What's a good satisfying 3.2 to 4% beer?

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Oct 2, 2014
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Rochester, MN
or is there such a thing? I'm trying to lose some weight. I've cut back on my beer drinking a little and am biking to work occasionally. It's working but just barely. Next week I'm planning to ride 3 times instead of 2 (first two week were just once.) If I could brew lighter lower-calorie beers I wouldn't have to cut back there. (I haven't addressed my diet in general yet. Baby steps)

Also it sounds like a challenge. I can brew good 5.4% and higher; sweet spot seems to be 5.7. Whenever I drop below 5% the beer tastes "watery". Wheat beers, maybe? The extra protein should add some body. Or something English or Belgian?
Our bodies were programmed to seek those foods that contain the highest levels of nutrition. Sugar of all foods tastes best to the majority of people. Second to that is fat. Besides alcohol there are only appreciable amounts of sugar, no fat or much protein. So unfortunately, if you want to brew diet beer, it isn’t going to be the best you’ve ever had.
Sure you can. My super delicious session amber recipe: for 5 gallons

3 lbs Golden promise
2 lbs flaked oats
1/2 lb light crystal
1/2 lb medium crystal
1/2 lb dark crystal
2 Oz pale chocolate

1/4 Oz summit 60 mins
1 Oz each Mosaic, Cita, Amarillo 0 mins, the same for dry hopping 5-7 days

Cal Ale yeast at 68C

OG 1.029
FG 1.008
18 IBUs Rager
2.9% ABV
>100 kcal /12 Oz

I’m about 70% efficiency
Sure you can. My super delicious session amber recipe: for 5 gallons

3 lbs Golden promise
2 lbs flaked oats
1/2 lb light crystal
1/2 lb medium crystal
1/2 lb dark crystal
2 Oz pale chocolate

1/4 Oz summit 60 mins
1 Oz each Mosaic, Cita, Amarillo 0 mins, the same for dry hopping 5-7 days

Cal Ale yeast at 68C

OG 1.029
FG 1.008
18 IBUs Rager
2.9% ABV
>100 kcal /12 Oz

I’m about 70% efficiency

Thanks. I have Rahr pale ale malt; I know it's not the same but with that much crystal it should be close. I was wondering about using a bunch of crystal and rye or oats to give it some body.
The most efficient way to imbibe while taking in minimal carbs/calories is straight vodka. Cut it with muscle milk if you want. IMHO, drinking low gravity beer to save calories is tantamount to to abstaining from sex to avoid breaking a sweat. In both cases, I'd rather be fat and sweaty with a broad smile than anything else.
Wait, you’re willing to sacrifice the quality of your beer before looking at your food intake which will no doubt have the biggest effect on your weight loss? I’d eat kale and tofu before giving up good beer.

I didn't say I'd give up good beer. I asked if it's possible to brew good beer that relatively low in calories (alcohol.) Not the same thing at all :D
The most efficient way to imbibe while taking in minimal carbs/calories is straight vodka. Cut it with muscle milk if you want. IMHO, drinking low gravity beer to save calories is tantamount to to abstaining from sex to avoid breaking a sweat. In both cases, I'd rather be fat and sweaty with a broad smile than anything else.

I do like gin and tonics made with diet tonic water... Thanks!
Low gravity English mild? I have one that I brew a lot. It's not a full flavored beer, but it's great when you want to have several with friends.
Milds and Bitters are f***ing delicious.

A Petite Saison would also be a good call.

However, you need to look at your diet as a whole. Rather than "cut back on xyz" it's "what does your body need?" If you want to keep beer, then cut calories and especially carbohydrates elsewhere. Most important thing I ever learned was that there's no bad food/drink, just how it fits in your macros. And if you feel like cheating, do it, but comprehend what it takes to counteract. After a while most junk food doesn't seem worth it. But beer still does.

If you wanna brew a solid session beer, do it. But don't brew something you don't want just because you think you should.
If you are used to drinking higher ABV beers then drink a lower ABV beer they will seem a bit water at first, but if you keep drinking more of them and less higher ABV ones they will not seem so water in time.
Use one of the lower attenuating British yeasts with a health amount of crystal(20% or more) and mash high to get more body. Don't use much or any roasted grains they can make a beer seem dryer. I use beersmith for my recipes and it says 2 degrees will change a beers body, but in my system mashing at 150 to 156 all give a medium body, I need to get up to 160/162 to see a change in body

I played around with Hochkurz step mashing on a few beer to try and improve head retention. I did not really notice any difference, but my wife said she thought those beers seemed more heavy than normal even though they finished at about the same gravity of my other beers. Different people pick up different things, play around with some of your favorite recipes and you should be able to create a lower ABV beer you like.

The best sellers in English pubs are always the golden session ales at around 3.8%. 100% pale malt with just enough East Kent Goldings and brewed to around 3.8% is a very refreshing drink in the summer months.
I didn't say I'd give up good beer. I asked if it's possible to brew good beer that relatively low in calories (alcohol.) Not the same thing at all :D

ABV isn’t the only source of calories in beer. Carbohydrates from those unfermentable sugars play a large role as well. Check out the Bruit IPA thread, they are getting sub 1.000 FGs, not much residual sugar left there. Just stay away from any crystal or roasted grains, they’ll give you more unfermentable sugar. I’d still look at other sources of unnecessary sugar/fat in my diet long before messing with my beer.
Wait, you’re willing to sacrifice the quality of your beer before looking at your food intake which will no doubt have the biggest effect on your weight loss? I’d eat kale and tofu before giving up good beer.

I'd give up kale and tofu first. I'm in luck...I don't eat those things anyway. :yes:

Here's a REALLY great tasting light ale recipe. I've made it 5 times (and 3 variations) and it always comes through for me:

Light Ale

OG: 1.041 / FG: 1.006
3.675% ABW / 4.594% ABV

(Hops may be substituted to your liking).

7# 2 Row malt
12 oz Caramel (10L)
.3 oz Cascade hops (6.3% AAU) (FWH)
.5 oz Cascade (60 mins)
.7 oz Cascade (3 mins)
1 tsp Irish Moss
Safale US-05 / Nottingham

Temperature Step Infusion Mash used.

Heat 2.75 gals to 162F.
Mash at 150F for 75 mins.
Top off mash tun with near boiling water.
Stir in, rest 5 mins.
Add First Wort Hops (FWH) to pot.
Vorlauf and rack to boil pot.
Batch Sparge at 168F.
Collect 6 gals.

Total Boil time: 60 mins.
At boil add 60 mins hop.
Boil 45 mins.
Add Irish Moss & Chiller.
Boil 12 mins.
Add 3 mins. hops.
Boil 3 mins.
Remove from heat and chill to 68F.
Ferment at 65-68F for 7-14 days.
(Optional) Rack to secondary.
Cold crash for 24-28 hours.
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The answer here is the same as those goofy "save money by homebrewing" threads that constantly pop up here.

Drink less.

Want to save on the calories from beer? Drink less of it. Want to spend less money on beer? Drink less. Instead the same amount of beer you won't like as much, drink what beer you want in lower quantity. A low alcohol beer with lots of unfermented sugar is still going to be high in calories. A michelob ultra clone isn't going to make you happy if what you really want is some RIS or DIPA.

Either change your serving size or frequency. Enjoy 4-6oz of that good DIPA, just really savor those few ounces and follow it up with a glass of water if you're thirsty. Or, only drink your 12oz serving 2-3 times a week instead of daily. Not only will you still have the beer you want to drink, but you'll do better at changing your habits so that once you lose weight you can stay that way. Otherwise when you hit your goal weight, you'll just yo-yo right back because you'll go back to drinking what you want in the quantity you always have.

Oh, and as mentioned above, beer is probably only a small part of your diet to address. Don't expect to lose 50lb just by having less beer, make sure you're changing the food part of your diet too.

(It worked for me. My doctor told me late last year that my cholesterol was becoming a problem and that I was (as i knew from the scale) a bit overweight and handed a prescription for lipitor. I decided that I was not going to fill it. I made some changes to my diet, cut back on my beer consumption, started getting some exercise, and six months later had a check in with my doctor. He was very impressed. HDL way up, LDL way down, weight 30lb down, waist several inches smaller. That check in was two months ago. Since then I've stuck with most of those changes and my weight and waist have been staying constant.)
Should have started with this:

Kudos on biking to work! Exercise has always been a challenge for me, there isn't a lot of exercise that I enjoy enough to stick with for any amount of time. I work in IT, and on top of that, for the last several years primarily work from home, so there's no physical activity that I'm getting from work. My wife and I both got "motivation" from our doctors within a few weeks of each other, so we've had some great teamwork for motivation for regular activity and accountability for it.

Summertime makes it easy. It feels great to get out and enjoy the weather with some exercise. With your location listed as MN, make sure that before the weather changes you have some ways to keep your activity level up when it's cold and snowy. It's much harder to get your exercise then, but I think the reward in how you feel afterward is greater.
Go for an English mild recipe. I normally brew lower gravity beers. When changing recipes I keep the specility grains the same and cut back on base malt, mash high and use a yeast like windsor.
I try to ride 7 days a week. Beer helps me to NOT loose too much weight. That's my excuse anyway
Lichtenhainer. I have seen them as low as 2.5%. Never had, supposed to be good! Its on my To-Do list
Beer is only a small part. What else is in your diet? Soda? Snack foods?
If you are used to drinking higher ABV beers then drink a lower ABV beer they will seem a bit water at first, but if you keep drinking more of them and less higher ABV ones they will not seem so water in time.
Use one of the lower attenuating British yeasts with a health amount of crystal(20% or more) and mash high to get more body. Don't use much or any roasted grains they can make a beer seem dryer. I use beersmith for my recipes and it says 2 degrees will change a beers body, but in my system mashing at 150 to 156 all give a medium body, I need to get up to 160/162 to see a change in body

I played around with Hochkurz step mashing on a few beer to try and improve head retention. I did not really notice any difference, but my wife said she thought those beers seemed more heavy than normal even though they finished at about the same gravity of my other beers. Different people pick up different things, play around with some of your favorite recipes and you should be able to create a lower ABV beer you like.


I'll second this. Drop the alcohol level and keep as much body as possible. Take any recipe and reduce base malt only--this will give higher percentages of the specialty grains. Possibly even add extra specialty grains to further increase body. Perhaps use higher protein grains. Mash higher and use lower-attenuating yeast (t-58 is an option for Belgian styles). I once brewed a session brown with oatmeal and I mashed high, used s04 (always a lower attenuator for me), and it finished at 1.018 and 2.5% abv. It drank almost exactly like a 5% beer, just without the alcohol and thus less calories.
In February, I gave up all alcohol for 6 weeks but didn't change anything else. Was disappointed that I didn't lose any weight. I really expected to drop about 5 pounds. Exercise is the key for me losing anything, even tho' I know a poor enough diet can overwhelm just about any amount of exercise.

If I change too much at once I won't stick with it. (and if I don't see *any* progress I won't stick with it. I'm a wuss) I'm going to make a small change, get accustom to it, make another small change, etc. Right now I'm seeing some progress but not enough; that's probably a good place to make another change. That change (2, actually) is stepping up the exercise, and drink a glass of water before I have a beer; so maybe I won't want a second (or third) beer. Also to start being more aware of what I eat but not necessarily change much in that dept yet.

Yesterday, the church had our monthly potluck. The healthiest thing there was probably the bucket of KFC our former pastor brought when he stopped by just for dinner. (The church is way out in the country, so the logistics are terrible for bringing anything that's not heavy with a lot of fat and starch -- and the KFC is 15 miles away so that's out) Anyway, I mostly filled up on watermelon this time instead of lasagna, meatballs, brownies, etc. I had one piece of chicken, and just a little of the sweet corn and heavy stuff, and a bunch of watermelon. Didn't gain any weight this time. :)
But this was supposed to be a fun thread about tasty light beers. :mug:

The Berliner Weiss looks interesting. How long does it take to sour in the kettle; will overnight at 115° do it?
Was disappointed that I didn't lose any weight. I really expected to drop about 5 pounds. Exercise is the key for me losing anything, even tho' I know a poor enough diet can overwhelm just about any amount of exercise...I mostly filled up on watermelon this time instead of lasagna, meatballs, brownies, etc. I had one piece of chicken, and just a little of the sweet corn and heavy stuff, and a bunch of watermelon. Didn't gain any weight this time. :)
But this was supposed to be a fun thread about tasty light beers. :mug:

Here's what I've learned about diet and exercise over the last 50 years:

1. The secret to "losing weight" is consuming fewer calories. (I think) 3500 calories = 1# of weight. By the math, if you reduce your daily intake by 500 calories a day it will take you 1 week to lose 1 pound. But again, there's that old metabolism factor to figure in the equation.

2. Exercise is for toning your muscles while losing fat. It will also allow your skin time to shrink. Losing weight too fast leaves you with flabby (stretched out) skin.

3. Too much exercise makes you eat more.

4. You need to find your own happy medium.

I've done an "Absolute Fast" where you consume ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (not ever water) for 72 hours. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR MOST PEOPLE AND I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT EITHER. It really isn't that "healthy", but people lost in the wilderness find themselves in a similar situation if they don't know how to live off the land. Of course, an AF is by choice and you can stop anytime you want.

FWIW, I went 75 hours and wasn't even hungry afterwards. I did lose 12 pounds though.

(My problem is ICE CREAM...).
One of my friends pointed me to this article today. He is using the theory to make a "near-beer" this weekend. I just skimmed it but it jumped out at me that this takes a recipe that would normally create a 1.050 wort, keeps the same basic flavor profile, but makes it a 1.5% ABV beer. Sounds like it might be worth further investigation...

This is something I have recently been working on but have not brewed it yet, meets the upper limits of German leichbier.
1034 SG
1011 FG
3.0%ABV with a full body mash temp
5lb german pilsner malt
1lb german munich II
1lb german Vienna
10gm Magnum 12.7AA 60min
28gm Hallertauer MF 4.0AA 15min
28gm Hallertauer MF 4.0AA 5min
Wyeast 2124 bohemian lager yeast

I am trying for something like a lower ABV dortmunder and plan to use a slightly minerally brew water, but a softer less minerally water profile might help add body.
Scottish ale. Use Golden Promise malt, English crystal, English hops, and Scottish yeast. And that's about it. Brew to low ABV strength. Anywhere in the 3-4% ABV range is typical. And full of flavor.
Should have started with this:

Kudos on biking to work! Exercise has always been a challenge for me, there isn't a lot of exercise that I enjoy enough to stick with for any amount of time. I work in IT, and on top of that, for the last several years primarily work from home, so there's no physical activity that I'm getting from work. My wife and I both got "motivation" from our doctors within a few weeks of each other, so we've had some great teamwork for motivation for regular activity and accountability for it.

Summertime makes it easy. It feels great to get out and enjoy the weather with some exercise. With your location listed as MN, make sure that before the weather changes you have some ways to keep your activity level up when it's cold and snowy. It's much harder to get your exercise then, but I think the reward in how you feel afterward is greater.

I’m the opposite. No problem excerising during the winter months, from June-Sept it’s a chore. My motivation to stay in shape is back country skiing. Come sept I’m thinking “oh crap I need to get into shape” and by April/May I’m thinking “this sucks and it’s way too hot”
If you want good-for-waistline beer, you want both low alcohol (calorically dense) and low residual extract (ie low FG, low body, etc, carbohydrate dense).

That means Michelob Ultra. Or a Petite Saison. I'd opt for the latter.

Or, go the other route (as I do). Lift. A lot. You'll burn fat as muscle mass increases and your metabolism spikes as a result. And beer becomes a good thing. Your body needs those calories and carbs for lifting/recovery. Real science to beer being a good post-workout recovery drink. (Not that I would suggest dirty bulking either though, I bulk quite clean, apart from beer most of my carbs are fruit and veggies, but I do know folks who have to eat cookies and cake and pizza all the time or their 1rms start dropping, and they're far leaner than me to boot)

But I suppose the powerlifter body I'm developing is very different from the six pack beach body others want.
I lost 50lb in a year while increasing my beer intake. Pretty cool. Crossfit 4x per week plus a paleo diet works wonders. Paleo is basically meat and veg, no wheat or sugar or processed crap food. Doesn't need to be rocket science.
While I still prefer the flavour of a 6% beer, it is possible to make good smaller beers. I've been blown away by 2.5% commercial IPAs, though never done one myself. Pick a dry style which accentuates hop or yeast character. Saison, bitter, pale ale or sours seem to come out OK. Anything that relies on malt flavour can be hard to do well, my attempts taste watery. Good luck.
I lost 50lb in a year while increasing my beer intake. Pretty cool. Crossfit 4x per week plus a paleo diet works wonders. Paleo is basically meat and veg, no wheat or sugar or processed crap food. Doesn't need to be rocket science.
While I still prefer the flavour of a 6% beer, it is possible to make good smaller beers. I've been blown away by 2.5% commercial IPAs, though never done one myself. Pick a dry style which accentuates hop or yeast character. Saison, bitter, pale ale or sours seem to come out OK. Anything that relies on malt flavour can be hard to do well, my attempts taste watery. Good luck.
Beer ain't paleo. Just saying.

Any diet that has a philosophy ain't worth bothering about.
Beer ain't paleo. Just saying.

Any diet that has a philosophy ain't worth bothering about.
Yeah I don't really care for the whole caveman story but if you cut through all that it's basically about eating real food and I like a diet of mostly meat and veges.

Nothing unhealthy about drinking homemade beer in moderation.

OP wants to drink beer and lose weight. Here's one way to do that.
The answer here is the same as those goofy "save money by homebrewing" threads that constantly pop up here.

Drink less.

Want to save on the calories from beer? Drink less of it. Want to spend less money on beer? Drink less. Instead the same amount of beer you won't like as much, drink what beer you want in lower quantity. A low alcohol beer with lots of unfermented sugar is still going to be high in calories. A michelob ultra clone isn't going to make you happy if what you really want is some RIS or DIPA.

Either change your serving size or frequency. Enjoy 4-6oz of that good DIPA, just really savor those few ounces and follow it up with a glass of water if you're thirsty. Or, only drink your 12oz serving 2-3 times a week instead of daily. Not only will you still have the beer you want to drink, but you'll do better at changing your habits so that once you lose weight you can stay that way. Otherwise when you hit your goal weight, you'll just yo-yo right back because you'll go back to drinking what you want in the quantity you always have.

Oh, and as mentioned above, beer is probably only a small part of your diet to address. Don't expect to lose 50lb just by having less beer, make sure you're changing the food part of your diet too.

(It worked for me. My doctor told me late last year that my cholesterol was becoming a problem and that I was (as i knew from the scale) a bit overweight and handed a prescription for lipitor. I decided that I was not going to fill it. I made some changes to my diet, cut back on my beer consumption, started getting some exercise, and six months later had a check in with my doctor. He was very impressed. HDL way up, LDL way down, weight 30lb down, waist several inches smaller. That check in was two months ago. Since then I've stuck with most of those changes and my weight and waist have been staying constant.)

Not trying to be a jerk, but if it was so easy, everyone would be skinny and fit.

My friend at work told me it’s all about priorities and that everyone in his family is fat but him. He told me that he just doesn’t eat anything and then it doesn’t matter how much beer he drinks. If someone can mess their head up to think that makes sense, then this $*** aint so cut and dried bruh.
Not trying to be a jerk, but if it was so easy, everyone would be skinny and fit.

My friend at work told me it’s all about priorities and that everyone in his family is fat but him. He told me that he just doesn’t eat anything and then it doesn’t matter how much beer he drinks. If someone can mess their head up to think that makes sense, then this $*** aint so cut and dried bruh.

Simple and easy are two different things. I didn’t say it was easy. It wasn’t too hard for me either, but everyone is different. We all have different expectations, habits, and goals.

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