The Walking dead

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I don't watch it for the zombie slaying. It seems though that some episodes lack dynamics in all areas. No real character, plot, action development. I thought the last episode was OK. Sad to see the redneck get it. He could have become interesting.

Me too, but it was obviously coming. He just wasn't much of an archetypal character for the show and offered no real novelty. Would have been nice if he at least had the chance to bang Carol :D
SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVEN"T WATCHED THE MOST RECENT EPISODE (course why would you be here then? lol

Funny thing is.. my wife and I were literally talking about whether or not we trusted Axel when he got shot in the head... Guess we don't have to worry about it any more haha! Best part is in watching the talking dead, he originally tried out for a serial killer character which is who I was thinking he would turn out to be in the show anyway based on the books.
I just watched the episode, avoided the thread (which was difficult when the most recent post shows up under the thread title on the mobile app) until then. I liked the episode, especially the car-trunk zombie head smash. I also liked seeing Darryl's effect on Merle. Merle thought he could boss his little brother around, but when he saw the scars on Darryl's back he actually had a human moment. Next thing you know, he's following Darryl to the prison.
Glenn will have to step up and be leader.

and I don't think Merle is going to make it. he'll be Walker Chow before season's end and Daryl will come back to the group. maybe in the episode tonight and he'll arrive in time to turn the tide against the Gov's attack

or they'll lost track of Merle like the first season and his survival will be in doubt again

well, mostly right
I dont know if it was the first episode of the season, but I wasn't to thrilled to watch the most recent episode. I'll wait for it to pick up and catch up on project tv.
I dont know if it was the first episode of the season, but I wasn't to thrilled to watch the most recent episode. I'll wait for it to pick up and catch up on project tv.

Do you not watch the episodes in sequence?? The show pretty much demands to be watched, in order, without skipping. Yes, there are actually some episodes that could probably be skipped without much issue (depending on how much you think you need the plot and characters to make sense), but you can't really know which ones they are until you watch them first!
Do you not watch the episodes in sequence?? The show pretty much demands to be watched, in order, without skipping. Yes, there are actually some episodes that could probably be skipped without much issue (depending on how much you think you need the plot and characters to make sense), but you can't really know which ones they are until you watch them first!

Totally agreed. The only season I would skip episodes is Season 2. I considered watching the season again and writing a list of episodes to skip and synopses for those episodes, but I haven't decided to put myself through that torture yet.
Yeah I don't watch it for the zombie slaying either. Or at least I don't watch it for -only- the zombie slaying :p But yeah a lot of episodes have been slow. Season two really dragged. It could have been around 4-5 episodes and it probably would have been way better. I know the pace can't be the same as the comics, but they should try to keep some of that spirit I think. I mostly enjoyed this past episode though.

I actually think that sometimes the big action sequences are the worst part of the show. Head exploding (door slam) or getting chopped off and smashed are achievable and awesome. But for the big action sequence I think they are pretty weak just because of the lack of budget big enough to do anything great. The scene with Merle and Daryl fighting with everyone coming back to save them was super anticlimactic and I think one of the worst parts of the entire series was how lame the whole invasion of the farm was. Driving around in cars shooting at zombies. It was just super cheesy and maybe that is more the writing than the budget but I thought it was really weak either way. Especially following the emotional and personal drama that just concluded with Rick and Shane.

I don't know but I'm kind of loosing interest. Without that group drama that Shane and Andrea provided it's just not very interesting to me. Maybe Merle will bring some of that back but I'm just not crazy about his character. Rick's own inner-drama is just boring and sad to me. Hoping this latest attack will spark something exciting.
I actually think that sometimes the big action sequences are the worst part of the show. Head exploding (door slam) or getting chopped off and smashed are achievable and awesome. But for the big action sequence I think they are pretty weak just because of the lack of budget big enough to do anything great. The scene with Merle and Daryl fighting with everyone coming back to save them was super anticlimactic and I think one of the worst parts of the entire series was how lame the whole invasion of the farm was. Driving around in cars shooting at zombies. It was just super cheesy and maybe that is more the writing than the budget but I thought it was really weak either way. Especially following the emotional and personal drama that just concluded with Rick and Shane.

I don't know but I'm kind of loosing interest. Without that group drama that Shane and Andrea provided it's just not very interesting to me. Maybe Merle will bring some of that back but I'm just not crazy about his character. Rick's own inner-drama is just boring and sad to me. Hoping this latest attack will spark something exciting.

I think the previous episode had plenty of drama, just less of the interpersonal drama that was abundant in season 2. You still had the stuff between Maggie and Glen, though. The group had to deal with Rick being crazy, Glen wanting to assassinate the Governor, and they had to deal with Darryl being gone. And now that the Governor attacked and showed the group how truly weak they are, I'm really itching to see the next episode to see how the group handles their situation.

I love how accurate they are when shooting zombies but couldn't hit a real person to save their lives.

Well I'm forgiving of it considering the factors. You've got to consider the distance and the fact that these people are firing bullets right back. And the Governor obviously stopped caring about killing them when he saw how weak the opposition was, hence the firing bullets into the air for the sake of noise.
I love how accurate they are when shooting zombies but couldn't hit a real person to save their lives.

Now now, these guys move a little bit quicker than zombies. They also duck.

I personally liked the scene. Reminded me of Attack of the Clones where all the Jedi were fighting together as a unit. Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. Michonne walking through assertively beheading walkers was pretty sweet though.
These were the same characters who were getting perfect head shots with pistols, one handed, while doing donuts in pickups. Last episodes targets weren't so much ducking as they were flinching. The Governor didn't even do that!

Didn't bother me all that much, I just found it hilarious. Lots of tv shows and movies do that.
These were the same characters who were getting perfect head shots with pistols, one handed, while doing donuts in pickups. Last episodes targets weren't so much ducking as they were flinching. The Governor didn't even do that!

Didn't bother me all that much, I just found it hilarious. Lots of tv shows and movies do that.

When they were having the shoot-out the first thing I said to my wife was, "They can one shot zombies like nobody's business, but give them a guy standing in the middle of a field shooting back and no dice...".
I heard good enough things about the game. It could be fun but there are so many great games like that I feel like they would need to do something unique.
I heard good enough things about the game. It could be fun but there are so many great games like that I feel like they would need to do something unique.

I haven't heard anything about the FPS, just saw ads. The one from Telltale seems amazing, my brother and my best friend both played through the first
"season" of the episodic game. They both loved it, cried at the end. I'd play it, but I've got another game I'm addicted to and point-and-click style games are too slow-paced for me when I usually like to play for only 20-30 minutes at a time.
Any zombie lovers on this thread that also like football? If so check this out:


Boom! Zombie Hines Ward! I have to say he looks pretty good. And I as ridiculous as it sounds I think there is a better chance of Hines Ward, who is perhaps the slowest successful wide receiver to ever play football, turning into a brain munching zombie than running back an opening kickoff for a touchdown as he did in The Dark Knight Rises.... Seriously, almost killed that movie for me...
Well that was certainly a ho hum episode. If you missed it, don't worry. Nothing happened.
Did anybody actually see Tyrese get thrown out of the prison? I don't actually remember that, so I was kind of hoping it's all a big trick (though I seriously doubt it).
They are building up right now

Disagreed. I'm a huge fan, and I only thought 3 episodes prior to mid-season finale were particularly good. Since then, there has been nothing groundbreaking or even merely entertaining. If anything, they're going downhill.
Disagreed. I'm a huge fan, and I only thought 3 episodes prior to mid-season finale were particularly good. Since then, there has been nothing groundbreaking or even merely entertaining. If anything, they're going downhill.

Yep, it's turning into garbage.
Did anybody actually see Tyrese get thrown out of the prison? I don't actually remember that, so I was kind of hoping it's all a big trick (though I seriously doubt it).

(SPOILER ALERT) Rick saw Lori in the prison 2 episodes ago, freaked out and told Tyrese's group to leave.
I thought the episode was ok, it was more about stuff among the people than actual stuff happening, though. Very Soap Opera-like. And for the first time I liked Andrea, she was a believable character for the first time since season 1.
Did anybody actually see Tyrese get thrown out of the prison? I don't actually remember that, so I was kind of hoping it's all a big trick (though I seriously doubt it).

I actually had this argument with my family on Saturday. When Rick yelled "get out!" (or "go away!" or whatever it was), I assumed they just went back to their wing of the prison. My mom swore they actually left and I thought she was making it all up at first, but it appears she was right. I didn't remember it actually being shown one way or the other. Tyrese's group seemed like they could be a good addition to Rick's crew...I was hoping they'd stick around. Of course, when the leader of the group you are trying to join is yelling at people that aren't there, I can see how that wouldn't inspire much confidence.

The other topic that came up, did anyone see what happened to the driver of the box truck full o' walkers? It looked like (s)he was running towards the prison. I was expecting them to show up in this week's episode, maybe trying to assassinate the prison crew under cover of darkness.
I thought the episode was ok, it was more about stuff among the people than actual stuff happening, though. Very Soap Opera-like. And for the first time I liked Andrea, she was a believable character for the first time since season 1.

Bah! You just liked that she was nekkid again.

I actually had this argument with my family on Saturday. When Rick yelled "get out!" (or "go away!" or whatever it was), I assumed they just went back to their wing of the prison. My mom swore they actually left and I thought she was making it all up at first, but it appears she was right. I didn't remember it actually being shown one way or the other. Tyrese's group seemed like they could be a good addition to Rick's crew...I was hoping they'd stick around. Of course, when the leader of the group you are trying to join is yelling at people that aren't there, I can see how that wouldn't inspire much confidence.

The other topic that came up, did anyone see what happened to the driver of the box truck full o' walkers? It looked like (s)he was running towards the prison. I was expecting them to show up in this week's episode, maybe trying to assassinate the prison crew under cover of darkness.

Exactly! I thought they were just ushered by Glenn to their wing. I really hope that there is some reason why they left, like Glenn persuaded them to find the town and infiltrate.

And as for the driver of the Trojan Zombie Horse, I thought something was up there, like it was Andrea driving or something. It definitely looked like it was a woman, and they were covered from head to toe in gear like they were trying to conceal their identity.
The other topic that came up, did anyone see what happened to the driver of the box truck full o' walkers? It looked like (s)he was running towards the prison. I was expecting them to show up in this week's episode, maybe trying to assassinate the prison crew under cover of darkness.

It had feminine body language, and was the only one suited up. I too believe that this person will show up again. If not, I'm crying "plot hole" all the way home.

On another note, did anyone watch "Talking Dead" afterwards and catch the Woodbury joke?
It had feminine body language, and was the only one suited up. I too believe that this person will show up again. If not, I'm crying "plot hole" all the way home.

On another note, did anyone watch "Talking Dead" afterwards and catch the Woodbury joke?
I'll cry plot-hole too. And yes I caught the joke too lol.

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