Cider/mead hybrid questions?

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Dec 11, 2019
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So I started a mead batch about a month ago where I replaced one gallon of spring water with a gallon of unfiltered honeycrisp apple cider and I chopped up a few apples and grapes and threw them in there whole too! The bubbling has slowed and I think it’ll be ready to jar (I’ve always used canning jars for my mead, will the metal lid have any affect with the introduced acidity of the apple cider? I wouldn’t assume so since beers and ciders are sold canned but figured it couldn’t hurt to ask?) in about a week but I’ve run into an issue... with mead it was never this cloudy and I could just stick my jars in the fridge to bubble up and settle but now I have a brew that’s not transparent and I’m afraid of having big ole yeast/must clumps in my brew... is there a way to filter it during jarring that won’t affect the flavor or risk adding unwanted bacteria?
So, it may not look it, but aluminum cans are actually lined with a thin polymer coating. So the beer doesn't actually come into contact with the metal.

If you're using canning jars, then aren't the lids polymer lined as well? I know the ones I use typically are. People can much more acidic things than mead in those and they don't have problems.
What @bucketnative says about the acidity seems right to me.

About the clarity and avoiding clumox when you package, here are a few ideas. It sounds like your process is different than what I do, so the caveat ahead of time is I may be off base.

First, do you have the ability to chill the whole batch for a week before packaging it in the jars? This would help clarify it, to get things in suspension to drop out.

If you do, you could also use gelatin to 'fine' the cold cyser (that is the term for mead made with cider). This would help clarify it more. If you'd like more info in this, let us know and someone can give you the step by step process.

Whether you can chill your cyser or not, how are you getting your cyser from its fermentation vessel to the jars? If you don't have an autosiphon and tubing, it might be a good investment, it makes it easy to leave the trub on the bottom without disturbing it or rousing it up.

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