carboy kind of had a clear slimy substance twirling around in it. Today I checked on the bottles and Noticed that the yeast is stuck to the sides again and when I move the bottle it sways and looks like it is connected to a clear film. When I tip the bottle it breaks loose and floats to the top.

I started to think I had an infection so I decided to check a bottle. I used grolsch bottles. When I opened it I heard a pop like it was carbonated. So I dumped it into a glass to see what it looks like and to see if I could find this slime in it. The beer foamed when I dumped it and looks like it is carbonated.
Taste is still has a slight carbonated taste to it already after one night.

I was just wondering if anyone knows what is going I'm new to this as you can tell from my post and am deathly afraid of having bottle bombs. Is this a normal amount of carbonation to have after 1 day in there? Does any of this point to a possible infection and maybe bottle bombs?

One day in bottles? Leave it be my friend. The yeast and sediment will take a week or two to really settle to the bottom and another two to pack down and not budge when you move the bottles. Everything looks fine and it looks like you have a great beer there. 1.010 should be ok as far as finishing gravity goes, I wouldn't worry about bottle bombs unless you WAY over primed. Did you mention how much priming sugar you used? I wouldn't worry if you used the amount specified in the recipe you got.

The calculator I used said to add 4.23 ounces of Priming sugar for 5 gallons. Somehow I had 5 gallons on the dot even after moving it and testing so that is what I added. My local shop said 1 cup for 5 gallons going by the calculator it was under a cup.

And yes I know...One I was checking them out. I've been analyzing every little detail through out the whole process. I can't count how many times I have searched infection. What made me open it was the stuff around the sides. I saw a post where someone said spin it so I did and it seemed to be kind of stuck to a clear film and just swayed back and forth. When I tipped it I saw a part break off and float and that is what made me check it out. I was kind of shocked to see that kind of carbonation after a day and immediately started thinking if that is one day are they going to blow after a week or more. So far one beer but all good I will leave them alone for now and check on them in a week.
Leave it be, man!

When bottle conditioning, you're essentially performing another fermentation inside the bottle. It doesn't need to be pretty, or clear.

As CO2 is created in the bottle, it's released into the headspace of the bottle and then eventually absorbed back into the beer. The reason your beer foamed as much as it did when pouring it into the glass is because the co2 hasn't been fully absorbed into the beer yet.

Give it another 2 weeks, toss one or two in the fridge for a day, then try it. It'll be fine.
I understand your jitters, but you need to take your mind off the beer. I agree with others that it's likely fine. Since this is your first batch I recommend you go to the store and pick up some commercial beer, crack a few open and try to ignore your homebrew until it's truly ready.
Sounds good! Thanks for feedback. Ya I think I've been a little too worried about something going wrong. I'll just start focusing on what I want to make next.
I found that making a IIPA with lots of hops helped to somewhat mask my brewing imperfections. I'm getting better at brewing, of course, but until you are able to taste your various brews and compare them having known how each was brewed, it's still kinda like looking for the bathroom in the dark at a strange house. Outstanding beer can be made, but it's not quite as simple as throwing everything in a pot and stirring it.
I wanted to toss out an update. I decided to taste one to see how things change over time. Kind of taste at 1 week then 2 weeks and then on to 3 if needed. I can say that I was really shocked at the outcome!! The color has improved nicely and it looks real good in a glass. The taste was beyond what I expected...It was well carbonated and had a real nice taste going on! I had to keep myself from tossing more in the

It gives me a little more confidence in what I am doing now and look forward to many more.