Bad Drivers

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I encounter this quite a bit on I-70... i usually cruise at 77 in a 70 but there are a lot of trucks locked in at 65 in the right lane. If there's a long line of cars in the right lane i'll be goddamned if i'm going to squeeze myself into a slow spot in the right lane (since i am still technically passing on the left) to let someone pass me going way above the limit. However, once the right lane clears i move right over.

In other words, is everyone obligated to move over for a (much) faster driver, even when traffic conditions don't really permit it easily?
My golden rule, it's the cars to the right, not behind me. If I'm moving faster than the cars on my right i will stay the course until clear and THEN change lanes to let someone behind me pass.

Then there's those who literally ride the shoulder to pass traffic. Once saw someone do that....right to the back of the squad car attending to the accident causing the traffic. If there's any cosmic justice I hope the driver was arrested for felony reckless.

I had someone a couple months ago do this flying out of an emergency vehicle service road, and full speed on to the onramp I was driving up. If I hadn't slammed brakes I would have been nearly t-boned. Driver then started weaving between lanes and damned near took out a motorcycle.
How about when traffic is being funneled to one lane because of an accident, construction, etc... and the a-holes that zip passed the line of cars and try to budge in as far up as they can

The a-holes are the people that line up single file and don't zipper like they are supposed to.

If people zipper like they are supposed to, no one can cut the line.
I encounter this quite a bit on I-70... i usually cruise at 77 in a 70 but there are a lot of trucks locked in at 65 in the right lane. If there's a long line of cars in the right lane i'll be goddamned if i'm going to squeeze myself into a slow spot in the right lane (since i am still technically passing on the left) to let someone pass me going way above the limit. However, once the right lane clears i move right over.

In other words, is everyone obligated to move over for a (much) faster driver, even when traffic conditions don't really permit it easily?
If there's enough room for you to move over for him to pass you and then move back to the left lane to pass the truck yourself without having to slow down, you should. Otherwise, he should deal with the fact that traffic's going slower than he'd like and he can't do a damn thing about it.
The a-holes are the people that line up single file and don't zipper like they are supposed to.

If people zipper like they are supposed to, no one can cut the line.
Same logic that I heard from an insurance company doing "safe driving" training to give your employer a break on rates.

"There's never an excuse to exceed the posted limit, ever". Except when the flow is 20mph over and you're in the right lane with cars dangerously weaving around you.

And "leave X amount of following room (whatever the figure is these days). You might be surprised when people don't cut you off". Except I'm not surprised when your 4 car lengths becomes space for someone else so always leaving that room means perpetual state of slowing down and then potentially getting rear ended or more dangerous weaving.

I get the theory. And in a perfect world that'd be the case.

Reality don't work like that. Some c*** wants to wait till the last minute, sorry but I'm not letting you in. Zipper or not.

There are spots around here where zippers actually work very well. There are far more where they don't.
The jerk who rides your ass in the left lane in heavy traffic as you’re passing cars in the right lane and a dozen cars in front of you are all on each others asses. You’re not getting anywhere even if I hit my brakes just to move over.
And the person who meanders in the left lane but then speeds up as you go to pass them on the right.
Lastly, the jerkoff that doesn’t pay attention at a traffic light and causes you to wait through another cycle.
There is a particular exit between home and work that has an accident EVERY SINGLE MORNING at between 7:45 and 8AM. It leads to a high school and a junior college. I have seen drivers STOP in the left lane because they waited until the last minute to get over and then couldn't.

Once you get past that exit, the freeway smooths out and everyone speeds up to 75-80mph. There are a couple of spots where you can see that all the cars for a mile ahead of you are going the same speed but the habitual tailgaters will get road rage because I keep 3 seconds of space in front of me. They zip around me and are stuck going the exact same speed until we both turn off 5 miles later. But they got to the stop light first...

It's about a 10 mile drive to work and over 8 of that is on the freeway. I can still remember the day in 2017 when I got to work astonished that I hadn't seen anyone do anything stupid on the drive!
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Four lane (two each side) 35mph road in the city. Two cars driving in left lane ahead of you approaching green light. You’re in right lane and want to turn right at the upcoming intersection. Light turns red and the second car in left lane moves over to right lane so they’re first in line, blocking all traffic behind them from turning right on red until the light turns green again.

I always honk and give them the bird, but they’ll never be considerate so it’s pointless.
Another thing that bugs me is when I am waiting to turn right on a red and a big truck pulls up to my left, as far forward as he can, so I am completely blind and can't go until the light turns.
Another thing that bugs me is when I am waiting to turn right on a red and a big truck pulls up to my left, as far forward as he can, so I am completely blind and can't go until the light turns.
Here they will recklessly and dangerously turn right on red IN FRONT OF YOU when it says "no right on red". Surprised i haven't seen a pedestrian hit yet (definitely some close calls)
Here they will recklessly and dangerously turn right on red IN FRONT OF YOU when it says "no right on red". Surprised i haven't seen a pedestrian hit yet (definitely some close calls)
Dude, in South Florida, numerous dickheads think it is ok to make a U-turn on red. ****ers.
Because of the federal furlough, traffic around here is a breeze

Fewer a-holes per mile & my 30-mile commute only takes 40 minutes instead of an hour & 1/2
The jerk who rides your ass in the left lane in heavy traffic as you’re passing cars in the right lane and a dozen cars in front of you are all on each others asses. You’re not getting anywhere even if I hit my brakes just to move over.
And the person who meanders in the left lane but then speeds up as you go to pass them on the right.
Lastly, the jerkoff that doesn’t pay attention at a traffic light and causes you to wait through another cycle.
So last night I am on I 25 and this prick behind me is driving all aggressive. I first ran into him on I 70. Like I said before I decided f... this a hole and I get over and he quickly passes. He flips me off. He flips me off. So he tails me driving all aggressively bullies me off the road and then when I get over to let him by, he flips me off. I have somehow wronged him. Crazy, at least I got to drive behind him smiling in bumper to bumper to bumper traffic for 10 minutes. Guess he couldnt go to far, go figure.
People who forget that you still need to come to a complete stop before turning right on red, and lean on their horn at me for daring to do so.
I encounter this quite a bit on I-70... i usually cruise at 77 in a 70 but there are a lot of trucks locked in at 65 in the right lane. If there's a long line of cars in the right lane i'll be goddamned if i'm going to squeeze myself into a slow spot in the right lane (since i am still technically passing on the left) to let someone pass me going way above the limit. However, once the right lane clears i move right over.

In other words, is everyone obligated to move over for a (much) faster driver, even when traffic conditions don't really permit it easily?

If you're actively passing, there is no need for you to move right just to allow a faster driver past. Just like the gripe upthread about big semi trucks passing other trucks, which slows down everyone in the left lane, it is absolutely their right to pass at a lower speed to those cars in the left lane.

Once there is a sufficient opening on the right that you can no longer be described as actively passing, you should move over and allow faster traffic to pass you on the left. But if you're going past a steady stream of cars/trucks and there are no real openings where you're not actively passing, you're just fine in the left lane.
Oh and lastly I hate it when cops don’t pull people over for obvious offenses that I know they would be pulling me over for!

Here in SoCal, we have carpool lanes that are protected-access, such that there are defined entry/exit areas and it's double double-yellow lines everywhere else. I.e. you absolutely should NEVER try to exit nor enter the carpool lane over those 4 yellow lines.

I see people do it, every day. Usually multiple times. I've never seen anyone pulled over or ticketed for it.

I never do it myself, however. I know that I'd be caught and ticketed the first time I tried.
saw it the other day, was behind a cop and, IN FRONT OF BOTH OF US, I saw people:

1) make an illegal u-turn
2) run a red light (the light for US was green and this person still made a left from the intersecting street)
3) stop at a pedestrian/bike crossing when there was no pedestrians or bikes IN THE STREET. (HUGE debate in our town about this. the signs say "yield to pedestrians in walkway". so DON'T STOP when there are NO people in the crosswalk!)
4) right-turn without a stop on a red light

our sheriffs just don't ****ing care
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Thing is, though, sometimes you have no choice. If you don't go into the intersection and turn when it goes red, you'll never get to go at all (assuming a steady flow coming the other way). It's kind of a trap for a cop to give you a ticket for "turning on red" when doing so is your only chance to get through the intersection. Your other choice is to sit there through multiple cycles. So 5, 10, 20 minutes. Maybe much longer. Not realistic.

Technically, you didn’t run a red light because you pulled into the intersection when it was green, and you have the right of way when the light turns red because you’re already in the intersection. At least that’s what I was taught in drivers ed way back when
The law most places is that you shouldn’t enter the intersection unless you can clear it.

People who enter it halfway and expect to tail through on the yellow/red are runners.

In practice I don’t think it’s unsafe unless you are the 2nd, 3rd or 4th car to tail also. In really heavy traffic where there isn’t a protected turn it might well be your only chance to get through.
I get, that if you are actively passing in the left lane you should be good to go, and not feel pressured to move over for speedy gonzalas. The problem is, and it seems to be very prolific with semis and other large "trucks", who get in the left lane to pass but only go .0625 mph faster than traffic on the right. Then you're stuck there for 25 miles. At least most smaller vehicles will usually speed up a little to get by ASAP.
I get, that if you are actively passing in the left lane you should be good to go, and not feel pressured to move over for speedy gonzalas. The problem is, and it seems to be very prolific with semis and other large "trucks", who get in the left lane to pass but only go .0625 mph faster than traffic on the right. Then you're stuck there for 25 miles. At least most smaller vehicles will usually speed up a little to get by ASAP.

Well, semis are much more tightly regulated on their speeds. Their speed limits are lower than ours to begin with. So if some semi who is doing the legal 55 mph is going to pass one who is going to do 53 mph, it's naturally going to slow down a line of cars doing 65+.

But it is what it is. If you're actively passing in the left lane, you're ok, regardless of your speed. If you're traveling in the left lane but not actively passing anyone, you should move over.
How about when traffic is being funneled to one lane because of an accident, construction, etc... and the a-holes that zip passed the line of cars and try to budge in as far up as they can
actually a recent study says this method of merging aka "zipper" is better than having everyone merge way way back.

ah. just saw this was addressed earlier.

carry on.
Actually- i want to come in say that besides china, i've got probably the biggest idiots surrounding me on a daily basis.

1- SF isnt big but its definitely a "city" with a downtown, highrises, buses, taxes, a$$tons of pedestrians, etc. as well as tons of STEEP hills and amazing views. which means....
2- people are often totally frickin clueless to where they are going, supposed to go, not supposed to go, or just want stop in the middle of god damn traffic and stare at the sights, the homeless, the gays, the trannies, etc. etc. etc. thats because..
3- alot of folks in SF dont drive. or do it as little as possible. so we most of the drivers here are the tons of folks from the suburbs/bridge/tunnel and they are intimidated by the cityscape, or WAY too cautious due to the intimidation and just get in the damn way and clog things up. which is way worse in its effects because....
4- every other god damn car is freakin uber or lyft. or a goddamn robot self driving car. the robots i have a tiny bit of patience for as they will be carrying my old ass around someday. but the uber/lyft drivers? OMFG. they come from sacramento. central valley. even LOS ANGELES. to drive in SF for 2-3 days and then drive home. insane. and while the bridge and tunnels might at least have been here once or twice before, the goddamned uber/lyft idiots have NO idea what they are doing.

looking for an address? drive. stop. drive. stop. drive. stop. blinkers? why would i put on my blinkers so people will see i'm stopped/looking to park?

missed your turn? pull a U in the middle of a two lane street. with buses. and taxis. and pedestrians.

didnt hear Siri with your driving directions? stop in the middle of the street/intersection or wherever and just stare at your phone for a while. push a few buttons. then wait for it to reload. no biggie.

your town doesnt have motorcycles or bicycles in the street on the regular? then you should definitely slow down to 5mph and WAIT for the old fat chick to pedal her ass up to the intersection.

you dont have at least 5' of clearance on either side of your car? well, then just stop and wait for the truck/bus/taxi/fedex/bicyclist/homeless/motorcyclist to give you your 5' of clearance. dont worry, the rest of us will just wait.

but the BEST PART? "man, SF is crazy. i should have just taken the subway"

actually a recent study says this method of merging aka "zipper" is better than having everyone merge way way back.

ah. just saw this was addressed earlier.

carry on.
Yes and I’m sure all of those cars speeding to the front of the line have the “zipper” method studies in mind!
If you're actively passing, there is no need for you to move right just to allow a faster driver past. Just like the gripe upthread about big semi trucks passing other trucks, which slows down everyone in the left lane, it is absolutely their right to pass at a lower speed to those cars in the left lane.

Once there is a sufficient opening on the right that you can no longer be described as actively passing, you should move over and allow faster traffic to pass you on the left. But if you're going past a steady stream of cars/trucks and there are no real openings where you're not actively passing, you're just fine in the left lane.
so you are the ****** policing the left lane, hiding under the umbrella of "actively passing" [emoji2]
The problem is this Ahole is too stupid- or chickensheit - to move into the right lane if he/she will be between two semis. So on a two lane like I5 in the central valley you’re gonna be behind the idiot for 15 minutes while he/she will be passing 3 or 4 or 10 semis. But at a delta of like 2mph.

Plenty of room for a single car to fit in one of those spaces between two semis and let others pass.

But no. They’re ACTIVELY passing. For 20 miles.
'Actively' is a rather broad term.

I'm guessing most of us have been on both sides of that equation. I hate moving roadblocks caused by an oblivious driver in the fast lane, but equally hate THAT guy behind me flashing his headlights, as I am in the middle of overtaking the car in the right lane (and I'm not just creeping by). Dude. I see you. Your flashing lights will not encourage me to speed up from the 85 I'm doing now. I will let you through at the first opportunity, seeing as how you will be more likely, and I will be less likely to get the ticket.
learn to recognize the signs of ADD (A-hole Driver Disease)

if you or one of your friends has any of these signs, please get help

and stop being an a-hole

View attachment 604530

Even though it's a good representation, the Jersey version of this post might need an update for Maserati and Tesla logos to properly reflect my area's entitlement to the pavement. If you've ever driven on any Jersey roads beyond the maintained Dorkway or TurdPike, you'd know it doesn't make sense to go over the limit or own something that will cost you more to finance or repair than it's worth. If there's anything worse than entitled driving, it's the uninsured and undocumented.
That's why I keep my 15 year-old truck with 50k miles parked most of the time and drive a dented Toyota beater with over 200k amongst the idiots.
I've driven in NYC, DC, the Autobahn and the Rings of Death around Kuwait City. Stupid and entitled is the same everywhere, no matter where you are.
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Not too many Maserati on the road here, but I think I do need to add Tesla, maybe Lexus & Range Rover.

The plus side of the government shutdown is a good number of the stupid & entitled aholes are off the road
I've found that stupid and entitled is generally of shorter duration on the autobahn.

some people tend to forget that "no maximum speed" comes with "if it's safe", the only question is if the police is first or the railing...