Why do you guys insist on using Linux?!

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A Cunning Linguist
HBT Supporter
Jan 19, 2013
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It's been asked before. People who are comfortable with Windows see some of these DIY projects as unapproachable because they run on Linux. I've attempted to distill why the tiny Raspberry Pi and Raspbian OS (a Linux variant) is the computer of choice for a lot of these projects:


I thought maybe some of the folks here might be interested in this - if for nothing else to bookmark and show it to people the next time someone asks. I'm also more than happy to edit the article to include things I may have missed.
Surprised there's no mention of increased security (for web-connected devices).

I've been using Linux almost exclusively for 15 years, and it's crazy to me that people use Windows for anything.
So, I may be out of the loop regarding the state of Windows security for more recent versions.
In my professional life, I spend a good deal of my time dealing with security. My environment is 75% Windows and 25% some form of Linux. That distribution favors Windows only because of our large Citrix footprint. Backend work is on Linux. Some of my contracts deal with a level of security that would boggle the mind of most folks. I can tell you that one OS is not inherently more or less secure than the other. What does impact security is the user. I think there are three main points:
  1. Installing 1000 different apps on a system incrementally impacts security. This is what I will refer to as threat vectors. The more "stuff" you add to your system, the more opportunities you have to be exploited. Adobe Acrobat, for instance, seems to be rife with issues these days. Their vulns impacted Linux as well as Windows, but most people viewing PDFs are on Windows. If the same practice of finding every free bit of software in the world and then letting it ferment on the hard drive were common on Linux then the impact would be similar. Advantage Linux, only because most people will install {insert homebrew-related application here} on their Raspberry Pi and never mess with it.

  2. Capabilities of the user. No matter how secure you can make a box, if the driver is not up to the task then it's going to be half-baked. Put another way - a poor system administrator can screw up anything. Advantage Windows, because most people can at least click their way to moderate safety (and Windows does a lot in their System Security Center to prompt people to do the right thing.)

  3. Regular patching. I've never seen a system that did not need regular patching to stay ahead of (or at least along-side) the bad actors. Windows by default patches and reboots weekly. Linux leaves that responsibility and flexibility up to the user. While I certainly understand it in production systems, I feel like "user grade" systems such as the Raspberry Pi should at least be packaged with something that offers to do the same upon setup. HUGE advantage to Windows here, at least in the context of this article and userbase.
There are always arguments one way or the other and I am not sure there can be one fair way to compare the two. I've been at this a long time and I have learned enough to know three things:
  1. "Better" has to be taken in context. I'd probably never try to run my large DB farms on Windows, but I'd also probably never make a UI on Linux.

  2. There's never "perfect." Someone is always going to be mad.

  3. Once you embrace a particular product and say "I'm an X person", you will have boxed yourself into a corner. Never love the product, they change too fast. Love the work, and love delivering capabilities.
I have never really liked WinDOHs all that much, TBH. I dragged my feet pretty hard, leaving good old DOS for it. Then when OS/2 Warp came out, I was all over that like white on rice. OS/2 is what really sold the GUI concept to me. When OS/2 lost its support, I sort of drifted back to Windows, though I did try several niche operating systems along the way. I even tried Red Hat when it came out. At the time, it was still just a little too geeky for me and oddly, a little too delicate and sensitive to hard reboots. Back to Windows. Meh. I didn't like the idea of closed source operating systems in the first place. How does the consumer know what is even IN there? One thing is in there... a great big giant back door that Microsoft has the key too, and one would hope nobody else. MS can do basically whatever they want, whenever they want, to your system, and they do not even have to notify you about it. Read the EULA. Paranoia, right? Call it what you want. An open source OS is just a better idea for so many reasons.

Okay so I did stick it out with Windows. 98 was pretty good. W7 was pretty good. All the in betweens were varying levels of sucky-ness. Then W8 came out and enough. I decided once and for all that I was moving lock stock and barrel to Linux or BSD or some other 'nix OS. W8 was a total abortion. MS promised improvement with W10 but you only have to jerk me around once or a thousand times, to make an unbeliever out of me. I tried installing Ubuntu in a dual boot configuration but it was giving me trouble so I saved my files, reformatted the entire drive on my main laptop, and said to hell with Windows. I installed Ubuntu all by itself. I never looked back.

I like the fact that Ubuntu is a community thing, and that the source code is freely available. I hate the way MS bludgeons PC makers into including Windows, and I am not impressed by MS's marketing juggernaut. The customer pays for the advertising that brainwashes him into thinking he has to use Windows. What a business model!

As for security, I think for the casual user, the difficulty of an intruder or malware of accessing root is a big security advantage. The file ownership attribute system is better developed. Linux is built to function properly as a multiuser system. Peer support is better. The user experience is better. The terminal is very powerful and useful, much more so than a DOS window IMHO. And I first started computing in actual DOS. The Bash shell is to me more intuitive than Windows scripting, more powerful, and again there is crazy peer support for when you are trying to solve a problem you just can't quite get a handle on.

So I have been using Ubuntu for what... about 7 years now? 8? There were some stumbling blocks, yeah, but now I would never dream of going back to that other operating system. About the only thing I can't do with one of my Linux boxes is run VBA stuff. Who cares? Oh, and configure some very specialized firmware/hardware that I very nearly stopped using until the mfr released a configuration app for Android, of all things. I don't use Wine. I don't use VM. I don't want anything to do with Windows. We have, counting the dozen or so Raspberry Pi's, probably 20 computers and only GF's work computer runs Windows, because Shell Oil Company is funny about that LOL.

Yes, good antivirus/antimalware helps keep WinDOHs secure. Except that virus definitions have to be up to date, up to the minute, or sooner or later........ And Windows is a fatter target, and an easier one, especially if there is no firewall or it is not up to the task. But a well equipped system is pretty bulletproof, assuming everything is more recent than the most recently crafted malware. I am with you on that. And the operator is usually his own worst enemy, downloading this, running that, installing this, clicking on that... it is really hard to teach people to use safe computing habits. Windows doesn't help much. The default for instance, is to hide filename extensions, and Windows decides what to do with a file based largely on the filename extension. So you click on "hotchicksmudwrestling.mpg" but the actual full filename is "hotchicksmudwrestling.mpg.exe" or something like that LOL! A more sophisticated and knowledgeable person wouldn't fall for a trick that a reasonably smart 9 year old might dream up, but this is just one example of how weak Microsoft's security blanket truly is for the average user.

Me, I don't have any AV. Actually, I don't think I even have firewall activated on this computer, though I do on the one I use for banking and stuff, just because, well, you never know.

But as for DIY projects, there are a lot of reasons to use open source. More flexibility. Freedom from involuntary updates and stuff. Smaller footprint. Simpler coding. CHEAPER. Raspbian is free. A Pi is $35. So is it practical to figure out how to get Windows to run on something similar, and pay for the license? Nah.

Let's face it. Anybody who is serious about using computers to actually DO stuff, needs to have some familiarity with Linux or Unix or similar. Even Microsoft knows that. Linux outrocks WinDOHs. Period.
With the wife and I it is a matter of being anti Bill and Melinda Gates due to issues they financially support which rub us wrong, so we have been using Linux (with occasional dabbles into Unix) since we gave up on rapidly disappearing IBM OS2 at around the turn of the century.
I've been at this a long time and I have learned enough to know three things:
  1. "Better" has to be taken in context. I'd probably never try to run my large DB farms on Windows, but I'd also probably never make a UI on Linux.

  2. There's never "perfect." Someone is always going to be mad.

  3. Once you embrace a particular product and say "I'm an X person", you will have boxed yourself into a corner. Never love the product, they change too fast. Love the work, and love delivering capabilities.

I think these three things are good life lessons in general.
All good points. I would however like to respectfully request that we leave rhetoric and brand (or people) bashing out if it. Evangelism is not part of a good discussion.

There are “people” who exist “somewhere” who’s job it is to break into things. I’ve watched them work and I am here to tell you: It takes them mere minutes to compromise an unhardened system be it Windows or Linux. Sometimes less than a minute.

Security is best applied in depth. This is why I cringe when I see any consumer systems connected to the Internet. If you’re not running at least a firewall with current patches, you may as well plan that trip to have unprotected sex with those Haitian hemophiliac drug addicts.
Surprised that nobody pointed out that by it's very nature homebrewing is geared toward being "open-source". That and the Linux culture will naturally attract.

Is there evidence to support the claim?

For example, is there an open source project that's delivering recipe software that includes reiterative mashing and non-enzymatic mashing?
I was just talking about craft breweries collaborating and sharing recipes sometimes with homebrewers. Friendly folks.
these DIY projects

What technologies do you see as "interesting" for new projects?

Do "containers" and "web assembly" build abstraction layers that make the underlying operating system a commodity? Can the the basic brewing models be implemented (C#?, golang?, rust?) as true open source software this decade so we can move on to "bigger" things (rather then ranting about 'bad' UIs)?

Are Juypter Notebooks the next generation of Excel spreadsheets?
What technologies do you see as "interesting" for new projects?
Good question. I envision a more cohesive "system of systems" which allows people to use technology like Legos (speaking of Homebrew projects only of course.)
Do "containers" and "web assembly" build abstraction layers that make the underlying operating system a commodity? Can the the basic brewing models be implemented (C#?, golang?, rust?) as true open source software this decade so we can move on to "bigger" things (rather then ranting about 'bad' UIs)?
Maybe an even better question. I think containers are still a little to closely tied to the underlying technology. Linux containers on Windows still rely on Hyper-V (which conflicts with other virtualization.) "The plan" is to have it run on WSL but I'm not sure where that is. Windows on Linux I think is still a no-go.

We're about as far from a complete abstraction as we are a post-political country (if you are in the US). :)

Jetty, Tomcat, Docker, Unikernels, OpenVZ, Rkt ... I'd say "abstraction" technology has more flavors than it hopes to replace.

What's your definition of "true open source?"
Are Juypter Notebooks the next generation of Excel spreadsheets?
Man, I hope not. I'd rather be able to hire a non-data scientist to do my presentations. It seems cheaper even counting the Office licensing fees.
I've been using Manjaro for about a year now after switching from W7. Manjaro is a more newbie friendly version of Arch. I primarily used W7 for gaming and as a Plex server so one of the reasons that Manjaro drew me towards it was a lot of Nvidia cards worked out of the box. Which in my case was true.

It took some work to get everything set up to work properly; setting permissions for services was a thing one never needed to worry about in W7. Thankfully, major linux distros have an amazing community that has a lot of the stuff I needed already documented, or are super helpful on forums. I've missed out on some games I've wanted to play that weren't natively made for linux but I just haven't had the time to set in WINE to run those games. Overall though, it's been fun to learn, I really like the rolling releases and it's been a super stable system.
Appreciate you sharing! That said... I'm honestly not sure what position you are trying to take/make in your article (maybe I'm missing the intentional dissociation between title and body text)?. And while I'm not personally experienced too much with a decent Linux box, I cannot see the argument that a $30 RPi is comparable to an even several-years old PC running Windows. Yes, for brewing projects a practically disposable RPi may make good sense - these are usually not mission critical. But to get actual work done, in my opinion, you need legit hardware, independent of OS. Single case in point: an SD card in an SBC is not a suitable replacement for a hard drive... especially an SSD. I personally get work done on a Windows machine. I know I could do likewise on a Mac... but on Linux... not so sure - I don't think the applications exist.

I'll also add that I have had excellent results with Win10 for several years. I agree that the prior iterations were plagued with problems, but Win10 has proven to be foundationally strong in my experience. Compared to my wife's Mac... I can't claim one is more reliable than the other. Not a scientific sample by any means... but very often someone knocks Windows for philosophical or legacy reasons (cases above) - I think an honest assessment of modern tools is much more important and relevant than what happened years ago or the former CEO's ideologies.

Anyway, like all solutions that have been around... they exist because they fulfill the different needs of different people. Windows is typically not for the tinkerer - command lines aren't a norm for regular application users. But Linux can be refined and bent to the wills of the knowledgeable or willing user. Neither is better when compared to each other, but one is better when associated with one of the different types of users.
Appreciate you sharing! That said... I'm honestly not sure what position you are trying to take/make in your article (maybe I'm missing the intentional dissociation between title and body text)?
I tried to include enough fo the context, but maybe I missed adding enough. Basically; in the various DIY threads like Fermentrack, BrewPi (Remix), Raspberry Pints, etc., we often come across people who decry the choice to use Raspberry Pi and/or ask for a "Windows version." This basically describes some reasons why the Raspberry Pi is such a great choice for a dedicated system and a little about why a dedicated system is desirable.

I cannot see the argument that a $30 RPi is comparable to an even several-years old PC running Windows. Yes, for brewing projects a practically disposable RPi may make good sense
And that's really the point: You don't need a gaming rig for these applications, and when they have a singular use (read: no 10-year-old downloading random games off Russian websites) they are quite stable.

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