What's your user name mean?

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I have used the handle "Gunnerdog" since '96 because at the time I hade a dog named gunner... it was taken when I signed up for this forum so I picked ChemEng in a rush. (I am a chemical engineer)

Exciting huh?
As you know, "ortho" means right, so I like beer that is brewed right.

Also, I'm Orthodox. Latvian Orthodox. Just kidding, but that was a funny episode. My church is of the Russian tradition.
As you know, "ortho" means right, so I like beer that is brewed right.

Actually 'ortho' is the Greek prefix for "correct". You like beer that is brewed correctly. "Dexi" is the Greek prefix for "right" (i.e. opposite of left).

Sorry, I'm a lefty and I get bend out of shape when people say "right" when they mean "correct", since it implies that being "right" is correct and thus "left" is wrong.
Many moons ago I was creating an eBay account and needed a handle. My dog was laying next to me licking his junk, as he tends to do often. My dog's name is Marvin, and his breath is terrible.
Actually 'ortho' is the Greek prefix for "correct". You like beer that is brewed correctly. "Dexi" is the Greek prefix for "right" (i.e. opposite of left).

Sorry, I'm a lefty and I get bend out of shape when people say "right" when they mean "correct", since it implies that being "right" is correct and thus "left" is wrong.

Left in Latin is sinister isn't it? I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.
I was called "Ski" in the Marines for 9 years and 12568 was the queens NY zip code the Jerky Boys used to use in their prank calls. The number stuck with me for some reason.
I was called "Ski" in the Marines for 9 years and 12568 was the queens NY zip code the Jerky Boys used to use in their prank calls. The number stuck with me for some reason.
Hmmm, having grown up in Queens a zip code of 12568 didn't ring a bell. Then again, it was the Jerky Boys.
texan in oklahoma (txnnok),Ive moved to arkansas just awhile back, so I guess I need to change it txnnark.
When we lived in Queens (the "City" is Manhattan to all you outsiders), we lived with my grandparents. My grandmother used to call me petey. It stayed forgotten about until I was in the navy. It was less embarassing as a sailor than as a 10 year old and it has stuck. C is for my last name. I used to tell people I was as tenacious as a pit bull (the dog in the "Little Rascals").
texan in oklahoma (txnnok),Ive moved to arkansas just awhile back, so I guess I need to change it txnnark.

Maybe change it to texsnark? :D I'm proud to be an okie from wiscogy, we don't take our trips on LSD... In junior high industrial arts, the guys called me "Cogie"...how the hell do you get that outta Cogar, a simple 5 letter German name? I wasn't going to disgrace this forum with a dumb name like that. After all, I'm playing with the big boys now...:D
I used to rock climb a bit and my friend said I looked like a monkey when I climb. Also around the same time there was a story in India I think, of some kind of half monkey, half man thing that was climbing in people's windows and biting them.
Actually 'ortho' is the Greek prefix for "correct". You like beer that is brewed correctly. "Dexi" is the Greek prefix for "right" (i.e. opposite of left).

Sorry, I'm a lefty and I get bend out of shape when people say "right" when they mean "correct", since it implies that being "right" is correct and thus "left" is wrong.

Please forgive me. I certainly didn't mean to offend lefties; my lovely and talented wife is one of your kind.

Unfortunately, in the language we are using, it seems that the primary meanings of "right" are as synonyms for "correct." For example, see http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/right You'll see that reference to the right side of one's body does not appear before meaning number 6. It could be a difficult project to change our usage in the way you want. For example, we mathematicians would have to start calling "right angles" (orthogonal in Greek) "correct angles."

However, the good news is that "left" has no definition associating it with "incorrect," unless one deems liberal politics to be incorrect. See http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/left
while working as a coffee roaster, boss lady gave me the nickname roastquake.. as in earthquake of roast
Mines a Radiohead ep that I think just looks cool in all lowercase and run together. I've been using some variation of it for internet handles for at least five years anyway

I have that ep, and every other thing Radiohead's released. Have you gotten that rap mixtape that has various rappers over samples of their songs? My favorite one uses a distorted loop of The National Anthem. I think the name of the collection was something like Me and This Army (obviously referencing the Amnesiac track)
In the late 90's, I got stationed in England for my first duty station. We used to go to a Belgian themed pub in Cambridge called the Hogshead. My first sip of Hoegaarden was when I realized there was beer out there aside from the fizzy yellow stuff. I actually ended up working at that pub on the side for a few months. We had to watch a training video on how to pour Hoegaarden perfectly before we could start working there. Aside from the beer engines, it was the only tap that stood alone. The stuff was magic.....then InBev bought them out...
Mine is not exciting at all, half my last name and my first two initials auto assigned when I signed up for my first aol dial up years ago and I have just stuck with it for everything over the years because I'm a creature of habit
"Seismogenic" means "capable of producing earthquakes."
I'm a seismologist. I do computer models of earthquakes. So, I am quite capable of producing (fake) earthquakes on my computer!
(This is also the same username I use pretty much everywhere. So, you know, consistency.)
Mine is after the badass from Platoon and the year I first saw the movie. :-D

Not to be a ***** but Full Metal Jacket is one of my my favorite movies and Aminal Mother, played by Adam Baldwin, is from FMJ not Platoon. Definelty right about the badass part... "If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is "********!" Try the book if you get a chance, even better.

My last name is Joyce & people seem unable to comprehend that 'Joyce' could be a last name & mistake me for a woman via corrrespondence or online. In the early days of the internet I used my college email address, joyce100, as my username. People always assumed I was a chick, even got hit on a couple of times on other forums and games. My nickname in school was the joyceman so I started using that to clear up confusion.
It's funny a name as simple as unionrdr is the one everybody had misconceptions about!

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texan in oklahoma (txnnok),Ive moved to arkansas just awhile back, so I guess I need to change it txnnark.

Where ya at in AR? Always good to see more Arkies here.

My handle seems to get me mistaken for a hipster ******, which I am not. Truth is, I was drunk when I signed up for HBT. I was sitting there trying to think of a good name and just happened to look up at my hat rack and see an old fedora I bought for two dollars at a yard sale. Fedora. Is it taken? Nope. Submit.