You made this?

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Yup. Not all of my batches are amazing but there have been a couple. One of my friends upon trying my first saison took one sip and said "You -made- this?" Those exact words for sure. I'm not sure if you're talking about a good "You made this?" or a bad "You made this?" but that's what I was taking it as. If it's the good version, congrats! :mug:
You're not doing it right, if you haven't gotten that from someone...

I had a chef try a RIS of mine and ask, "what brewery is this from?" I said, "I made it." Chef, "Oh, what's your brewery called?" Me, "No, it's homebrew." Chef, "o_O"
You're not doing it right, if you haven't gotten that from someone...

I had a chef try a RIS of mine and ask, "what brewery is this from?" I said, "I made it." Chef, "Oh, what's your brewery called?" Me, "No, it's homebrew." Chef, "o_O"
Nice :D

OP, just wait until you go into your favorite brewpub with friends or family and after they order their favorite style, they'll say, "your beer is better," at a really inappropriately loud level. But yeah, I got the "you made this?" quite a few times early on.
Nice :D

OP, just wait until you go into your favorite brewpub with friends or family and after they order their favorite style, they'll say, "your beer is better," at a really inappropriately loud level. But yeah, I got the "you made this?" quite a few times early on.

I've got a buddy that was just up in Santa Rosa at Russian River... He had been drinking Pliny and I suggested (via Facebook) that he try their sours.

He replied. "I did. Yours is better."

I didn't have the heart to tell him: "No, it's really not." ;)
Well this is what happened to make me start this post first one by the way.. I brewed a Starbucks coffee and Hershey's cocoa porter named it Hershbucks . Asked my neighbor if he drank coffee he said only in the morning I asked him to try a coffee beer he said A Coffee beer? Nah but he would try another beer I had on tap so I brought him out a sample of both. He's a craft beer drinker I knew he would not turn it down. he said he said you really made this? After he had both he said he said the coffee porter was awesome
I like it when I serve a really good home brew, but they get the yucky beer face and say something stupid after the first sip.
MisterTipsy said:
I like it when I serve a really good home brew, but they get the yucky beer face and say something stupid after the first sip.

My mom did this the other day after trying my honey wheat. I just laughed and enjoyed watching her make that silly face. Oh yeah, she also HATES beer
My mom did this the other day after trying my honey wheat. I just laughed and enjoyed watching her make that silly face. Oh yeah, she also HATES beer

This only I do this to my wife. I had her try my cream ale wort after yesterdays brew day. That face always makes me smile.
SWMBO who is not a fan of beer at all, will try all the craft brews I bring home and all the brews I make. 9 out of 10 times she tells me mine are better. Her favorite to date was my first attempt at a Hefeweizen. She feel in love with the banana that WLP380 put out.
I just had this last night at my sister in law's graduation party. I had made a keg of strawberry blonde she requested, goes to school near SBC in Connecticut and likes their fruit beers. I also made my summer ale with MO, Wheat, Ahtanum, little lemon zest and grains of paradise. Anyway, we kicked my 10 gallons of beer and this morning I was helping my father in law pump out all the left over bud light from the keg, haha. Got a lot of "You really made this?" and "How did you make it?". Definitely a cool feeling when someone likes your beer.
BargainFittings said:
I watch what people do more than what they say. If they hit a single tap multiple times then I know I did ok. :)

Exactly, the other day four buddies stopped by while I was brewing and emptied a brand new keg I just filled with a Pale Ale the day before. Bastards! They didn't ask if I made it though, they already knew I did.
I made a keg of a basic American Pale Ale and carried it to a get together. Some guy I didn't know and apparently didn't know that commercials don't use cornys was running the tap telling everyone it was Sam Adams. When I walked over to get a glass I let him know that it was my beer. He said he thought it was ok to drink as it was already on ice and tapped. I laughed and told him that I made it. I spent the rest of the day talking about brewing.
had it said a few times... my favorite response is either "can I have the recipe?" or "can I have another?"
I like it when I serve a really good home brew, but they get the yucky beer face and say something stupid after the first sip.

My BMC-Lite, beer-swilling relatives are like that. I think they're confused and at a loss for words when confronted with beer you can actually taste.
I get "you made this" a lot.. Especially when I pull a pint off my kegs.

My favorite response was at my may BBQ:

I offered a friends husband a beer, he responded with "Maybe just half a pint I'm driving" (his wife was pregnant; so he didn't have to drive)

I thought that was nice enough way of saying that he would try it but was kind of expecting to not like it.

He took one sip then a quick (and larger) second sip. Looked at me with wide eyes and said "You Made this? Can I have a full pint?"

Then he looked at his wife and told her she was driving....
My beer got good comments at a couple of parties this weekend. And a few "Tastes like Sam Adams". It has that same taste at the end. Hops.
One guy asked if I could make a batch for him to take on vacation next week.
Bradzukie said:
My mom did this the other day after trying my honey wheat. I just laughed and enjoyed watching her make that silly face. Oh yeah, she also HATES beer

My sister does that. She doesn't like beer. She says it's too beery! Ha!
I had a coworker over at my house a while back. We have been out drinking and fishing a few times but it was always whisky. I had just assumed he was a BMC guy. I offered him a homebrew and he was like nah I have had homebrew before and I dont like it. I said just try it. Well it turns out he likes good beer. He tells me that he is from poland and drives from mpls to chicago to get his favorite polish beers. Anyway here I am thinking he is a BMC guy and he is sampling my beer like a beer judge. He is sniffing it and holding up to the light saying you made this. After that california common we got into some hefeweizen and an IPA I had and he just kept saying the same thing you made this? It definately made me feel good.
I had bottled my last batch of DIPA in Steam Whistle bottles. For those of you who aren't from Canada, it's a craft-brewed pilsner from Toronto. They only make pilsner, and their motto is "Do one thing, but do it really well." I love bottling in their bottles because they are sturdy and have a nice shape, but the downside is they have paint labels and I hadn't taken the time to remove them for that batch. Anyways, I poured one of my beers for a friend who loves craft beers and he said "When did Steam Whistle start making an IPA? This is delicious." It wasn't til I pointed out the Sharpie pen date and code I wrote on the caps that he believed that I had brewed it.
I am lucky when my in-laws can actually finish a glass of my homebrew. They really like stuff like Shiner and Dos Equis, and Michelobe Light. So pretty much everything I make is "hoppy" "bitter" or "oh thats interesting tasting."
So far the best results I have had with them are with the Honey Hibiscus Wheat beer. My Father in Law actually requested a glass of beer without me ever offering it.
Most everyone else I share my beer with also homebrews so its no surprise to them.
Just a few nights ago I got the "you made this", following, can you make Bud light? Yes I brewed the beer and No I don't brew Bud Light.
Had a friend finaly stop by to try my brew and he only drinks Corona. He had a couple and told me to go make some more after he had my Raspberry Wheat.
my first brew was a brown ale, i had a poker game at the house and a few guys tried it and i got the " you made this? " and then all the how and how much and all that...just like i did with my brewing neighbor that hooked me in to this :ban:
I've had the "that is really good!" when people try my beers but the best was a guy at work had an amber I did said "I'd pay $30 for a case of that", I felt like if it was something he would buy, I made a great tasting beer.