Yeast Bank Suggestions? Your Opinions Please!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2014
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We had a party at the house this weekend during a very hot Saturday. My beer fridge was open more than it was shut, raising the internal temp of everything inside. My yeast had been sitting towards the back and I have not had to worry about these jars for some time. My Brother-in-law announced that he heard a pop in the fridge. I checked it, and one of my 1qt jars full of 1056 was degassing. I could see bubbles streaming up the sides. Long story short, I burped it a few times, then ended up dumping it because I feared contamination with it being open so many times. I checked my other jars and the seemed fine, until last night. All jars began to de-gas, resulting in me playing it safe with all of them and giving them the ol' heave ho. Unfortunately, I've seen the result of yeast grenades in the past, and didn't want to reduce the interior of my fridge to broken glass and yeast slurry. I had wlp001, wlp002, BRY-97, WY1056, DANSTAR hefe, Belle Saison, and Wyeast Munich lager. Most were several months old and needed to go anyway.

I realized that 001, 1056, and 97 were all very similar, so having those 3 was redundant. I'm moving away from using hefe yeasts as my wife has developed a gluten intolerance, and I cannot stand hefes, so I don't see me brewing one anytime soon.

So I view this as a new opportunity to try some new yeasts. What are some suggestions or tried and true yeasts for various styles and give great results? I have temp control and a decent setup on a fermentation chamber, so lagering is a viable option. What are the top 3-5 strains that you use that give you the best results?
thaymond, I think a better approach for your question would be to list a few styles you want to brew and we can give favorite yeasts. There are so many choices that your request is too open ended imho.

What do you want to brew next?
Good point. I have been on an IPA kick this year, just about all of my brews have been either a pale or IPA. I love Belgians as well. I like the traditional German styles, but also funky experimental brews too. I steer clear of hefes, and I'm not a fan of fruity or sour beers.

I guess I'm looking for an all around ale yeast, something that can work over multiple styles, stouts, pales, porters and the like. A similar Belgian yeast, something that is versatile and can make a variety of Belgian brews, from Strongs to Belgian ipas. I'm open to suggestions. I'll probably still rebuy the Munich lager because I liked the results in my Oktoberfest and bock.
I have a frozen yeast bank. I make 4 vials from a slightly oversized starter every time I use a new yeast.

I have made stepped starters from vials stored for more than 2 years.

I have over a dozen different yeasts.

They are in a styrofoam box with some cold packs to counteract the defrost cycle.

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Okay, revisiting this thread, I've tried a few yeasts that I like. US 4 and 5 have given me good results in the Pale styles. I've tended to go with dry yeast lately due to cost and time factors. I also don't feel too bad dumping the yeast afterwards since it's only a few bucks per pack, as opposed to nearly 8 dollars a vial/smack pack. I think I'll stay this course for now until I can get some interesting recipes going for various styles. I did use WYeast Scottish ale and it turned out awesome in a wee heavy. I'll be using that again in that style.

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