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Texting and driving is by far more dangerous than drinking and driving IMO.

Police need to crack down of these jackoffs. If caught TWD your phone should be confiscated and destroyed on the spot by the police officer.

This post reminds me of the Connecticut State Troopers who would "test" the case of your radar detector when they pulled you over with their baton.

I also used to Scuba dive, and the boat captains back then were very jealous of their wrck location numbers.
One particularyly "jerkoff" captain felt it was his right to "watertest" any GPSs found on his boat. He didn't have the balles to
Texting and driving is by far more dangerous than drinking and driving IMO.

Police need to crack down of these jackoffs. If caught TWD your phone should be confiscated and destroyed on the spot by the police officer.

This post reminds me of the Connecticut State Troopers who would "test" the case of your radar detector when they pulled you over with their baton. I think their failure rate was percent.

I also used to Scuba dive, and the boat captains back then were very jealous of their wreck location coordinate numbers.
One particularyly "jerkoff" captain felt it was his right to "watertest" any GPSs found on his boat. He didn't have the balls to actually do it, but he talked a good game.

All I want to do is pay for my my box of petite rubbers and a Twinkies and now I am going to spend the greater part of my afternoon watching this geriatric write out a check with the worst case of hand tremors that I have seen in a long time.

You buy "petite" condoms? I LOLed! :D
A Knuckle Dragging Troglodyte brings a rabbit into the exotics animal hospital I work at part time. KDT claims the necrotic flesh and subcutaneous maggot infestation on the rabbit's rear end happened overnight. The rabbit had maggots crawling subcutaneously to the middle of it's spine...The rabbit was still alive.

The KDT actually had the gall to bawl when she made the decision to euthanize...

On a scale of one to ten, this is about a 6.5 or 7 in the realm of animal cruelty/neglect I deal with on a daily basis...

Knuckle Dragging Troglodyte LOL!
A Knuckle Dragging Troglodyte brings a rabbit into the exotics animal hospital I work at part time. KDT claims the necrotic flesh and subcutaneous maggot infestation on the rabbit's rear end happened overnight. The rabbit had maggots crawling subcutaneously to the middle of it's spine...The rabbit was still alive.

The KDT actually had the gall to bawl when she made the decision to euthanize...

On a scale of one to ten, this is about a 6.5 or 7 in the realm of animal cruelty/neglect I deal with on a daily basis...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I could watch guys with wrenches beat Michael Vick to death slowly over the span of several hours and then go out to dinner and sleep like a baby. The one and only time I have fostered an animal I found it to be one of the most rewarding experiences in recent memory, but I have nightmares about the terrible things I want to do to his former owners. It certainly doesnt help that Schrodinger is the best cat on the planet.
I'm pretty sure the old lady in OP actually works at my local Walmart. As a cashier. At the express checkout.

Good point. Why is it that they put either the old lady or the slow morbidly obese woman in the express checkout.

Put these employees in the slow line and replace them with other employees who enjoy living their lives high on uppers.
While on the subject of the checkout line, how about those pinheads who choose to stand in a line 10 deep with every individual having a cart full of groceries.

Just a few short steps from the herd is a line with only two people in it with only a handful of items. Sometimes I think people truly enjoy the torturous experience of wasting away an extra 20 mins of their day staring at the back of someones head while listening to their 15 children scream and fidget.

This is not necessarily a compliant of mine. It actually makes my day much easier. I do a quick scan of all 50 registers at wally world then make a B line to most promising line while taking all factors into consideration including the length of the line, number of items, age, size and state of consciousness of both employees and fellow customers.
If you shop at Wal Mart for then you deserve whatever you get, be it an inconvenient trip through the check out line, food poisoning from the 20 pounds of raw hamburger, or an allergic reaction to the awful quality clothes they imported from China.

The only exception to this is if you absolutely cannot afford to shop anywhere else.
I'd get'em online. Fewer idiots and comes in clear brown paper packaging.

Of course, the ones I personally use have a fullsized printing of the Magna Carta on the outside.
Hell id buy them by the case then as to not to have to endure Walmart but once every 10 years.

Ever thought of having the boys snipped? That would only be a couple of painful days as opposed to this ongoing torturing you are enduring at Walmart.
Hell id buy them by the case then as to not to have to endure Walmart but once every 10 years.

Ever thought of having the boys snipped? That would only be a couple of painful days as opposed to this ongoing torturing you are enduring at Walmart.

Id'e buy them by the case but they always seem to expire before I am able to use them.

That's why I go for the 3 pack. Usually gives me 2 or 3 years to use.
This morning as I drove by Walmart I say a guy walking in to go shopping, what an idiot.
This morning as I drove by Walmart I say a guy walking in to go shopping, what an idiot.

Before going to Walmart I like to do a cost-benefit analysis.

I ask myself if the amount that I save is worth the extra time and headache that I will likely experience.

If I am able to save $75 while spending an additional 20 mins of my time dealing with multiple jackoffs I will usually endure the pain and bite the bullet.
Before going to Walmart I like to do a cost-benefit analysis.

I ask myself if the amount that I save is worth the extra time and headache that I will likely experience.

When it comes to going to Walmart the cost is always higher than the benefit IMO. :-\
You must have some deep pockets my friend.

I can't speak for him, but even if there was a Walmart in my area I would avoid it like the plague. I also don't have deep pockets, but I prefer to give my money to companies that have some modicum of respect for their employees.
Call me a misanthrope, or a curmudgeon, or even a pilgarlic. There's an old saying I just made up. "That's the trouble with the world. People."
You must have some deep pockets my friend.

Haha... Not at all. It's just that if I were ever to lose it and kill somebody, I feel that Walmart is the place in which that would happen. Jail time = high cost. :)

In addition, I'm almost positive that 50% of the pictures on were taken at my local store. It's scary business out there... Scary business my friend.
I can't speak for him, but even if there was a Walmart in my area I would avoid it like the plague. I also don't have deep pockets, but I prefer to give my money to companies that have some modicum of respect for their employees.

Which company may this be?

Walmart always seems to take a beating when it comes the perceived treatment of their employees. The truth is, with any company it comes down to the all mighty dollar. This is especially true when it comes to the big box store.

Unless you live in Mayberry where these stores do not exist, you too are supporting the "corporate devil"
Which company may this be?

Walmart always seems to take a beating when it comes the perceived treatment of their employees. The truth is, with any company it comes down to the all mighty dollar. This is especially true when it comes to the big box store.

Unless you live in Mayberry where these stores do not exist, you too are supporting the "corporate devil"

Not always true. Meijer, which is regional in the Midwest, treats it's employees quite well and they have hundreds of stores. They offer decent pay, full-time hours, and benefits (as far back as the mid-90's even). Costco, which is one of the biggest box stores out there is ranked as a great place to work by it's own employees.

I am not trying to be preachy, I have shopped at Walmart in the past when it was necessary. I am just glad that I have other options now.

I mostly shop at small grocery stores in Chicago that are family owned and Costco for my bigger purchases when possible.
Unless you live in Mayberry where these stores do not exist, you too are supporting the "corporate devil"

There is different degrees of the Devil in this case and Walmart is the Devil of the Devils.

I can shop at other stores that while they are too big companies, they pay their employees a livable wage and provide benefits.

If I shop at a Kroger store their employees are union, make a decent wage, and have full benefits.

If I shop at Walmart, their employees are likely making a dollar or two over minimum wage, and kept at 36 hours a week so Walmart doesn't have to pay for their benefits. In the long run you pay for them anyway in higher taxes to provide them food stamps, and higher medical costs when they us the ER for their primary care physician.

Walmart is SHINNING example of what is wrong with this country. The worker is getting screwed while the company is raking in BILLIONS and the CEO and executives are wealthy beyond our comprehension.

So yeah, ill shell out a little more and shop in good continuous knowing I am not giving a company like Walmart a damn dime.

/rant off
There is different degrees of the Devil in this case and Walmart is the Devil of the Devils.

I can shop at other stores that while they are too big companies, they pay their employees a livable wage and provide benefits.

If I shop at a Kroger store their employees are union, make a decent wage, and have full benefits.

If I shop at Walmart, their employees are likely making a dollar or two over minimum wage, and kept at 36 hours a week so Walmart doesn't have to pay for their benefits. In the long run you pay for them anyway in higher taxes to provide them food stamps, and higher medical costs when they us the ER for their primary care physician.

Walmart is SHINNING example of what is wrong with this country. The worker is getting screwed while the company is raking in BILLIONS and the CEO and executives are wealthy beyond our comprehension.

So yeah, ill shell out a little more and shop in good continuous knowing I am not giving a company like Walmart a damn dime.

/rant off

No one is forced to work for a particular company for crap wages. If you take a job with crap pay and benefits that was your choice.

If you are unable to find a job where you are treated and paid "fairly" this is a you problem. Seek higher education, learn to network or become self employed.

If this does not seem plausible then I guess Darwin has done his job.
No one is forced to work for a particular company for crap wages. If you take a job with crap pay and benefits that was your choice.

If you are unable to find a job where you are treated and paid "fairly" this is a you problem. Seek higher education, learn to network or become self employed.

If this does not seem plausible then I guess Darwin has done his job.

This logic simply could not possibly be more fundamentally flawed.
No one is forced to work for a particular company for crap wages. If you take a job with crap pay and benefits that was your choice.

If you are unable to find a job where you are treated and paid "fairly" this is a you problem. Seek higher education, learn to network or become self employed.

If this does not seem plausible then I guess Darwin has done his job.

Awwwwww man. :-(
Creamy I think it would be a exercise in futility.

A lot of people in this country could give a rats ass about their neighbors or fellow worker. If it means they can save a nickel on a bottle of Ketchup, then so be it pay the worker less or do away with their health insurance.

The funny part is these people don't understand Walmart is just being subsidized by the tax payers. That's right, when that worker is so poor they cant afford to feed themselves or their families, who do you suppose does? FOOD STAMPS. When they don't have medical insurance and are on Medicare who do you suppose pays for that? You taxes dollars once again.

So you support a company that is raking in billions while they have pushed the burden of paying for their workers on the US tax payer. How bizarre is that... I guess just a new angle at the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, but this one is disguised since the US tax payer is indirectly footing the bill.

I dont really feel like it today. Someone else take over?

Okay, I'll pay devil's advocate on this one for you.

Some people come from disadvantaged backgrounds and have no other options in America.

Others have lots of kids and don't have time to improve their lives.

Its just not fair that some people have so much money while others can't seem to make a living wage.

Why can't we all just get along?

People deserve to be paid well even if their performance sucks. Its only fair.

Somewhere along these lines?
I suppose all the small business that Walmart puts out of business are just lazy doffs too.

A half a block from my house was a Family owned grocery store that had been in business since the 1950s. 2 miles down the road they open a Super Walmart. That mans small business lasted almost a year. If only he would have got off his ass and worked a little I am sure he could have saved it.

I am sure his employees that used to make a decent wage, have found themselves at Walmart because they chose a crappy job.
Creamy I think it would be a exercise in futility.

A lot of people in this country could give a rats ass about their neighbors or fellow worker. If it means they can save a nickel on a bottle of Ketchup, then so be it pay the worker less or do away with their health insurance.

The funny part is these people don't understand Walmart is just being subsidized by the tax payers. That's right, when that worker is so poor they cant afford to feed themselves or their families, who do you suppose does? FOOD STAMPS. When they don't have medical insurance and are on Medicare who do you suppose pays for that? You taxes dollars once again.

So you support a company that is raking in billions while they have pushed the burden of paying for their workers on the US tax payer. How bizarre is that...


Fair enough. The tax payer does ultimately pay to feed, house and insure these folks.

By paying everyone a fair wage will this eliminate the reliance of so many on the government for basic necessities?

I tend to think not. If this were to happen, an increase in circulating currency would ultimately dilute the value of the dollar and lead to inflation.

The same folks would soon be in the cheese line looking for a govt handout cause they can't pay for the necessities once again.

Any economist in the house?

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