WTF is wrong with people!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Belgrade Lakes Region, Maine
I'm not drunk but this seemed like the spot for a rant! I was enjoying my morning coffee, watching the news and some a**f*** in Cali., dressed up as Santa, shot a bunch of people and set the house on fire. The first one to get shot was an 8 yo girl. In the face! Yeah! Sure! I believe in God! Right!

Why can't f**ed up people just blow themselves away and leave others to live. Oh I get SO mad when children are involved. Abusers, pedophiles, killers, they should all be dragged out into the street, beaten and shot!

WTF! And the news doesn't have to report every detail of something like this. Brain-dead, ratings-whores. Great way to start my day...
Yeah, I heard about that one last night and couldn't believe what I was hearing. Total scum. The early reports said he cobbled together a flame thrower.
hopdog: Why can't f**ed up people just blow themselves away and leave others to live.

That's thing, isn't it? I mean, if you're going to kill people, stay alive yourself to enjoy life without them in it. If you're just going to kill yourself afterward, kill just yourself. It's the same end result.
Yeah it was another domestic situation turned deadly...Ex husband killing wife and her family...Stupid waste of life...

First victim was and 8 year old girl who opened the door...her eyes probably lit up when she saw it was Santa Claus...before the ******* shot her...
Last I heard she was in serious condiditon, that does not make this whole f***'d up situation right or anything, but hopefully she pulls through. Yea, this makes me sick to my stomach. I have been following this since it happened. I really wish this perp did not kill himself, he got off way too easy, he should rot in a 4x4 cell the rest of this life. On a side note, apparently this guy was suppose to be an usher at his church for midnight mass. Its always the most unsuspecting people...
Seems like he should have been a home brewer. Then he would have something to look forward to instead of dwelling on the negative and figuring out how to arm himself for mass slaughter.

Home brewing = peaceful society :mug:
Oh, and as for MADD - its not likely you would ever drive drunk off your own home brew - since you start at home. :drunk:
usher at church for midnight mass doesn't sound to unsuspecting to me. i've met lots of ****ed up people that work in the church. that's often why the go there, because they need help with their own problems.
usher at church for midnight mass doesn't sound to unsuspecting to me. i've met lots of ****ed up people that work in the church. that's often why the go there, because they need help with their own problems.

ditto that, people are f***** up. My wife is the religious one, I tried going back to church. No sooner I get in my car, people are giving you the finger as you come out the parking lot..... and one of them was the priest. Then again, I live in NJ.
Yea I mean every church is different, every sect of christians are different, but I am just saying, I would never think any of the ushers at my church would do something like this.
Last I heard she was in serious condiditon, that does not make this whole f***'d up situation right or anything, but hopefully she pulls through. Yea, this makes me sick to my stomach. I have been following this since it happened. I really wish this perp did not kill himself, he got off way too easy, he should rot in a 4x4 cell the rest of this life. On a side note, apparently this guy was suppose to be an usher at his church for midnight mass. Its always the most unsuspecting people...

If it is true and she didn't die, I hate to say it but I would almost rather hear that she DID die. Quickly and painlessly. I can't imagine how her life would be if she pulls through. Dead parents, torched. I really shouldn't even think about it because it makes my blood boil. I almost threw-up this morning when I heard it and I Do Not have a weak stomach.

I'm not sure I will be able to find the Santa on Futurama funny anymore.

Does anyone else find it unnecessary for the news to be so graphic? Maybe that is a question for the debate forum.
Yea I mean every church is different, every sect of christians are different, but I am just saying, I would never think any of the ushers at my church would do something like this.

You really can't tell what people are capable of doing, what they're thinking and what could set them off. How do you explain a priest that devotes his life to helping people and expouses the tenets of Christianity and then molests a child.
usher at church for midnight mass doesn't sound to unsuspecting to me. i've met lots of ****ed up people that work in the church. that's often why the go there, because they need help with their own problems.

or to find easy marks.

this sh*t hits too close to home for me.
Will be hitting the Lambic to try to not remember.
usher at church for midnight mass doesn't sound to unsuspecting to me. i've met lots of ****ed up people that work in the church. that's often why the go there, because they need help with their own problems.
nailed that on the head. Boston Irish raised. Mom was not of the "right Religion" for Grandma. She was not allowed to the drops of water placed on the head of my brother. I was rasied in a different church and get togethers were never right.
There are times when i do not watch the news for awhile for just this reason. The media wants us to be astounded by what has happened in the world, then they try to lighten it up with a story about a puppy dog that was found. I can not tell you how many good deeds are done every day that are left to wither away in the minds of many; we feed on the negative. Feeding on the negative is a way to make ourselves feel better. " Can you belive what happend to Johnny? Glad that I was not there!" Not tooting my own horn, but today a lady at the mall (for the love of God I was at the mall today) she was very pregnant. She asked for change for a 20 so her other child could stay in the current stroller (rented one in the shape of a race car). I only had 16. She was willing to forgo the 4 bucks, Shot... Come on, She was radiant, a women out there with one kid already, about due. My wife even asked her if she was due soon, because she look fantastic pregnant... and she did. I bought the stroller for her and the kid. I have no idea what the situation was, husband deployed, husband at work, no husband, all I know is that act left a huge smile on Lyhnda and I that would not go away.
The events of The D**kH**d that dressed in a santa suit will be remembered until the F****r decides that a bunny suit at Easter will be better. We as a society feed of that stuff
i often wonder why I had kids in the world today...
Stepping down from the soap box... Sorry
The media wants us to be astounded by what has happened in the world, then they try to lighten it up with a story about a puppy dog that was found. I can not tell you how many good deeds are done every day that are left to wither away in the minds of many; we feed on the negative. Feeding on the negative is a way to make ourselves feel better. "

you now know and understand why I left the lucrative world of broadcast news promotion. Scaring 35 yr old women into watching the 11'o Clock News destroyed me.

I enjoy slinging pizzas so much more. I almost have regained my soul.
will need to consult Revvy on this I am sure... ;)
you now know and understand why I left the lucrative world of broadcast news promotion. Scaring 35 yr old women into watching the 11'o Clock News destroyed me.

I enjoy slinging pizzas so much more. I almost have regained my soul.
will need to consult Revvy on this I am sure... ;)

Dude, could go on for hours about that! Congrats for leaving. the press is akin to a dog that rolls in the carcass of a dead animal to hide its scent to achive a goal. No harm ment to those that work for the media. JMO
Going to have a brew for you and the pizza slinging!:mug: