NA beers suck!!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2010
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So I'm working a contractor position in Afghanistan right now, and decided to at least try the near beers to maybe satisfy the craving but they just completely suck. They taste of malt and next to no hops. Are there any super hoppy IPA like near beers that maybe I could have my wife send me? So wish it wasn't a fireable offense to make my own beer here.
They sell beer in Afghanistan? Even near-beer I wouldnt have expected it. Im sorry to tell you that you might SOL.

Ill bump the thread in case someone else knows.
Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol. That surprises me that Afghanistan would allow alcoholic beverages to be sold.
Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol. That surprises me that Afghanistan would allow alcoholic beverages to be sold.

Like I said... it's NA (non-alcoholic) beer that is sold on base here. Every brand seems to taste the same, all malt and nearly no hops.
HH60gunner said:
Like I said... it's NA (non-alcoholic) beer that is sold on base here. Every brand seems to taste the same, all malt and nearly no hops.

Awww ****. I feel so stupid now. I wasn't thinking. Lol. Well I hope you find something at least a little better.
Awww ****. I feel so stupid now. I wasn't thinking. Lol. Well I hope you find something at least a little better.

Don't worry. I came into this thread thinking the same thing as well. I would guess that "non-alcoholic" and "beer" are rarely joined terms in many of our minds.
I'm pretty sure that there is something that can be fermented there in the privacy of your apartment that would sooth your wooes. Just keep it on the down low, ya know.
BarberSurgeon said:
Don't worry. I came into this thread thinking the same thing as well. I would guess that "non-alcoholic" and "beer" are rarely joined terms in many of our minds.

Lol yeah. Hey atleast it's drinkable not like the nasty skunky beer my grandpa had in vietnam :)
I'm pretty sure that there is something that can be fermented there in the privacy of your apartment that would sooth your wooes. Just keep it on the down low, ya know.

If I did it would have to be spontaneous fermentation because it's even illegal for me to ship yeast or other alcohol making items here lol.... Not to mention the whole I could get fired thing. Think I'll just keep it safe, and drink the NA stuff for now. On the positive side, I'm making enough that by the time I come home I'll have purchased all of my main items I wanted for my home brewery and kegarator.
Not much different that over here in the states. You aren't in trouble until you're caught. I would make prison hooch before dealing with the nonsense over there again.
Yeah, when I was stationed in Libya I looked everywhere for a good tasting NA beer mostly because I needed the bottles. I never found any. I mean, there are NA beers that are better than Bud or Coors but that isn’t saying much. I got in the habit of drinking Beck’s NA beer when I wanted something carbonated that wasn’t sweet. It was refreshing but it was still the kind of beer you drink ice cold and from the bottle. But I was still allowed to homebrew. Let us know if you find anything.

I am a little surprised that none of larger microbreweries haven’t experimented with it. I mean, assuming it a low ABV beer to begin with, how much would the flavor change if you simple cooked off the alcohol and then force carbonated an otherwise great beer?
I was in afghanistan for 15 months. I mostly drank Bitburger NA. I guess it tatsed like a light beer, but with a strange '"champagne" flavor to it. We had that and Becks NA for free, shipped in on supply convoys. We also had a several cases sent out to us on super bowl sunday, so we had a Bitburger NA chugging was terrible.

I guess it's better than nothing.
I've spent my time in the desert....two thoughts come to mind on the topic of NA beers.

-The worst brand the better, when you get a "good" brand like St. Pauli Girl, the bottle looks good, it just feels so right popping that top, it smells wonderful, pours wonderful....then when it hits your lips it almost tastes wonderful....then there is the after-taste. Misery. At least the cheap NAs come in cans and you slam the thing with some chow hall tacos and try to forget it is crap.

-try making yourself sneeze when you drink them. If you do it right you will smell the beer on your breath right when you are lightheaded and feel a little buzzed.


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