You know your girlfriend/wife is a keeper when . . .

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2010
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. . . she tries DFH 120 minute IPA at the American Craft Beer Fest last weekend and demands you brew a clone because she absolutely loves it!
Sounds like a girlfriend. A wife would likely balk at the cost of the hops bill. ;)

That was a very busy corner of the event. By the time I made it there 120 min was long gone (too busy cycling through the Lawson's line.) USA!
It sounds like you`ve got your work cut out.Good luck with the brew.
I`ve never tried that clone.Let us know if you give it a try and how
it turns out.Any woman that likes a strong IPA may well be a keeper.

Mine doesn't like anything but Bud Light. I'm trying to get her into other beers but she just isn't having it.
When she likes "your" beer (and not just sayin it to be nice). And likes it better than good commercial craft beers or asks "is this your beer? "and never knows whether its mine or a good craft beer i buy. Yeah,i usually pour it for her,though. So yeah,marriage material right there. Chica,chica,cheers!
I like a girl with cheap taste. Like she only drinks water.

Usually means she doesn't weigh more than me.
My wife spits out my stouts but I have made some that she likes. She is definitely not a hop head and I am. So I make hefe's, cream ale's and usually try to have something she'll drink. Or, she'll put an orange in it.
You know your girlfriend/wife is a keeper when . . .

she helps me with all aspects of brewing, bottling and kegging, helps me find gear cheap and enables my purchases and doesn't like beer at all, not even a taste.
18thstatebrew said:
When she fully supports your homebrew addiction. AS LONG AS YOU BREW OUTSIDE!!!

Just yesterday, mine said "Would you just build that basement electric system already? I want my kitchen back."

My girlfriend bought me my homebrew setup for our anniversary last year. She's really supportive of my hobby (read: obsession), helps with the cost of ingredients, does design for the brews I bottle, and puts up with my stuff all over the kitchen in our small apartment.
Since we have a small house and don't have anywhere else to age beer, my SWMBO let me store 4 carboys filled with various sour beers along the wall in our master bedroom to age. It was supposed to be a temporary thing, but since she has gotten used to them there I'm not moving them (she does like sour beers and knows they take a long time to age, so she's given me some leeway on this one I think).
Now I can whisper good night every night to all of the yeast, brett and bacteria who are working 24/7 to make great tasting beer for us LOL.
You know your girlfriend/wife is a keeper when. . . she tries DFH 120 minute IPA at the American Craft Beer Fest last weekend and demands you brew a clone because she absolutely loves it!

This is all fine and good until she has SIX DFH 120s......puke, fall down, get up, repeat!

She then forevermore demands you buy her the $14.00 six packs instead of her normal $5.99 sixer of Bud Light, then......puke, fall down, get up, repeat!

Believe me, I know......too much of a good thing sometimes = chunks of burrito in her hair! :tank:
I've only been able to do partial boils on the stove so I've been looking at turkey fryers. I thought I'd test the waters, so I asked my wife "If we had a turkey fryer, what kind of stuff could we cook with it?" First thing she said was full wort boils. Definitely a keeper.

She has great taste in beer as well. Saisons, RIS, IIPAs you name it. Sure the beer disappears faster, but that just means I get to brew more.
When she fully supports your homebrew addiction. AS LONG AS YOU BREW OUTSIDE!!!

This!!! Mine told me yesterday, out of the blue, "I really think you should concentrate on making your brewery dream a reality. That would make you happy." :ban:

Or--although this isn't true of me--when she earns you a free lifetime membership in "that other section" :rockin: Just sayin'....
Mine Got me started into homebrewing and then bought me a nice kettle the following year. She also thinks BMC taste like ****. Good thing we get cheap Sierra Nevada here.
My wife asked me for a brew system for Her birthday and Christmas. OK, says I, and I started researching brewing systems. I stumbled across this forum and read the electric brewing section. Tell my wife about Kal's sytem, she says " Do It! ". Research some more and decide to go for a version producing 21 gallons post boil. 30gal Blichmann for the boil kettle and 20gal. Blichmanns for the MT and HLT. She's likes that idea. Need a fermentor, find the Brewhemoths, she says " Buy 2 ". I love my wife!:mug:
...when my stout loving wife bought me my first brew kit and got pregnant one week later, but still supports me even though she is mad that she can't have any
My gf:

Loves. Brew Dog. Hardcore IPA. But it costs like 6 bucks a bottle...Guess what? She buys it.

Buys all the beer we drink. Just spent 120 on a few beers this past weekend.

Buys my ingredients when it's time to brew.

Has no problem with carboys, fermentors, equipment all over.

Offered to buy the copper tubing so I can make a wort chiller, just haven't taken her up on it yet.

No problem helping on brewday if I need another pair of hands.

Definitely a keeper.
She doesn't mind that I have three beer refrigerators in the basement :D
My wife doesn't drink beer but loves to help brew because it's a crafty thing and similar to cooking, which she loves to do. She makes the labels for our brews and revels in proudly sharing them with her beer drinking relatives and friends.
Congrats OP!

I found out mine was a keeper after some trying times, before that really. And if that wasn't good enough. She's a quiet member on HBT (doesn't even drink beer) but loves this site. :mug:
When after buying a new motorcycle I tell her I am going to start home-brewing and the kit I want is about 350.00. She says "I probably won't ride with you and I don't drink beer, but I LIKE how amorous it makes you."
When you're at a beer bar and she looks at you with that "I got this" look and corrects the ****** sitting next to you
She helps you clean bottles, and she doesnt really care to much for beer
When she say's "sorry, I can't spend the night, but I'll make your lunch before I leave".
Seriously though, sometimes I envy those who have a SWMBO. But, not everyone is able to achieve that connection. Sadly I'm one of those hapless guys that have spent my life going from one woman to another, after another, after another, trying to find that perfect match. And tragically have not been able to find "the one" . But I am an optimist, and will keep trying:ban:

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