What was your first ever beer experience?

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About age 8 or 9, a sip of beer from my Dad's mug at Uncle Wally's saloon. No idea what it was that was on tap. Could have been home brew.
Pbr in a keg. I drank other things for a long time then tried a Newcastle then a Guinness.
My friend's uncle's birthday party when I was 7. Playing the Atari was really tough after two glasses of Paceña followed by some champagne.
Summer of 1975. Parents out of town, me and my best bud Curtis came up with a couple of sixers in cans, watching tv at my house. We were miserable but determined to drink it all.

4 yo got a sip from my grandpa at their cottage on a lake. I *think* it was PBR. IIRC both grandpas drank PBR.

I can still hear my grandma yelling at him, "Gerry don't you give those kids beer!"

As I recall I didn't mind the taste. My sister thought it was awful. It was many years before I got a real drink of beer. I was probably 14.
My dad was sitting out on the patio drinking an Old Milwaukee Light. He offered me a sip. I made a face. Everyone laughed. Good times.
My dad and a couple of other guys had just finished re-roofing the town's volunteer firehouse and were sitting on the grass under a shade tree drinking Oly. I was about 4 or 5 and my dad gave me a taste. I must have made a face because I remember the guys laughing. I don't remember trying beer again till I was probably 15.
Sipping dad's skunky, long-way-'round-the-horn late-'80s Heineken; extinguished any curiosity I had about the stuff as anything other than a means to intoxication, and all those red solo cups of Natty Ice or the Beast didn't do much to rekindle it. Wasn't until I turned 21 and could go hang with my friends at the pub and order my very own pint (in a pint glass! made of glass!) of Guinness or Sammy's (I know, I know... forgive me, I was young and naive) that I realized beer was something that could be enjoyed, even savored, and not just poured down the throat as quickly as possible.
Put that question to anyone in Milwaukee, and I bet the words "County Stadium" is in the response. In my case, Dad let me have a sip at County Stadium.

ETA: I also remember hanging out under the bleachers at the softball park with my brother making loooong chains of the old pull tabs - the only ones that pulled all the way off.
When I was about five, I remember sitting with my family watching my Uncle play cricket on a Sunday afternoon. I can recall gripping a dimpled pint mug of some sound English bitter & having first a sip and then a good gulp. I remember the smell and bitterness of the hops vividly. I was hooked for life!
I had my first beer, a piss-warm Clancy's Amber Ale, at 14. My mother of all people gave it to me, seemingly on a whim. It was godawful.
I remember getting a taste of my uncle's beer a few times when I was 5 or 6. 1st time I actually drank a whole beer I was about 12 or 13, I think it was Pabst. A buddy swiped a couple cans from his dad's beer fridge in the garage & we drank them while fishing.
Regards, GF.
First sip was from my dad's Miller Lite (?) when I was 4. Tasted terrible.

The next was a Bud Light as a 19 year. Also terrible. I poured it out when no one was looking. After that I stuck with bourbon and coke for most of college until I discovered SweetWater 420. It's been all downhill (uphill?) since.
I stole a pony can of Schlitz (not the malt liquor, this was Schlitz when they made beer) out of a cooler at a family get-together at a crab-boil when I was, I think, 8 years old, and chugged it down. It was so gross, even ice cold, I am surprised I ever tried this beverage again.

I am glad I did!!!
Christmas break in third grade, my Dad got 2 beers while at Busch Gardens in Florida. He let my sister and I have a sip. My sister ran for a watering fountain to spit it out and wash it away. I recall wanting to show her up and had a second sip, but it tasted like crap to me. Those are the only beers I ever saw my dad drink. Out of respect of my mom who's father was a true alcoholic, he didn't drink alcohol.

I never tasted a beer again until Freshman year of college.
I took a sip of miller light that my dad was drinking when I was 6. Spat it out on the carpet and he laughed
Other than probably a sip of my dad's beer (I don't remember?) I waited until college. It was probably the first night there. Most likely cheap BMC, Schlitz or Schaefer... And most likely a pretty good hangover the next morning......
Probably early to mid 90s... Stealing cans of Miller Lite and Red Dog from the fridge in the garage or my grandpas house.
Late 70s/ early 80s, I used to sip the foam from my dad's beers - usually Genny Cream or Millers. First intoxication I was 5 or 6 - the ring bearer in a wedding & had a few glasses of champagne.....
My first beer experience was Milwaukee's Best.
My first good beer experience was Sam Adams Boston Lager, which tasted so different from Coors and Bud I initially didn't like it. Took me three days to finish the six-pack, but after day 3 I could never go back to the likes of Coors and Bud again.
My first craft beer experience, a life changer, was Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA, and Arrogant Bastard. Because of those every beer must be full and flavorful now.
8 years old. My grandfather an I took a ride to look at a horse trailer for sale. On the way home we stopped at a tavern..bar...pub, wherever you're from you get the idea. He asked me if I wanted something to drink. I said a soda, he replied you don't have to drink that piss water. And he got me whatever he's was drinking on tap. Yup after that I liked going out with grandpa. No ice cream shop for us!
I was 13 my dad was painting the house. I was helping out. He gave me one of these Labatt 50. In a glass. It was quite bitter. It took me half a day to finish it. Some month later i progressed to buying beer with a buddy before a school dance. We shard a Molson Export 6 pack. We pounded them down pretty quick on the bench of an outdoor hockey rink. It was cold. I got pretty happy on my 3 beer, and had my first hangover the next day.
Dad bought Grain Belt and Hamms when he felt like splurging. Had a bit of both for the first few tastes on 1968.
my FIRST beer experience? my 'friends' all sharing a can, and me being the loser they wouldn't share with....

i can laugh about it now...i think one turned into a homeless heroin addict, another a tweaker...and i just drink homemade beer! :mug:

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