Wheat Lager?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2012
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I'm brewing a wheat lager next Friday, and I just wondered if it would work or not. You almost always only hear of wheat ales, so I wondered why no one brews wheat lagers? In Germany it's illegal to brew a wheat beer with bottom fermenting yeast, so maybe that plays into it.
Yes it works, it depends what you are looking for though. See the wheat lager threads down there VVVVVV (At the bottom of this page) for some discussion on wheat lagers. Mostly people don't brew very many wheat lagers because of the pain it takes to clear the cloudiness that the wheat protein makes as opposed to barley, lagers are typically "more time consuming" than wheat beers traditionally, there are numerous other "reasons" but I'd say if you want to do one, do one, there are no rules in brewing (Edit: Unless you're in Germany I guess what with Reinhietzgebot and all But this is america (For a while yet anyways) I wonder just how many germans have been thrown in jail for violating the "German beer purity rules").
The main reason for brewing this lager is that i have a temperature controlled refrigerator and deep freeze in my garage, which isn't heated, so I figured it wouldn't be too much of a problem to hold at 50 degrees. I have an ounce of homegrown centennial (thats all i got out of my first year plant) that I wanted to use in a recipe and be able to taste it. I thought that hop flavor would go well with a wheat beer. The recipe is close to Gumballhead but fermented using lager yeast....
5lbs 2row, 6 lbs white wheat malt, 1 lb caravienne, 1oz hallertau @60mins, 1 oz homegrown centennial @ flameout.
Primary at 50 degrees for 2 weeks, diacetyl rest at 65 for two days, then lager at 35 for 6-8 weeks
Backyard Hop Wheat Lager

Style: American Wheat or Rye Beer OG: 1.053
Type: All Grain FG: 1.016
Rating: 3.0 ABV: 4.85 %
Calories: 175 IBU's: 16.59
Efficiency: 70 % Boil Size: 5.83 Gal
Color: 6.5 SRM Batch Size: 5.00 Gal
Preboil OG: 1.050 Boil Time: 60 minutes

Fermentation Steps
Name Days / Temp

Grains & Adjuncts
Amount Percentage Name Time Gravity
6.00 lbs 54.55 % Briess White Malt Wheat 60 mins 1.039
4.00 lbs 36.36 % Briess 2-Row Brewers Malt 60 mins 1.037
1.00 lbs 9.09 % Caravienne Malt 60 mins 1.034

Amount IBU's Name Time AA %
1.00 ozs 16.59 Hallertauer 60 mins 4.80
1.00 ozs 0.00 Centennial 0 mins 4.00

Amount Name Laboratory / ID
1.00 pkg Saflager W-34/70 Fermentis W-34/70


Mash Profile


Late hop addition are homegrown centennials

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