Admiral hops question

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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2011
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I wanted amarillo hops for an american pale along with cascades but the company sent me admiral hops by mistake. Are these worth using?? i don't have to be true to style!!!!
I used them in my last few pale ales which are currently very drinkable and turned out betteer than alot of my others. I used admirable and centnnial, and also with nugget in another pale ale.I thought they worked well.
I did an all admiral in a saison,ill edit this after i try one and let you know what i thought of that.That one needed more conditioning.

Edit:Yeah,it has a pretty nice citrus orange almost grapefruit like bittering.Mine were 13% and organic and the description has it stated as a having a strong fruity and sweet hoppy aroma.citrusy sweet flavor with hints of orange and apricot,great for ipa or esb,and a good sub for amarillo cascade,centennial ,challenger, or chinook.
I dindt do very much of a late addition or any dry hopping but definitly will in the future.I think they work well with other hops with differnet character than the subs, i do think the bittering is well rounded as the description also says,and i wouldnt hesitate to use them in all additions. You may like them more than amarillo- i havent used amarillo since my first few brews,now im gonna have to go get some. I love warrior too,it was clean bittering enough to use in my lager.

I also bittered with it in my Superbowl sunday pale ale this i subbed alot and it is the most interesting beer i have done,i really like the bittering this hop has, i did a late centennial hop steep for 15 min and it has a sweet fruitness to it which seems uncharacteristic? but good.This orange like bittering it has its kind of ascending in bittering, there is also a nice flavor and feel associated with its bittering.
Admiral is a good bittering hop. It's usually pretty high in AAs, too, so make sure you measure well. It's bred from Challenger and Northdown, if memory serves, so it has some classic English bittering heritage. The flavor is very subdued if you throw them in at 60+ minutes. I've never used them in a late addition, so I can't comment on that.
I have cascades which i wanted to pair with amarillo. I do have warriors lying around. Cascades and admiral?
My daughter drew a picture called pale ale monster. Inspiration?! Thinking all three hops right now. Have 2oz cascades, 2oz admirals and 1oz warriors. 5 gallon batch.
My daughter drew a picture called pale ale monster. Inspiration?! Thinking all three hops right now. Have 2oz cascades, 2oz admirals and 1oz warriors. 5 gallon batch.

Use the admiral and warrior. Tell daughter to draw a picture of a nautical scene with a ship captain slaying the pale ale monster. Use the cascades only if said picture takes place in the Puget Sound (is any body of water closer?). At least you'll have a story to go with it.
The company has been generous enough to ship me amarillos so now i'll make two pales. One with warriors and admirals and the other cascades and amarillos. My daughter is going to draw that btw!!!
Here the drawing is!!!

Two pales= better than one.Nice.Now maybe you can decide which you like but alot of times just huffing them will give you a good idea.But really there is nothing like doing flavoring and dryhopping.
jonmohno said:
Two pales= better than one.Nice.Now maybe you can decide which you like but alot of times just huffing them will give you a good idea.But really there is nothing like doing flavoring and dryhopping.

That sounds like a great idea about huffing. The beer i'm drinking now was dry hopped with simcoes and amarillos. Awesome mix.