wolf spiders

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I will not allow anyone in my family to see this thread! Panic spreads throughout the house if one spider is spotted up on the ceiling! I prefer to leave them alone but I have to kill them to keep the peace.
The last thing I need is to have my daughter see some of the stuff in this thread!:drunk:
I got bit by a Hobo spider- Cousin to the BR. My shin looked exactly like that dudes hand

Me too. It bit me on the left forearm. At first I just had a little bump, but within a few hours my arm swelled up like a balloon. I had to get my arm sliced open and drained. Those little bastards are everywhere around here and like to move indoors come fall.
Me too. It bit me on the left forearm. At first I just had a little bump, but within a few hours my arm swelled up like a balloon. I had to get my arm sliced open and drained. Those little bastards are everywhere around here and like to move indoors come fall.

Yeah I made the mistake of getting a first floor apartment on a hill in Seattle, since it was partially underground it turned to spiderpalooza when the weather got cooler...
then i moved to california. i've seen so many black widows. brown recluse as well

You guys have yellow sac spiders also. They have necrotic venom like hobo's and brown recluse. They like to hide in grape clusters and bite the poor farm workers.
You guys have yellow sac spiders also. They have necrotic venom like hobo's and brown recluse. They like to hide in grape clusters and bite the poor farm workers.

oh, man. i've seen those suckers:


i didn't know what it was...thanks, i think :cross:

it looks like they're not very aggressive, at least, and would have to bite me more than once.

here's on interesting fact from wiki:

found in most of North, Central and South America. However, it is also found in Africa and Réunion.

boat or ancient land bridge?? :D
My mom was bit by a brown recluse a few years ago, and her shin still hasn't healed and is always purple. Whenever she bumps into something it just starts bleeding and won't "heal" up again for weeks. She's seen a few doctors and they could do a skin graft, but it would be expensive and she doesn't want to. :c (
I'm sitting in my dark living room reading this, and I have the willies like you wouldn't believe. I'm terrified of something coming out from under my coffee table or sofa. Luckily, I have a voracious housecat that likes going spider hunting.
I like my nice temperate northern location. Black widow is the only poisonous spider around and they are very very rare. Theres only 2 poisonous snakes, in the area, one is endangered and the other is very rare this north.
And given that large predators are almost non-existent in Ohio there is very little danger from the wildlife.
I try to avoid killing spiders and snakes as they both are wonderful predators of pests. I'd much rather have a couple of spiders in the house than the thousands of bugs they eat. Same with rodents and snakes.
Ofcourse the more toxic ones would cause a different opinion.
Okay, that clock pic REALLY made my skin crawl. I concur with the earlier shotgun advice in that instance.

El Hubbo and I are in the process of moving from TX to Tennessee. We are trading giant spiders and fire ants for timber rattlers and black bears. Works for me!

Sorry to disappoint ya Bedlam... Fire Ants are all over TN. As for Big spiders they have those too... probably not as many... but as others have said it's the little one's that matter and they have the recluse and widow... :(.

Btw why the love for the volunteers if you're in TX?

This dude went streaking across the floor when I came home last night, at first I thought it was a mouse it moved so fast. Of course he didn't care for the bug fogger I blasted him with, creepy spiders.:(

Sorry to disappoint ya Bedlam... Fire Ants are all over TN. As for Big spiders they have those too... probably not as many... but as others have said it's the little one's that matter and they have the recluse and widow... :(.

Btw why the love for the volunteers if you're in TX?


I grew up in TN, UT alum...GO Vols!

Haven't seen the fire ant thing here yet, nor experienced them growing up. Our yard in TX was just FULL of the damn things, though. And sure enough, EVERY time I bought a new pair of cute summer sandals, WHAM! I'd get bit a couple dozen times. Then, as some of you know, you have these really attractive pustules with red borders erupt from each bite, which yield to open sores and finally slowly heal to purple-y scars that don't go away for a couple of years. I f'ing HATE fire ants.

AND in Texas, I once picked up a piece of firewood that had four (4!) black widows on it. You bet I did the "creepy bug" dance!

Yup, I'll trade the bug population in TX for that of Tennessee any day...
I'm sitting in my dark living room reading this, and I have the willies like you wouldn't believe. I'm terrified of something coming out from under my coffee table or sofa. Luckily, I have a voracious housecat that likes going spider hunting.

Laurel, hold still, there's something on your shoulder....
I grew up in TN, UT alum...GO Vols!

Haven't seen the fire ant thing here yet, nor experienced them growing up. Our yard in TX was just FULL of the damn things, though. And sure enough, EVERY time I bought a new pair of cute summer sandals, WHAM! I'd get bit a couple dozen times. Then, as some of you know, you have these really attractive pustules with red borders erupt from each bite, which yield to open sores and finally slowly heal to purple-y scars that don't go away for a couple of years. I f'ing HATE fire ants.

AND in Texas, I once picked up a piece of firewood that had four (4!) black widows on it. You bet I did the "creepy bug" dance!

Yup, I'll trade the bug population in TX for that of Tennessee any day...

I'm in MS, but do know they're in Tenn from family and visiting there. Though I'd be surprised if they were in some of the elevations of eastern Tenn, Knoxville for instance. Yep I have literally felt your pain when it comes to the fire ants!

Oh yea Roll Tide!!!! :) :rockin: :fro:

I got bit by a brown recluse here in Alabama about 4yrs ago. I caught it early and had it treated with antibiotics. It still left about a quarter sized hole in my right thigh.
Pest control guy found a few Black Widows in the garage when he first sprayed. Get a couple house spiders now and then and they are ok as long as they stay near the door.