Which sport do you enjoy drinking beer to the most?(poll)

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Which sport do you enjoy drinking beer to the most?

  • Soccer

  • Football

  • Hockey

  • Baseball

  • Basketball

  • Other

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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saint augustine
I was just curious if you guys like drinking beer to a particular sport more than another.

For me, the perfect sport to drink beer to is football.

What about you and why?
MMA. But I do enjoy a football or soccer match if I'm out with friends.
My vote is hockey. I've got Blackhawks season tickets so I do a fair share of drinking there. On the other hand, there is something that just can't be matched about the relaxing feeling achieved while eating a hot dog and sipping a beer under the sun at a baseball game.
Horseshoes. Mainly because your playing it, not sitting on your couch. Also, there is no running involved so the chances for spillage are quite low.
BMX dirt jumping and trail building. I can't sit around and do nothing...
Football. I don't know, there is just something about it that makes snacking and drinking so much fun!

I love hockey much more, and I do like to have a beer or two while the game is on, but I find myself so engrossed in the action that drinking gets forgotten.

It's like you got time to drink between plays in football, but hockey is much more constant and interesting.
I'm with homercidal Football, snacks and beer seem to go together the best. Even though I love hockey, soccer and baseball, I connect intentionally drinking beer with watching football.

And usually of the corn adjuncted mass produced lager variety.

If I'm going to a hockey game, especially a wings game I rarely get beer, because I don't want to pay 8-10 bucks at Joe Louis for a BMC beer.

Sometimes what I will do is fill a few whitelabs testubes with spiced rum and keep them in my breast pocket of my winter coat. Then my GF and I will buy cokes (usually the frozen ones at the Little Ceaser's concession.)

When I used to go to hockey games of the IHL franchise we had in Port Huron, that was right across the street from me, I WOULD Drink Labatt's Blue....beer there, no matter if it was BMC or Labatt's was always 4 bucks. So that's the price range I would pay for a labatt's or Guiness, or Killian's.

I will sometimes buy beer at Comerica Park if I'm at a Tiger's game, they have 1 craft beer booth. Atwater Brewing Company, and they have their Dirty Blonde on tap for 7bucks. But depending on where you're sitting, you might have to walk completely around the stadium to find the damn booth. They moved it this season to opposite where I usually have tickets for the game, so I haven't really bothered this summer. It used to be right by my section but they moved it.

If I'm lucky enough to get to sit in the Champion's Club (My GF's Brother's 4 season tickets are up there, they have Guinness on tap. Last year I kicked the keg, and they literally ran out and dug up some Guinness in cans for me- thinking I musta been some high fallutin VIP to be up in the Champion's club. ;)

The other sport I love, Roller Derby, usually has Guinness on Tap for 5 bucks, so that's my tipple of choice, though, since they usually have a full bar, shots of bourbon seem to go with those big tatted broads in torn fishnet and roller skates. HMUMINHUMINAHUMINA. :D
Cricket. Cricket matches can last 5 days, so far more beer can be consumed in the course of one match.

There's something so English about watching cricket while sipping a cool (not cold) pint of flat(ish) bitter that it makes me want to wear a top hat, eat crumpets and speak the Queen's in the kind of self-deprecating way that is also quite English.
Football, but since we have Miller Park and the Brewers, that makes baseball a close second.
Football. Tailgating, SuperBowl parties, Fantasy Football Drafts, you name it. Everything about football goes good with beer.
Hockey and Baseball are my favorite sports to drink to. Watching golf either leads me to drink or take a nap.
Football is really the only sport I can watch on TV, I can't force myself to sit through a baseball or basketball game. And I prefer college over NFL any day.
In Germany last summer I really enjoyed World Cup, but that was because I was sitting in a biergarten watching it on a big screen with a wonderful beer in my hand and my wonderful wife at my side.
Cricket. Cricket matches can last 5 days, so far more beer can be consumed in the course of one match.

There's something so English about watching cricket while sipping a cool (not cold) pint of flat(ish) bitter that it makes me want to wear a top hat, eat crumpets and speak the Queen's in the kind of self-deprecating way that is also quite English.

Cricket is like baseball on.....Well, it's just as crap as baseball.

You, sir, make me ashamed to be English! I don't hold it against you though. You are a Yorkshireman. I expect you to make me ashamed. ;) :tank:
Baseball. So much dead time to refill without missing anything and it's 3 hours of drinking time. Plus it is during the peak of summer and a cold beer just goes so well with it.
The Steelers games are like an event for me. I like to cook either a nice breakfast if its 1am or some ribs / bbq for later games. Last year I was too broke to buy beer but this year I have homebrew! Also hockey. I can't wait for both seasons to start. Fall is my favorite.
Hockey, no question!!!!!

The reason? Well, I'm really, really thirsty after 3 20 minute periods, especially if we're short on players! And they don't let us drink beer DURING the game. (I play defense, and we only have four defenseman).

Here's my team:

Jousting is always fun but keeping the beer in the glass while aiming the lance is difficult..

Actually I have never jousted let alone trying it while drinking beer. Not a bad idea though - but from a spectators view.
i'm drinking beer when i'm watching any sports. seeing how i watch football the most, that's obviously how i voted.
as far as soccer goes, i'm gonna have to drink alot of beer to even consider changing the channel and be able to watch it.

I never drank before or while playing, but as soon as it's over there's always a second side match, and sometimes a third, and a cold beer or 17 really helps with the bruises and breaks.
Football is my favorite sport to watch but I actually like to follow whats going on so I only drink moderately. MMA on the other hand, I love watching and its just as enjoyable if I'm hammered.

trigger- Rugby is definitely the best sport to play while drinking. I play for a D3 team here and there are guys that are drinking beer at midfield waiting for the conversion attempt.
I vote for hockey since I don't watch other sports very much.

Honker's ale available at United Center though I rarely make it to Hawks games.
Premier league soccer is my favorite. Nothing like a good beer with the crowd chanting away.
i picked "other" , because i just like drinking beer. i have "drank beer to" the golden girls. i don't really understand exactly what "drink beer to" means, in this context exactly though, because i also like having sex with a hot girl, and in that context, i have also "had sex to" the golden girls. if i could, i would have a beer in my hand all the time. if and when we can have like a third robot arm, i will totally install one on myself, and then get in a time machine, (i assume they will probably both be invented around the same time) and then get into the time machine, and go back in time to this very second i am typing out this reply, and use my third robot arm to be drinking a beer while i was typing this out. unless that already happend, and it's already the future, and in that case i just did, and i rule!
Lions game Tonight!!!!!!!!!! Was out of town last week so I missed that one, though I was drinking beer and listennig on the radio. But tonight I get to sit down and watch FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trying to figure out what beer I want!!! I'm thinking something by lagunitas.
i picked football, because it is the sport i enjoy most.

baseball, on the other hand, is the sport where i find it most necessary. The most fun i've had involvign baseball was going to the beer garden at Safeco with the managers of my store and enjoying beer while (almost) completely ignoring the game.
safeco, btw, has surprisingly good selection, beer-wise. i got snoqualmie amber on tap, union jack DBA, and too many others to remember (the managers were buying, for the most part.)

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