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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Silver Spring, MD.
Seriously, WHAT THE F?! I thought that nutjob dressed up as Santa took the cake as one of the sickest mofos I have ever heard of, but once again, mankind proves me wrong. After reading this news story, I am pretty pissed off. I would trade everything I own for an hour alone with this sicko. This story is just beyond words. - Australian Throws Daughter Off Bridge to Death, Police Say - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

Caution, if you read this, you will get P O'd.
As he was being led away, Freeman reportedly begged court staff to "take care of my kids.''

yeah, seems like a guy who is really concerned about the welfare of his children.

However he was deemed "suicidal" by psychiatrists and remanded in custody

Good, let him kill himself. Why do thes phycopaths always have to kill someone else and then try to kill themselves. WTF is the point of taking a 4 year old girls life first?

Darcey miraculously survived the fall and was pulled from the water by police within 10 minutes and ambulance officers spent the next 50 minutes resuscitating her on the bank on the side of the Yarra River.
As Freeman was being questioned by detectives, Darcey died in hospital from massive internal injuries.

This is the part that pisses me off the most. exploitive journalism at its finest. They don't mention that the little girl died until the end of the article, yet they tell you that she initially survied at the beginning. Kind of a bait and switch tactic if you ask me. Sick..........

Yes, I realize that the title says she died, but when I read the article for whatever reason the way it was written made me forget the title and I actually got my hopes up.

Here's another good one for you.

Montana's News Station - Fair. Accurate. To the Point. -Deadly Glasgow shooting shakes community

This guy sets up a sniper position behind a gravel pile, and uses the first victim as bait to draw others into the line of fire. I Know a lot of people from this small town in NE Montana, and this stuff doesn't happen up there.

The one thing I will say about this one, is apparantly the man who was shot got to his vehicle, grabbed his (licensed) gun and returned fire, which gave the police time to get there. Had he not had a gun he, his wife, and probably many others would have been dead.

There are some sick people in this world, its just too bad they are not decent enough to simply kill themselves without taking others down with them.
Yea the way it was written kind if irked me too. It says in the title, 'throws daughter off bridge to death' and as I read the article, I thought maybe he meant to throw her to her death but she managed to survive, but then I finished reading it. This pissed me off quite a bit too...

He will next appear in court on May 21 for a committal hearing.

Seriously, 4 months? Send this f'ing sicko to the front of the line, but don't execute him. This dude needs to spend the rest of his life in a dog crate.
Excaclty, they have a bridge full of witnesses that saw this guy do it. What the F are they waiting for. Get his ass in court while its still fresh in thier memories, run him through the system and get it done.

While making him suffer the rest of his miserable life would be enjoyable, I like Ron White's take:

I’m from Texas. In Texas we have the death penalty. And we USE it.

That’s right, if you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back. That’s our policy.

They’re trying to pass a bill right now through the Texas Legislature that will speed up the process of execution in heinous crimes where there’s more than three credible eye witnesses. If more than three people saw you do what you did, you don’t sit on death row for 15 years, Jack, you go straight to the front of the line.

Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty … my state’s puttin’ in an express lane.

Get it over with, and fry this moron.
What America needs to do is start having public executions to deter crime! I am so sick of politically correct pansies. Look at the state of our beloved United States... Most Americans are under mass hypnosis from that damed television set. The media is so freaking biased,they spin stories the way they want it to go and the sheeple fall into line without question. I was freed from this pittyful state years ago when I actually watched The campaign finance hearings for myself then tuned into Dan Blather *,Tom Lockjaw and the other "Journalists" to see their take. They didnt watch what I was watching, LIARS. It is amazing to see the absolute lies and spin they come up with. Just like now how they are attacking Rush Limbaugh for not wanting obama to succeed....... They always take things out of context and package it for the masses and the masses little heros like george clooney solidify the lies the media puts forth as truth. Excuse me I have to go throw up.........
* Who by the way commited treason in my book by continually using his platform to talk s**t about how America was handling the war. HE caused that first Americans beheading. WAR IS ABOUT WINNING AND PROTECTING OUR PEOPLE,NOT WORRING ABOUT HURTING THE FEELINGS OF THE GUY WHO DREW FIRST BLOOD!