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One time I bought some firecrackers off a friend and me and another friend goofed around setting them off around his house. We decided to put a firecracker in a medicine bottle and pack pebbles all around it and make a grenade. The plan was for him to light it, me to put the cap on and toss it in a huge mud puddle. Even after fingering the fuse to slow it down, I couldn't get the cap on quickly and ended up tossing it before the cap was on. It probably a couple of feet from my hands when it went off.

I had small chips of stone stuck in my legs (wearing shorts), amazingly no cuts to the hands or face, and couldn't hear much for the rest of that day.

Good times.
One night during my misspent youth we were driving around, me in the passenger seat, tossing lit firecrackers out of the window at targets of opportunity. At one point, with the window rolled up to about an inch from the top, I tossed one out--and it came right back in on the slipstream, settling on the seat between my legs.

Well. In the annals of all history you have NEVER seen someone move faster than I did. I came up off that seat, scrabbling with my hands to get that firecracker on the floor.

I was able to accomplish that, and then it went off. Given that the windows were virtually all rolled up, it sounded like...well, I don't know what it sounded like. All I know is that our ears were ringing for about an hour after that.

I did learn a lesson from it, though: roll the window down further!

I'm loving the firecracker stories!!!

I did a VERY similar thing, except I was the driver, and my friends and I (4 of us in a Volvo 242) were driving around shooting bottle rockets out of the (same deal!) cracked open windows. Wouldn't you know it, somebody couldn't quite get the bottle rocket out of the window in time. It's really exciting having one of those whizzing and screaming (it was a whistler) around inside a car... [emoji1]
Ah, firecracker stories ...

When I was 19 or so, I went out boozing with the guys. One of the guys had hosted a house-destroying rager at his parents' about 8 months before, so he was still on thin ice with the parents and he had to sneak out to join us.

Anyway, at the end of the evening we dropped him back off at his parents' house. We were in one of those big ol' 80s woody-paneled station wagons. I was in the rear-facing back seat with the back window open.

Driver turns off the lights and coasts around the cul-de-sac to let him out without making noise. He quietly gets out, and we're all whispering "You're good man, just sneak in the back door and they'll never know you left!" Shh! Shh!!

Well, I've been in the back breaking off the sticks from a bunch of whistling bottle rockets and twisting the wicks together. (Did I mention that this guy and I didn't get along well and he had pulled some mean pranks on me?)

Anyway, as he's tiptoeing up the driveway, I light them all and throw them out the back window. Driver sees this and jams on the gas. Tires squealing, bottle rockets whistling, he's screaming at us from the middle of the car-de-sac, parents awakening, etc.

20 years later and I've never seen that guy again. I assume his parents buried him in the back yard.
In the late 80s on New Years Eve I was on a dock on lake Pickwick lighting fireworks. I had various fireworks tucked in every pocket of my cargo shorts hoodie pullover so I could have my hands free to light fireworks. I told everyone around me to step back while I was lighting some sort of rocket(ya know safety first). My niece stepped back...right off the dock into the frigid water. In an attempt to rescue her I knocked over the rocket. It shot me in the A$$ as I was bending over to pull her out of the water. Simultaneously I accidentally lit the fireworks in my pockets with one of those slow burning lighter sticks. I was on fire, my niece was drowning...but "luckily" when the rocket hitting me in the A$$ made me fall into the water before I got burned too bad. Fireworks kept going off in the water around both of us for what seemed like 5 min's.

Unrelated--- a few years later we made a a few pipe bombs the first one blew over a 4-5 foot circumference Pecan tree. We were standing way too close...nervously we disassembled the other ones after soaking them in water for a couple of hours.

Good times.
Son: "dad, why did you and mom adopt me"
Dad: <plays youtube video>
Dad: And that, son, is why you are adopted.
Years ago, me and a buddy acquired a large quantity of firecrackers, I'm talking bricks of em' thousands upon thousands. It was 4th of July, so we wanted to do something spectacular with our surplus of fireworks. We settled on unwrapping the individual packs and throwing them all in a big pile (pretty innovative thinking, I know) We unwrapped those things for hours, and the resulting pile was impressive, maybe 3 feet across and a foot and a half tall. We couldn't wait for it to get dark, so just as the sun went below the treeline, we lit it! The only way I can describe the appearance of it is to compare it to the column of fire that the wicked witch of the west appears from in Wizard of Oz, and the sound was very similar to a jet engine, the whole thing lasted a good 2 minutes! It was truly our finest achievement with fireworks! And, we were the first ones in the neighborhood that year to get the cops called on us.
I'm gunna get reported for this
So long as it's linked and marked as being NSFW, it should be OK.

I mean, you'll probably get banned if you link to 2 Girls 1 Cup or swap.avi or other things of that nature, so don't do that.

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