WLP 400 Fermentation Problem

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Air Garcia
Sep 20, 2012
Reaction score
Just had my first attempt at making a Wit on 12/14. This was a 5 gallon batch with an OG of 1.055. I made a huge starter (ferment 2-3 day and crash method), added 30 seconds of O2 and 1 minute shake, added nutrient, started at 68 degrees for the first 40 hours. During this time I had good krausen with moderate bubble action. I took a reading at that time and had only budged 13 points--to 1.042. I then gave it a swirl and bumped up the temp to 70 on Monday as we left for vaction. I returned today (Friday) to find no bubble action, still a good amount of krausen but only down to 1.040. I have no idea what the heck the problem is as this was a lower gravity wort, plenty of nutrient, plenty of O2, decent temp, and the starter was pretty crazy strong. Since this was my first attempt with this yeast and with nearly 50% of the grain bill flaked wheat and some oats I don't know if I am missing something.

This was a Jamil recipe found online:
Well, it has only been 6 days, right? This particular strain can take a while to ferment out, and it's not uncommon to have to give the yeast a rouse a time or three before it makes it to FG. Keep rousing the yeast every couple of days and hopefully it will eventually get down to where it should. I think I'd also bump the temp up another degree or two.
I currently have a wit brewing with this yeast, and its on day 11 and still fermenting.

I fermented at 68 for a while then slowly ramped up to 71 over 3 days....still sitting around 71 and still making some nice c02!

This one takes a while, but it's already smelling amazing. Let it do its thing and have patience, young grasshoppa.
I have used this strain a few times with same frustration. It is a very lazy yeast! Just keep shaking/swirling that krausen back down a few times a day. It will keep going, so don't sweat it! Great results.
First time I used that yeast my wit was still slowly bubbling at 3 weeks. It's just a very slow yeast. Wit turn out fantastic and what my friends didn't steal, they drank. I've since used it once more with the same results. Give it about 3 weeks and swish the fermenter every few days
Yes! I followed all of your replies and the fermentation has been kick-started again! It's been going all day and I have a 4-5 inch krausen once again. I ramped up the temp to 73 (hope taht is not too high) and gave it a good stir without splashing but enough to get the yeast back down in the wort. I have never been able to restart a fermentation that appeared to slow to a crawl. Thanks for all your suggestions, fellow-brewers.