"What Not"

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2009
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Fremont, CA
Does anyone else hate this term, whether spoken or written, as much as I do? It just sounds f'ing dumb to me. I mean "what not" WTF! Is it supposed to replace et cetera? Wouldn't it sound much more intelligent to say "and so forth" or "and so on?" Or even just regular old etc.? Even better why not say what the "what not" is? I don't know where this came from but I don't think anyone with half a brain should use the term if they want to represent themself as a literate person. "What not," WTF does that even mean "what it is not?" My f'ing ass, that's what's not. Anyone else bugged by this?
Try this:
what·not (hw
, hw
-, w
-, w
n. 1. A minor or unspecified object or article.
2. A set of light, open shelves for ornaments.

pron. Any of various additional or unspecified things or items: "family differences, differing social origins, and whatnot" (George F. Kennan).

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Seriously though, someone just said it at work and they went cross eyed for a second.
:mad::mad::mad: out of :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: on the rant scale.

Worth noting that I agree thoroughly. My wife picked it up at work a few weeks ago. We almost came to blows.
Personally, I could care less. It's like, you know, this, that, or something else. It's no problem. The only people irritated are language teachers, snobs, and what not.
I moved from New Mexico to Oregon. The packers were a husband/wife combo. The wife did most of the packing. She would pack up a drawer full of stuff, then write "what nots" on the side of the box.

I think I have about 50 boxes of 'what nots'.
one that I didn't realize I hated so bad till I saw a thread in general about Pliny...

the ... "or no?" as opposed to "or not?" -- usually follows "should I xxxxxxx..."

"Should I go to the gym or no?"

It's OR NOT.
The only time "or no?" should end the sentence is if the question is "Should I say yes or no?"
It's pretty common in Texas, you know Texas, the state that's full of rocket scientists, and the only state thriving in the recession, and what not.
"My Bad" is the phrase that haunted me for years. Eventually, I wore down and added it to my lexicon.

"and what not" I use all the time, making sure to pronounce the h and stress the hard consonants.
Irregardless, I think it's a mute point for all intensive purposes.

Haha, best sentence ever!!!

The phrase I hate the most is "whatever". I don't like it in any context, but what annoys me the most is when people use it to end a debate. They might as well say "**** you. I dont care about what you have to say. I know I'm right. Debate over".
Haha, best sentence ever!!!

The phrase I hate the most is "whatever". I don't like it in any context, but what annoys me the most is when people use it to end a debate. They might as well say "**** you. I dont care about what you have to say. I know I'm right. Debate over".

I think that is exactly the intent and they know it will usually piss you off that they said it, kind of a bonus.

I have used it when the time wasted to discuss/argue a topic has gone beyond any benefits I would receive if I were to win or the annoyance of the discussion has gone beyond the benefits of discussing it any further. So in other words "whatever" you do would be better for me than to discuss it any further.

I know, it is kind of a dick way to end a discussion but sometimes you just want to move on. I know what you mean though; I don't like it either when someone does it to me.
Worked with a guy years back who said "that's What's up" everytime he would agree with you or thought something was "cool". It's finger nails on the chalkboard for me.

When I was teaching "Whatever" drove me nuts along with excessive "ums" and "likes"
Haha, best sentence ever!!!

The phrase I hate the most is "whatever". I don't like it in any context, but what annoys me the most is when people use it to end a debate. They might as well say "**** you. I dont care about what you have to say. I know I'm right. Debate over".

Just respond by calling them a racist or a Nazi. It doesn't matter what the topic of discussion is or whether it applies. I see people using it to end arguments all the time and then acting like they've just made the BEST argument ever.


Me: I don't agree that using a higher octane fuel is necessary if your vehicle doesn't require it.

Them: Well, you're a racist

Me: WTF?!?!? :confused:
Just respond by calling them a racist or a Nazi. It doesn't matter what the topic of discussion is or whether it applies. I see people using it to end arguments all the time and then acting like they've just made the BEST argument ever.


Me: I don't agree that using a higher octane fuel is necessary if your vehicle doesn't require it.

Them: Well, you're a racist

Me: WTF?!?!? :confused:

I hate hearing people scream Nazi, especially when it comes to politics. "Really you're comparing them to a group responsible for genocide? They just want to make sick people better."

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