Star Wars - I just couldn't stop myself

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Looking forward to the movie very much, but probably won't go on the opening night.

What do you think Luke's role in the new movie's story is?
Looking forward to the movie very much, but probably won't go on the opening night.

What do you think Luke's role in the new movie's story is?

I partially hope JJ has the cajones to kill Luke in the first half hour, just to be one of the biggest trolls in history (seriously, he destroyed the planet Vulcan in the first half hour of the Star Trek reboot).

The most logical path would be, Luke restarted the Jedi Temple and has begun revived the teachings. I don't think JJ could ever justify him not doing this as Luke would understand the need for balance in the force, another sith will rise no matter what, so they need to train Jedi to keep balance. He will probably be more like Yoda was in movies 1-3.
What do you think Luke's role in the new movie's story is?
My guess? (Emphasis on guess) I expect he will be a no show for most of the movie, and appear in a climactic final scene and save the day/die much like Obi-Wan did. There seems to be an emphasis on being faithful to the original trilogy, and in that trilogy Lucas meant to harken back to the old space operas which were formulaic, so I don't think it would seem plagiaristic to go back to reuse that device.

I also expect they would want to focus on the new characters for the rest of this trilogy and won't use the original cast for 8 & 9.
Not sure about tickets. But we WILL be seeing it as a group ASAP!

There's a TON of possibilities for Luke. He doesn't appear in the trailer (that we can see) so they may be minimizing his visibility to generate buzz or they may simply be hinting that he doesn't have much screen time. Please note that he does not appear on the recently released official movie poster either.

Speaking of which, there is a huge "Deathstar-like" device in the background on the poster, with many speculating that this is the "Planetkiller" weapon. Does it appear in the movie? Maybe future episodes? It doesn't look like it shows up in the trailer. (Personally I hope it shows up at the end and carries over from the first movie to the second or third. I'd love to see something important NOT get resolved by the end of the movie.)

What's Leia crying about in the trailer? I haven't had time to go frame-by-frame through the thing yet, but there is brief moment where she is crying on someone's shoulder. Is this from Luke dying? Han going off to fight again? Is her child involved? (I don't know how this movie corresponds to some of the books that were written, but in one series I think Han and Leia had two kids...)

In any event, I think the acting looks better than the episodes 1-3 and the visuals are also improved. From all appearances it looks to be less for young children and more for all ages.

Loved the melted Vader mask!
I turn 40 on the 19th and told SWMBO that it'd be neat to see the movie on my b'day, but not if getting tickets will be a real pain in the butt. I'd be just as happy seeing it some time over the holidays when my nieces (Star Wars fans, for sure) are in town.
I suspect that Kylo Ren is some force sensitive badass and he raises an army and the Rebels need to find Luke to fight back. Meanwhile, I think it'd be awesome if Leia spent the last 30 years learning the ways of the Force. Maybe Daisy Ridley's character is Leia's daughter and she can learn the Force too? Was that Leia saying "the Force is calling out to you; let it in."

ETA: Just the fact that there was dust flying around in that opening scene in the trailer is a huge departure from Ep. I-III. Lots of others, which are all good signs.
I turn 40 on the 19th and told SWMBO that it'd be neat to see the movie on my b'day, but not if getting tickets will be a real pain in the butt. I'd be just as happy seeing it some time over the holidays when my nieces (Star Wars fans, for sure) are in town.
So, you never officially saw Episode IV maybe not even V.. dang!

I remember 2 specific movie dates... Jaws in '75 and Episode IV in '77
BOTH of those were groundbreaking in my opinion
Nope, my five-year-old self was in the front row for Empire and completely mesmerized.

There is a picture of me (as a chubby toddler) sitting next to my big brother (who was about five) holding his light saber after returning from seeing Ep. IV. So I missed out on that one for sure.

ETA: My nieces are baffled by the fact that I saw Empire in the theater and then had to wait 5 or so years to see it again when my family finally got a VHS. I also remember listening to records with audio excerpts and following along with a picture book.
I saw VI at the drive through at like 6, and had to wait, like JonM, until I was 11 to see IV and V, and those were on bad dubs from cable borrowed from friends. I'll be in a seat opening weekend, I hope. If not, we'll get to it Christmas weekend sometime.
I distinctly remember seeing Ep. IV at a friend's birthday party when I was 8 or so. It was the highlight of the birthday party - they had a reel-to-reel projector, an actual film of the movie, and they projected it into a white bedsheet that they hung up against a wall.
I distinctly remember seeing Ep. IV at a friend's birthday party when I was 8 or so. It was the highlight of the birthday party - they had a reel-to-reel projector, an actual film of the movie, and they projected it into a white bedsheet that they hung up against a wall.

Me & my cousins did that, but with our Grandad's old burlesque reels. Good times.

Wait, we're talking Star Wars here. I still have my original trilogy VHS box set. The crappy updated late 90's one.
Has anyone flat out stated that Kylo Ren is not Luke Skywalker? There is a long on-going theme of Luke slowly tipping towards the dark side.

It is more likely that he is a secret apprentice of Vader's since there must always be two (rule of two) so theres always supposed to be another apprentice sith waiting in the wings.
Yeah - I think there are shots of him without the helmet. He's Adam Driver.

Something else - Kylo Ren is supposed to have made a slapdash light saber, which is why it has that ragged flame-like look to it (and the hilt with questionable utility.) we know that Luke knows how to build a good light saber.
I thought the trailer looks pretty good! I'm not much of a Star Wars fan, either. No idea what the plot is, trailer was good and not too clear. Also thought it was great The Empire is still strong 30yrs after, lol. Suck it, Luke and friends.
Some speculation I read focused on Luke having become tremendously powerful and in fear for what he might do, having gone off in seclusion, hermit-like, for many years.
Which would seriously be awesome because we all know what fear leads to ...
Some speculation I read focused on Luke having become tremendously powerful and in fear for what he might do, having gone off in seclusion, hermit-like, for many years.

Pffft. Only Jedi MASTERS do that..

Oh wait..

Ok, I saw the original IV in the (long gone) theater in Harrison, MI while visiting my grandparents. I distinctly remembered my mom calling the theater to make sure my sister and I could get in because it was rated PG (I was 7.)

I didn't really get it all, but I remember scenes of the Sand Crawler and the dinosaur bones in the desert.

Star Wars mania hit full swing shortly after that and I got swept up in it, although I never got many toys. Later, when ESB came out, I got a movie soundtrack from the Ben Franklin store (The "Dime Store", to us small town folk) and I listened to that over and over and over.

I currently have a plastic model of the Falcon to put together if/when I ever get some free time to myself. Still debating on whether to put the radio dish on the top or leave it off. I'll wait until the movies are done to decide I think.
Some speculation I read focused on Luke having become tremendously powerful and in fear for what he might do, having gone off in seclusion, hermit-like, for many years.

You know, actually, this makes sense. Luke was supposed to be the saviour and the Force is supposed to be a balance.

It's entirely possible that with the threat of the Sith gone, Luke considers himself as an imbalance of the force.

Yeah - I think there are shots of him without the helmet. He's Adam Driver.

Something else - Kylo Ren is supposed to have made a slapdash light saber, which is why it has that ragged flame-like look to it (and the hilt with questionable utility.) we know that Luke knows how to build a good light saber.

I guess I shall go cry myself to sleep. :(

Then it could potentially be a child of Han and Leia's, in the post-New Hope book series they have 3 children and one of them ends up falling to the dark side. Though it would be a hard sell if he's supposed to be a Vader fanatic, I don't know how JJ could spin a Han Solo/Princess Leia baby into a sith lord/Vader Fan Boy. Grandfather worship is one thing when you look at him finally flipping back to the side of light at the final moment to defeat Palpatine, but to worship your evil grandfather who helped perpetuate a regime who blew up entire planets...
Then it could potentially be a child of Han and Leia's, in the post-New Hope book series they have 3 children and one of them ends up falling to the dark side. Though it would be a hard sell if he's supposed to be a Vader fanatic, I don't know how JJ could spin a Han Solo/Princess Leia baby into a sith lord/Vader Fan Boy.

Uh, easy. His Grandpa was a legendary badass?
You know, actually, this makes sense. Luke was supposed to be the saviour and the Force is supposed to be a balance.

It's entirely possible that with the threat of the Sith gone, Luke considers himself as an imbalance of the force.


I'm sorry but I can't see Luke Skywalker channeling Obi-Wan with

"now that's a name i've not heard in a long time...."
I saw the original series just before the last original film reels were recalled from the Netherlands.

Still wish disney would get off their ass and make a remastered, but unedited dvd/blueray set of the first trilogy.
I saw the original series just before the last original film reels were recalled from the Netherlands.

Still wish disney would get off their ass and make a remastered, but unedited dvd/blueray set of the first trilogy.

They're supposed to be re-mastering
I saw the original series just before the last original film reels were recalled from the Netherlands.

Still wish disney would get off their ass and make a remastered, but unedited dvd/blueray set of the first trilogy.

I'd buy three.
Uh, easy. His Grandpa was a legendary badass?

Legendary for killing his pregnant wife. Killing off the entire Jedi order, including children (I do cheer at that part just cause it was way over the top). Helping contruct a super weapon that killed billions, including your mother's adopted family and adopted home world.

I have a hard time with an off screen falling to the dark side Skywalker grand child. On screen I could totally dig, then you can craft the story line up front, show his parents failing to protect their fledgling rebel government by playing "by the rules" and being bullied by warlords and despots. Then I could see the transformation, but starting the series, the first cannonized telling of the story post-Return, and you take one of the off spring and make them into a bad guy before we even meet them?
I saw the original series just before the last original film reels were recalled from the Netherlands.

Still wish disney would get off their ass and make a remastered, but unedited dvd/blueray set of the first trilogy.

Dollars to donuts they would - but the rights to the original trilogy still belong to Fox, last I read...
I love Star Wars, but my oldest daughter is a fanatic! Her and her husband got a block of 10 tickets for the Friday night at the Alamo Movie Grill in Dallas. My wife and I, my other daughter and her husband, and who knows who else will be there. I'm pretty excited about it!
I love Star Wars, but my oldest daughter is a fanatic! Her and her husband got a block of 10 tickets for the Friday night at the Alamo Movie Grill in Dallas. My wife and I, my other daughter and her husband, and who knows who else will be there. I'm pretty excited about it!

If there's room for one, lemme know.
Probably won't be at the opening but I will definitely have to see it. Like BigFloppy I remember going to the original as a teen and being blown away. In the current age of CGI, the original effects by Lucas and ILM still hold up pretty well 40(!) years later.

I also agree about Jaws - another ground breaker. I actually saw the world premier on Martha's Vineyard where I used to spend summers. What a trip it was to watch the movie with an audience of locals, many of whom were extras in it. Although I have to say, while the movie scared the crap out of me, the effects were not in the same league as Star Wars.
Of course this is merely speculation but......
Yes one of Han-Leia`s kids falls to the dark side and i think kills one of Luke`s kids.
I think this movies storyline is either before or after that whole turn of events as i think one of Han-Leia`s kids is only 17 when he dies and i think this movie is some 30 years later from the end of episode VI.

From what i've read JJ was given a large amount of freedom to do whatever and definately took advantage if that.
Kylo Ren is supposedly a member of the knights of ren which are not true sith and possibly remnants of the empire or supporters of the old empire. By some star wars mythos the planet of Curusaunt is taken back over by the rebels 5 years after the end of episode VI as some generals decided to take over power after the emporer/vader will be interesting how JJ takes this roller coaster ride but i do beleive they will be focusing greatly on the new characters and probably not much on the old as they IMHO are trying to write them out of the series as in all honesty you can't say that any of them are reliably going to be alive for the next ten years. (hell....Harrison barely lived long enough to make THIS movie)

Anyways, not entirely related to the upcoming movie but one thing i ALLWAYS thought was a little weird.....Frome episode I where Qui-Gon talks about "bringing balance to the force" me crazy but when theres a few hundred Jedi and only 2 Sith...i think `balance` isn't exactly what you should be shooting for....just my 2 cents.
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If memory serves, I saw Empire prior to the original Star Wars (now, "A New Hope"). I would have been 3-4 years old when EIV came out. I saw Empire at the theater, and I believe it was prior to seeing EIV on HBO.

I am trying to figure out a way to get my kids to pay attention long enough to watch episodes 1-6 prior to taking them to see the new one in theaters (not opening night).

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