Does Anyone Else Intensely Dislike Anne Hathaway

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2008
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Fuquay-Varina, NC
There is no logical explanation for it, but I cannot stand the woman. My wife had control of the TV on Sunday so we had to watch the Oscars. Now I see her face all over the internet because she won one of the awards. I don't understand why, but I cannot stand her. A quick google search and it's apparent I'm not the only one. Jennifer Lawrence though, yeah she's alright.
I feel you on that man, something about her turns me off as well and I can't put a finger on it either. Same holds true for that Zoey chick from Elf, although I find absolutely nothing attractive about her.. Hathaway on the other hand I find very attractive appearance wise.
Anne Hathaway does nothing for me. In fact, she annoys the hell out of me. When she shows up on TV or in a movie I can't change the channel fast enough. I feel the same way about Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock. I have no explaination for it. It's definitely a personality thing, not a looks thing, because they are all very attractive. They give off this phony, nice-person vibe that really irritates me.

The more I see Jennifer Lawrence, the more I like her. When she speaks she kinda reminds me of a Chicago truck driver (not in a bad way). She has quite a mouth on her. I like that. My wife says she'll end up like Lindsay Lohan in a few years, but I disagree. She looks like she can hold her liquor. :D
So long as Jennifer Lawrence stays away from the blow, she'll be alright. :D I actually think she's a solid actress and has been for a while though. Anne Hathaway though...the smugness makes me sick.
Anne Hathaway does nothing for me but I don't have anything against her either. I just don't see how people can think she's very appealing, physically.

Jennifer Lawrence is appealing physically, but there is something about her that turns me off. But not as much as that chick from the vampire movies. Anyone catch that extremely fake limp she had at the Oscars? "Poor me! Everyone look at how hurt I am!" Worst acting ever! (To be fair, I haven't actually watched her in any movies, so there is a chance she actually HAS acted worse...)

Ugh. Now I have to go watch Charlize Theron just to get the bad taste out of my eyes.
Oh sweet Jeezus, I'm not alone after all! I can't stand to even look at her. For crying out loud, Anne...would it kill you to get out in the sun once in a while? You're so f*ckin' white I feel like we can see through you. And have you ever heard an interview with her?!? Anne's favorite thing to talk about is how awesome Anne is. My "craft" this, "acting that". Blah blah blah.

Oh sweet Jeezus, I'm not alone after all! I can't stand to even look at her. For crying out loud, Anne...would it kill you to get out in the sun once in a while? You're so f*ckin' white I feel like we can see through you. And have you ever heard an interview with her?!? Anne's favorite thing to talk about is how awesome Anne is. My "craft" this, "acting that". Blah blah blah.


I'm indifferent toward her as a person because I personally don't care to get myself involved in the lives of those whose lives I have no business being involved in. But f---in' A do I think she's hot. Or at least I thought she was with longer hair. About the being white thing I f---in' love pale skinned chicks so that's a non-issue for me. :D
Give Anne a break. I bet if she brought the water before she got in bed you would be thanking her.:)
Not a fan, can think of 10 better choices for Catwoman.

There's only 1 catwoman...

I can't stand her either. Combination of her obnoxious personality and those gigantic chompers. Nice nipples though. :D

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