Yeast Nutrients?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
Hazleton, PA
I'm inquiring as to what some of you use in this department? I'm always trying to improve my fermentations in any way. My LHBS guy is mainly a wine-o so he doesn't know too much on the beer side of things; pretty much why I use this forum!

What seems to work the best? How is it used? etc.

I'm currently an all-grain brewer if that makes a difference.

Any advice would be appreciated.
I would recommend nutrients for starters and high gravity brews. The most important nutrient for yeast is Zn.
I guess I am in a minority them as I always use in. In starters and in the main brew. I use the Wyeast nutrient and also servomyces. Although with the price of servomyces I have restorted to only using it on the biggers beers.
I started using the Wyeast nutrient in a starter last year. It was an incredible difference in the starter so I started using it in my wort as well. I can't really say I notice that my beer is better, it just seems like a cheap way to help the fermentation.
It's cheap insurance really unless you're doing heavier beers, Servomyces supposedly helps if you're harvesting yeast for repeated fermentation.
I always use it but I also brew high gravity beers about 90% of the time as well.
Good deal. It seems like there is consensus amongst the group. So far I haven't had much fermenting trouble, but I have a Wit in the fermenter that went really quick, I mean visual signs absent after <48 hours.

I broke my Hydrometer(AGAIN), so I'm patiently waiting on a refractometer from Brewmasters Warehouse(on back order).
From my understanding the nutrients are added during the boil, but I was just planning in advance so IF this beer went wrong, I have another tool under my belt to correct it moving forward.

I use DAP in my mead and non-beer fermentations. For beer, I've been using the Wyeast nutrient. I've also tossed a cooper's yeast packet into the boil to feed the good yeast. :D Batch did really well. I'm almost out of the Wyeast nutrient. I'll get some more since the next two batches (after this weekend) are going to be big ones.

BTW, smarek82, I got my refractometer from Bobby_M... If he has them listed as in stock on his site (or PM him) then I would cancel the other order and place it with him... Support a fellow HBT member after all. :rockin:
I freeze my yeast cake (washed) in ice cubes trays and add a couple of them at boil. Works fine as yeast nutrient.
I don't use a nutrient, but rather I just toss in a teaspoon full of baker's yeast during the last 10 minutes of the boil. It seems to help get a strong fermentation.
I borrowed a hydrometer and my wheat came down from 1.052 to 1.015. Mashed at 150F so 71% attenuation is good, but low for wyeast 1010. I gave it a little shake and the airlock started up again, so hopefully it will drop 2-3 gravity points to get me where I want.

Normally I would have done a starter for a beer >1.050, but my efficiency was better than expected(anticipated OG 1.045). I think I will try the yeast nutrients from here on with my beers I don't use a starter for.

Thanks All...