You know you're a home brewer when?

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Your friends see a big container of stewed brussel sprouts you made last night and think that your hops have gone bad
You drive past a wheat field every day on the way to work, and wonder how much you could harvest before you got caught.

Wait till harvest and ask if you can buy a bucket full. I've never ran out and they never charge if you have your own buckets
When you get home from work and find empty bottles neatly stacked next to the front door. But they aren't yours (returns from shared home brew) nor does any one else in fhe neighborhood drink Heavy Seas IPA....
When your transferring tomorrow and brewing Sunday to fill the empty back up then bottling a sour and filling the sour bucket back up and by that time should be kegging the one from secondary and transferring for dryhops the one I'm brewing Sunday and filling thy fermenter back up again

I love the cycle of no empty fermenters and now that I have two ferm chambers (just need to get lizard heating wire from pet store for the second one) makes it that much better and easier on my mind knowing the yeast will be happier then ever
When you're filling up 25 L water bottles for a youth night and think, "These look like demijohns, I wonder if the handle would be an issue as a fermentation vessel." Only one way to find out...
When you go to a buddy's house for a Memorial Day BBQ, you wander into the basement to check the Ranger game score. You notice his "workshop" area and you start to spec it out on how you would convert it to a brew room.
When you walk through the wooded area next to your shop and smell a faith yeast smell from washing fermenters...

When you troll Craigslist on a regular basis looking for a specific deal. :rockin:

I need to learn how to set up an SST news feed for what I'm looking for. There is an easier way to do this!!!!!!! :mug:
When you troll Craigslist on a regular basis looking for a specific deal. :rockin:
I need to learn how to set up an SST news feed for what I'm looking for. There is an easier way to do this!!!!!!! :mug:

HA! Too funny...yeah, if you pay for the "Craigslist Prop" app for the smartphone it gives you options of notifications. I had to turn mine off. Too much money goin' out the door. It was just way too easy.
When you are hiding your second BoilCoil and third 62qt stainless vessel that showed up in the mail from your wife...
You know you're a brewer when...

You see a craft beer such as Dark Horse or Bell's Brewery at the local grocery store and think "Hell, I could brew that myself!" :tank:
...when you discover the soulfully therapeutic effect of pulling a chair up next to your fermenter and sit there watching the airlock bubble. Kind of like staring at a crackling campfire. Or a babbling brook. Or the Zamboni cleaning the ice.

And don't tell me you don't.
...when you discover the soulfully therapeutic effect of pulling a chair up next to your fermenter and sit there watching the airlock bubble. Kind of like staring at a cracking campfire. Or a babbling brook. Or the Zamboni cleaning the ice.

And don't tell me you don't.

Lol. Guilty as charged
nuff said..

Please tell me that is a real scent, and not photoshopped!

I dunno. I would imagine it could either be really good or really bad. You know that smell when you walk into a nice dank college bar/dive and you smell the damp, old stale beer smell? I do not know if that is a smell I want in my house. Hops would be far better.
I dunno. I would imagine it could either be really good or really bad. You know that smell when you walk into a nice dank college bar/dive and you smell the damp, old stale beer smell? I do not know if that is a smell I want in my house. Hops would be far better.

Now your onto something. A beeswax candle infused with citra hops!
Not sure this candle would go over well in our house. Haven't yet found a female in our family that likes the smell of hops. We were at the Genesee Brew House a few weeks ago and I picked up one of the sample bags of hops near a display and took a big whiff and (naturally) said, "ahhh". I handed it to my daughter to smell and as she did, she repelled abruptly with this sour look on her face. I think hops are an acquired aroma.
When your sweating to Death in your Living room but the closet off the laundry room that you put a A/C unit in is at a cool optimal fermentation temp....
When you can spend your lunch break admiring the temperature controller that you have been using for 15 years, now that I'm brewing I really admire that thing.


When you hand your wife a Harp and after a sip she asks, "When did they start watering down their beer."
When you realize you keep and average of $30 of food in the fridge at any one time but you have a $100 in hops and $300 of grain in the house. Most importantly, this does not bother you in the slightest.
When you charge your friends 24 empty 12 oz bottles for every 3 liters of (insert your brew) you give them.
***and yell at the first one that brings you screw tops***
When you got another bit of equipment for the man cave/brewery, & you look forward to re-arranging it to make room for it all. But make it look better at the same time while all the while taking pics & video.
When you realize you keep and average of $30 of food in the fridge at any one time but you have a $100 in hops and $300 of grain in the house. Most importantly, this does not bother you in the slightest.

ssssshhhh! Not so loud...SWMBO might here you.
When you go to a mates house to watch some football and bring a selection of five different beers with you (IPA, Saison, Stout, Steam Bock, Chocolate Porter). He asks, "do you have any that just taste like beer?" Assuming that he means bland lager I reply, "no." He goes to the fridge and pulls out a carlton lager (as expected). You're not even mad because you realise that's one more empty bottle to take home.
You attend your company picnic and gratefully partake of the Shocktop and Budweiser supplied (draw the line at Bud Lite, however), then go home and consume one of your Russian imperial stouts to make things right again.
When you brew 6 different beers for an upcoming beach trip with family, get them in their cases, and instantly think "We can do flights! Of my beer!"

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