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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
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Look out ! I’m coming for your soooouuuulllss !

Just looked up that kit, great choice! I love fermenting in my Fermonster. I've modified the lid to let me transfer beer to a keg using CO2, so it never touches oxygen. It's awesome, and I love not worrying about shattering a carboy on my foot. With the spigoted one, you can also bottle directly from the fermenter to reduce oxygen exposure. There are some good threads on here about how to do that and still get accurate carbonation.

I'd also recommend picking up one of these Brew Haulers to help you move it when it's full. They get pretty heavy.
Just looked up that kit, great choice! I love fermenting in my Fermonster. I've modified the lid to let me transfer beer to a keg using CO2, so it never touches oxygen. It's awesome, and I love not worrying about shattering a carboy on my foot. With the spigoted one, you can also bottle directly from the fermenter to reduce oxygen exposure. There are some good threads on here about how to do that and still get accurate carbonation.

I'd also recommend picking up one of these Brew Haulers to help you move it when it's full. They get pretty heavy.
Yeah mon !! I like the wide mouth fermenter, the 8.5 brew kettle, the wort chiller, plus the extras :)
I found a dude on FB gave us about 100 bottles and a tree for free :). Thought I had a keg and co2 lined up but that dude backed out
And the spoiler. There’s brown sticky syrup all over a bunch of stuff in the box. I assume this is LME. :(. Who decided to put this under the wort chiller which was under the fermenter has caused me pain. I do not want to spend hours cleaning all this stuff off ! Buzzkill !!

And the spoiler. There’s brown sticky syrup all over a bunch of stuff in the box. I assume this is LME. :(. Who decided to put this under the wort chiller which was under the fermenter has caused me pain. I do not want to spend hours cleaning all this stuff off ! Buzzkill !!

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Bummer!! Is there a kit in the box? Maybe that is oil??
At any rate- contact More Beer. Their customer service ia awesome. They will make it right i am sure!
I’m waiting on their response now. The kit came loose under the wort chiller. It was not in its own box - and it’s not oil. There’s an inch or so in the bottom of the bucket and it’s sticky. I’m just bummed cuz I wanted to brew tomorrow.
I’m waiting on their response now. The kit came loose under the wort chiller. It was not in its own box - and it’s not oil. There’s an inch or so in the bottom of the bucket and it’s sticky. I’m just bummed cuz I wanted to brew tomorrow.
Yup. That's LME for sure. I saw their is a kit in the box.
Sorry about that!
But... take the day tommorrow and clean, read up instructions, and clean!

Every brew day that i prepare for goes much better.
Make your next purchase a grain mill and start doing all grain. You can thank me later. :D

wouldn't he need a cooler, or bigger pot for that?

sorry to hear about the mishap though....i'd still brew it tomorrow though, the demons won't give up if they think you're easy prey!

how much LME do you think got out?
Any homebrew shops in your area? You could run out, get some grain and a BIAB bag or get some extract and still get a brew in this weekend.
Sucks about the kit but WooHoo! On starting a new obsess…… I mean hobby, get another kit locally and when More Beer makes it right you’ll have 2 beers to drink.
Lol !! That succulent syrup is in the state of “sticky ass mess” currently !! What do I clean this off with ? I’ve heard not to use dish soap ?
LOL, i'd probably clean the pot and immersion chiller in boiling water, chill, then add yeast? just punch some more holes in the bags and 'rinse them'...;)
Seconded, what's the worst that can happen. If the LME is in the fermenter bucket, then using hot water to dissolve it and pour into the pot with what remains in the bags. The chiller has to go into the boiling wort at some point anyway, so that will clean the LME. The boil will get rid of anything nasty.

Only issue might be if the yeast and hops packets have been ruptured.
LOL, i'd probably clean the pot and immersion chiller in boiling water, chill, then add yeast? just punch some more holes in the bags and 'rinse them'...;)
LOL, I was going to suggest the same thing but I didn't want to see a possible "Is my beer ruined" post.

But yeah, hot water and a little soap (I'd use Oxyclean unsented) followed by a couple of good rinses should be good. But still, the idea of that stuff going down the drain, to never have a the chanch to be all it could be. The pain of it all.

Hopefully MB makes it better than right and your first brew is a win for you.

Maybe Cheers,
Joel B.
Would contact More Beer and ask them to replace the kit.

That's one of the reasons why I was never a big fan of LME. Dried extract can form rocks with humidity but they dissolve in warm water. Just so much easier to use.
That's one of the reasons why I was never a big fan of LME
I don't have much of a problem with LME as such. Just not a big fan of it in a bag. I spec DME when given the choice from MB just so I don't have to deal with the bag. I have never had a leaking bag but I find them a royal PITA to use with out making a mess. It seems to take 3 hands, 2 to deal with the bag and one to stir the extract in to solution. Mayby there's a trick to it that I don't know.
Sorry for the bit of a derail.
Cheers, :mug:
Joel B.
LOL, i'd probably clean the pot and immersion chiller in boiling water, chill, then add yeast? just punch some more holes in the bags and 'rinse them'...;)
So you would just cook it ? If you bought a dozen eggs at the store that were broken. Leaked all over everything in the bag, you’d just dump what was left in a frying pan and cook it up ?
So you would just cook it ? If you bought a dozen eggs at the store that were broken. Leaked all over everything in the bag, you’d just dump what was left in a frying pan and cook it up ?
Well for one thing it's not really the same as broken eggs in a sack. And if you are new here you don't know @bracconiere , so there's that too. Also we can't really see what you are dealing with, how much did actually leak from the bag?. It does not take much spilled extract (LME or DME) to make a mess. Remember you are going to boil for 60 min so not much going to make it out alive if that's what you might be worried about.
Just do what you feel OK with, It's you that has to deal with it.

Thinking about it some more, maybe you better not use any use any of the spill. Just clean the stuff and wait for MB to make it right. You want your first time to go to plan, this is not the best way to start. Make sure you fermonster and bottling bucket don't leak around the spigot. Mark them with accurate volume markings. Get familiar with the other things in the kit like making sure the chiller hooks up and flows like should with out making a mess, etc. Check your hydro and thermometers so you know they are OK. You might be supprised to find something you hadn't thought about or noticed before. You have the time now.
Good luck.
Cheers, :mug:
Joel B.
. I have never had a leaking bag but I find them a royal PITA to use with out making a mess. It seems to take 3 hands, 2 to deal with the bag and one to stir the extract in to solution. Mayby there's a trick to it that I don't know.
I've read to ladle the heated water into the lme bags/container to help rinse them out. Kinda like the Chris Rock "more 'tussen" bit.
So you would just cook it ? If you bought a dozen eggs at the store that were broken. Leaked all over everything in the bag, you’d just dump what was left in a frying pan and cook it up ?

hmmm, i'd pass it through a strainer first....this isn't eggs though, more like 'would you use molasses for cookies, that's been sitting around for a month in the cupboard'.....

edit: and they sell cartons of eggs, would just pour one omlet from the jug, and toss the rest?
Just in case it's not clear, brewing with f*'d up ingredients is an advanced topic. (And one favored by the sadists on this thread!)

I would not recommend starting with a compromised kit for your first beer. I also started with a starter kit. (From Northern Brewer) It was one of the best beers I had ever tasted. I'd want the same for you. I would suggest you minimize the chance for something going sideways by starting with a good kit!