ulcer and stressed

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2013
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Was diagnosed with an ulcer today, starting meds in the morning.
For the past 2 weeks I have had stomach aches just before and after eating to the point where I just lay down. All food has become unappetizing. The though of a beer is actually revolting. I tried to drink a brew over the weekend and it did not go well. The doc said the meds should take a few days to kick in. I am hoping a homebrew is on the horizon.

I am sure others have had issues with Ulcers, How long before the healing started? Did alcohol upset it like mine seems to?

I was also prescribed anti anxiety meds. Nothing I have to take daily but a half of pill when I start to feel so overwhelmed and that I must support others.

The past 3 weeks have been constant ups and downs that I have not been able to let go. Little things I have no control over that I let pile up in my brain. I so want to get back into my happy self and into brewing again. (working out has not helped like in the past)

I feel a mess:drunk:
But anticipating the help from meds and support from family and GF (hopeful soon to be fiance' )
I'm sorry man. I have never had an ulcer but I have been prescribed anti-anxiety meds on an as needed basis before. Let me tell you, the meds are a life saver when it feels like the entire world is resting on your shoulders. I don't take them any more but the relief they gave was amazing, no noticeable euphoria but the relief of not worrying about every little thing that doesn't matter was euphoric in its own way. I hope the all the treatment you are getting helps you out and I am glad you have family and a woman to lean on in your time of need. Good luck!
Brew some stuff that needs age (barleywine, scotch heavy, saison). Look forward to them while you heal.
My wife was diagnosed with acute gastritis last year. Not quite the same thing, but similar I guess. It came on pretty suddenly and unfortunately, all of the classic trigger foods (spicy stuff, citrus, dairy, caffeine, alcohol) make up like 75% of our diet, so isolating the culprit took some time. In the meantime, crackers and chicken noodle soup were about the only things she could keep down. Eventually, she figured out that coffee and particularly alcohol made the symptoms come on the worst. She abstained from both for 3 weeks or so (man, was she grumpy ;)) and saw the doctor to get meds, but she was still pretty miserable the whole time until the flare-up ran its course.

She'll still have a few days here and there where it will flare up again, and she usually limits her alcohol consumption to 1 or 2 in a sitting. If she starts feeling bad again, she'll take a couple pills and it usually prevents the irritation from getting out of hand.

Best of luck, man. Hopefully you can get back to enjoying the beer you love soon.
I was diagnosed with an ulcer as a kid. They gave me antibiotics for Helicobactor Pylori in the gut. I also started having anxiety issues at the start of adolescence. Ulcers can be caused by the bacteria, or my certain meds, or one or two other things. Stress increases stomach acid and affects your stomach muscles, pushing acid up the esophagus.

Meds for combating the bacteria are effective if necessary, and meds for stomach acid reduction are great if necessary. Lowering stress is a must if you recognize you have a problem with it and it's affecting your health, home life, or work. There are therapy options that can really be effective, and as a last resort, meds for mood enhancement.

Caffeine can increase stress and IMO even help trigger outbreaks. Alcohol is not good for your stomach if you have ulcers. You should be ok drinking low ABV beers if you limit yourself in quantity.

Once you get a handle on the ulcer, make sure to eat lower acid foods, and don't overeat. Get plenty of rest/sleep and try to get on an exercise program. All of these things contribute to a better chemical balance in your body and more peace of mind.

And again, don't be afraid to seek out a competent professional who you can visit a few times to talk about your problem AND who can offer ways to reduce your stress. They can really help.
That sucks, sorry to hear it. The meds will heal it up pretty quick and you'll be your old self again. Give yourself a break and relax, we all go through times that require rest.

Thanks all for the concerns. I will say the Anxiety meds have helped greatly! Or my chill pills as I like to call them. I have not freaked out once this week and spending time with my GF and her little girl has been more enjoyable than ever. I feel the ulcer is healing but still there as alcohol and high acid food still upset the stomach. Again thanks for the concerns and the advice.

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