What is your go-to hangover remedy?

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Lawncare and Landscaping enthusiast
Jun 10, 2017
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I went a little harder than I planned last night. The weather was in the mid 60's last night which was a nice treat so I invited some neighbors over, started a fire and got the beers flowing. They went home and as I was packing up another neighbor walked by and invited herself over. She's hotter than donut oil and a pleasure to talk with so I didn't mind at all! Turns out she was on a first date and wasn't having a good time so she jumped at the chance for me to try and save the night and rescue her. Wheel the keezer back out!

I put the fire to bed at about 1:30am, passed out on the couch to try and sleep off my 15 beer night. My God am I payin the price for it now...What are all of your hangover remedies? (I'm not looking for 'MoDeRaTiOn Is ThE oNlY wAy To BeAt A hAnGoVeR' or other equally lame responses)

Mine is usually a cold Redbull, Shower, Gatorade or similar drink and some spicy Chinese food with plenty of water. If that doesn't do the trick and I don't have anything to do the rest of the day I'll mix up a spicy bloody Maria (use tequila instead of vodka) and try to right the ship with a little hair of the dog.
Cardio gets the blood through the organs and helps to clear things up. Also anything tomato based and eggs. Tomato beer if all else fails.

When I was younger I used to fight wildfires. We'd party hard on our days off and usually go for about a 8 mile run the next day to sweat it out and get right. That was about 7 years and 30 pounds ago. Unfortunately a back injury is what took me out of the fires and keeps me from running now.
When I was younger I used to fight wildfires. We'd party hard on our days off and usually go for about a 8 mile run the next day to sweat it out and get right. That was about 7 years and 30 pounds ago. Unfortunately a back injury is what took me out of the fires and keeps me from running now.

Yep, I was a regular runner, pedal biker, hiker, etc until the age of 42 when my joints started to complain too much. Put on weight but found golf and brought it back down. Now it's 12 years later and I'm 6 months into a hip replacement and weight came back from pre and post fake hip reduced activity.

However, I have a quality elliptical that simulates running without the impact. Perhaps no impact cardio is something to look into? Not just for a hangover but for that great feeling of well being that comes with getting the heart rate up for a period of time on a regular basis?

I'm just about at the same elliptical cardio level I was before the hip went bad and I tell you that I feel better about everything!

Good luck on the hang over, it will pass and next time you will remember to start drinking water an hour before bed.
I went a little harder than I planned last night. The weather was in the mid 60's last night which was a nice treat so I invited some neighbors over, started a fire and got the beers flowing. They went home and as I was packing up another neighbor walked by and invited herself over. She's hotter than donut oil and a pleasure to talk with so I didn't mind at all! Turns out she was on a first date and wasn't having a good time so she jumped at the chance for me to try and save the night and rescue her. Wheel the keezer back out!

I put the fire to bed at about 1:30am, passed out on the couch to try and sleep off my 15 beer night. My God am I payin the price for it now...What are all of your hangover remedies? (I'm not looking for 'MoDeRaTiOn Is ThE oNlY wAy To BeAt A hAnGoVeR' or other equally lame responses)

Mine is usually a cold Redbull, Shower, Gatorade or similar drink and some spicy Chinese food with plenty of water. If that doesn't do the trick and I don't have anything to do the rest of the day I'll mix up a spicy bloody Maria (use tequila instead of vodka) and try to right the ship with a little hair of the dog.

If you're not a health nut like these fine brewers before me who actually get rid of the hangover the correct way...here is some advice...

First, Gatorade, Pedialite or Liquid IV will get your body hydrated again.

Next, eat a banana and something green...spinach is good after a night of drinking.

Lastly, protein...chicken, beef, fish doesn't matter but make sure it's not fried...the fried food may soak up the bad stuff but doesn't help you get rid of it any quicker.
i'd hate to be the one to both laugh, and laugh....(that you get hangovers, and that you ONLY drank 15 beers)

but i've been drinking since i have been 14 years old....can someone tell me what a hangover is, all i have is hollywood to go buy......explain it to me like you were lactose intolerant and i wasn't.... :mug:
Is this a day you got to work at regular time, or a day you can take it easy?

Anyway, usually I can't take it slow, so I'll go savory breakfast like bacon, eggs, salt, fat & maybe some fried in leftover veggies, black coffee and maybe I took an aspirin at dawn, maybe ibuprofen if a bad one. Fruit & healthy stuff around lunch. Lots of juice or water & juice, and water, from awakening until feeling more or less normal.

Yeah brac, I know all about avoiding hangovers by staying more or less drunk, or whatever. I don't get them when I'm "on" either. It sometimes amazes me how good one can feel after taking a break though. But will admit that resuming normal consumption after short moderation or abstinence can lead to the ole HO.
I don't have a cure but that is pretty funny! Might steal that one.

Have at it, by the end of the night I was trying to steal her from her date! Then my stupid wife came out and cockblocked me lol

i'd hate to be the one to both laugh, and laugh....(that you get hangovers, and that you ONLY drank 15 beers)

but i've been drinking since i have been 14 years old....can someone tell me what a hangover is, all i have is hollywood to go buy......explain it to me like you were lactose intolerant and i wasn't.... :mug:

For some dumb reason there's not a middle finger emoji on here...but, there's no need to feel bad about laughing at my pain. I don't typically get hungover because of over drinking, I get them REALLY bad when I don't get enough sleep though. I really need 8 hours a night..I'm delicate.

I'm lactose intolerant as well... :middle finger emoji: lol
For some dumb reason there's not a middle finger emoji on here...but, there's no need to feel bad about laughing at my pain. I don't typically get hungover because of over drinking, I get them REALLY bad when I don't get enough sleep though. I really need 8 hours a night..I'm delicate.

I'm lactose intolerant as well... :middle finger emoji: lol

LOL, sure if you hover over the like thumb you can give me an angry! i can say the first time i got drunk, i split a 1.75l with like 2 other people in 30 minutes.....i was DRUNK! and when i went to bed i was teriffied of the 'hangover'....but when i woke up i felt the best i had until that point in my life!! i was too scared to admit it for many years.....thought i was some sorta freak, but now i know i'm just like 1/5th of the population.....

edit: to your deffense though, the WORST i've ever felt was while i was drunk, hanging over the toilet puking.....(woke up feeling great though! lol)
huh, either i've been hitting the sauce harder then i thought or there was some editing going on.......

damn, almost forgot why i came back.....you can request a middle finger to be added in the Forum feedback forum! lol
I was going to say the hangover is a result of not dipping your doughnut holder into the hot oil.... but you're married. so spicy food it is!
Man back in my college days, I had a Friday morning weight lifting class. We'd hit it hard Thursday night and be chipper and ready to sweat it out the next morning. 15 years later, too many beers makes me suffer for the next 3 days. Just pound liquids (not alcohol, lol) until you pee clear.
Take a bowl of curd and go for run, after 5 KM, it’s out of the system. After 10 KM, you want to have another beer in the evening
B complex with water before it happens.

Rarely have I gotten a hangover, but once I realized I could prevent it by drinking water in between beers I haven't gotten another one in years.
My regimen is simple and has side benefits: I fill my beer glass halfway with icewater from the kitchen fridge, swirl the glass as I go downstairs to the keezer, then drink the water before filling the glass with beer. All else equal a chilled wet glass allows for the best pours, especially that first one.

Don't take supplements so I know zip about vitamins, B included....

Rarely have I gotten a hangover, but once I realized I could prevent it by drinking water in between beers I haven't gotten another one in years.
My regimen is simple and has side benefits: I fill my beer glass halfway with icewater from the kitchen fridge, swirl the glass as I go downstairs to the keezer, then drink the water before filling the glass with beer. All else equal a chilled wet glass allows for the best pours, especially that first one.

Don't take supplements so I know zip about vitamins, B included....

Yep, good hydration is key, and alcohol depletes several vitamins, C as well, but for me The Bs work and like C if you take too much you just literally flush them away.
Can’t say about cures other than time and rehydration. But I agree about the B vitamins / multivitamin and water before bed if you know you’ve had a few too many. Half a sleeve of soda crackers helps too.
Besides the prevention BS and the drink water between beers BS. It's sound advice, but those ships have sailed because you got DRUK AF and lost the logic telling you to stop.
My preferred cure, traditional Phô or Menudo, though I'm usually unable to go get them. So, usually quick ramen with pho fixins.

If I'm smart enough, I'll down a few pints of water before bed, and maybe a few ibuprofen. If I can manage to wake up in the middle of the night, I'll drink another pint or so of water. If I feel like I might be hungover when I actually woke up, I might have a beer or a shot before going back to bed.

i've been drinking since i have been 14 years old....can someone tell me what a hangover is, all i have is hollywood to go buy......explain it to me like you were lactose intolerant and i wasn't.... :mug:
Hangover, sometimes just a feeling of general malaise, other times a headache, nausea, fever/chills, dizziness. Really, about the same as food poisoning or a cold. I hear of some people getting the D.A.D.S. (Day After Drinking Sh!ts).
Besides the prevention BS and the drink water between beers BS. It's sound advice, but those ships have sailed because you got DRUK AF and lost the logic telling you to stop.
My preferred cure, traditional Phô or Menudo, though I'm usually unable to go get them. So, usually quick ramen with pho fixins.

If I'm smart enough, I'll down a few pints of water before bed, and maybe a few ibuprofen. If I can manage to wake up in the middle of the night, I'll drink another pint or so of water. If I feel like I might be hungover when I actually woke up, I might have a beer or a shot before going back to bed.

Unfortunately I've been known to disregard sound advice far too frequently. I've never had Menudo but I have two Ramen/Pho joints a block from my house. They're not great by any means, but will scratch the itch. The problem I have with walking/stumbling my dog up to grab my takeout is that there's a brewery sandwiched in between the two Ramen places and my dog is a celebrity there so it usually just becomes a wash, rinse, repeat scenario. There's also a Sushi bar 4 blocks from my place but that's off limits for hangover days...I like Sake too much, then I feel like crap AND have to deal with a pissed off wife when I get home 3 hours later lol.

Mid-sleep beer sounds good. I usually wake up with a mouth drier than the Sahara, stumble downstairs and 'camel up' before going back to bed but always wake up at 6:30..I'll try a beer next time and see if I can get an extra hour of sleep :mug:
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Gatorade with alka-seltzer dropped in, a big plate of mexican food and a nap. If it's real bad, I'll make myself a few micheladas until I feel human again.
"but i've been drinking since i have been 14 years old....can someone tell me what a hangover is, all i have is hollywood to go buy......explain it to me like you were lactose intolerant and i wasn't.... :mug: "

What @bracconiere said - I on very rare occasions only get a slight headache. Unfortunately or fortunately (Not sure what one applies) No consequences results in MORE BEER!

Didn't realize there were as many as 20% of us that fall into this category - "Freak"
@dawn_kiebawls Enjoying all the folks seeing you talk about your hot-ass neighbor lady and think you're a dude lol ;-)

As it relates to hangovers, for me it depends on the type. I'm prone to migraines, and especially so with dehydration. If I'm getting a migraine hangover, I'm pretty well screwed no matter what I do. For that it's just pop some Excedrin Migraine and try and hammer down the water. Excedrin Migraine has caffiene in it so I hit coffee too--open up those blood vessels and get it moving!

If it's a non-migraine hangover, I agree that activity helps a lot. Get the heart pumping. "Luckily" the puppy wakes me up early every morning and harasses the hell out of me until I take him on a 2 mile walk, so that can get me moving. Then it's more of a matter of trying to eat something greasy to fill up my stomach and replenish energy, and again the water. If I need it, hair of the dog helps too.
I on very rare occasions only get a slight headache. Unfortunately or fortunately (Not sure what one applies) No consequences results in MORE BEER!

no consequences? lol, i got a couple packages from "morebeer" sitting on my door step! cost over $100.....but at least i know i'll wake up feeling good! ;)

Didn't realize there were as many as 20% of us that fall into this category - "Freak"

don't tell me you still drink milk past childhood too!
I know it sounds gross, but the following works. According to Jim Koch, the founder of the Boston Beer Company (as people are always offering him beers), every so often he mixes a glass of water with a few teaspoons of regular bread yeast and drinks it down in 1 gulp.

I personally know this works. I used this method when we visited Downingtown, PA. I drank way too much of homebrew, way too much of beer at Victory Brewing. However, I faithfully had the water/bread yeast mixture every 45 minutes.

Next day. I'm absolutly fine. No hangover, no problems. Even wife remarked she was surprised considering how much I had to drink.
I was thinking the yeast might boost B12 levels which are known to help recover from hangovers, but apparently brewer's yeast does not contain B12 - only fortified yeasts (aka "nutritious yeast") have had B12 added. Must be some other helpful compound(s)...

I was thinking the yeast might boost B12 levels which are known to help recover from hangovers, but apparently brewer's yeast does not contain B12 - only fortified yeasts (aka "nutritious yeast") have had B12 added. Must be some other helpful compound(s)...


acording to the USDA nutrient db....folate & thiamine.......
i found water, tums and then eggs and bacon then back to tums and water.
it took me me from 🤢 to 🤠 pretty quick, but i learned more water during the drinking.
good luck
I have never found a cure. A mug of coffee, two aspirin, some crackers ... and four hours of misery is what I do.
@dawn_kiebawls Enjoying all the folks seeing you talk about your hot-ass neighbor lady and think you're a dude lol ;-)

Bu....but I am a dude. Suddenly I feel like 'Jake from StateFarm' lol. I really should change my 'Internet name'..Nobody realizes it's a joke and should be read 'donkey balls'..

Speaking of Amy (nextdoor smokeshow), I was out mowing my lawn today when I noticed she was sunbathing in a bikini. Once I focused back on what I was doing I realized I was mowing down Hostas and Mums in the garden...She smiled and laughed at me. Totally worth killing the wifes' garden lol
Its the internet. Everyone is a guy unless you’ve met them in person; even then be suspicious.

Awesome story, and I’m definitely stealing that donut reference. RIP wifes garden.

+1 for B vitamins and water between. Once your out of the zone...your SOL. You can always ride the snake if your feeling sluggish.
Its the internet. Everyone is a guy unless you’ve met them in person; even then be suspicious.
internet acronym of the day: G.I.R.L.

Always assume you are talking to or looking at pics of a guy unless you actually see them giving birth. External plumbing may be surgical.