What I did for beer today

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KaSaBiS said:
Put my first two lagers in competion sat. Earned 2nd and 3rd place for my Dort export and my Munich Dunkel. and got into cincy beerfest fo FREE. (and drank the jolly pumpkin kegs dry!)

Also judged for the first time (other styles than what I entered of course). That is some exhausing work right there! 5 barleywines before 10am!

Sounds awesome. I ordered gas/liquid disconnects and hose and a manifold from keg connection and picked up two used corny kegs off Craigslist. First foray into kegging here wish me luck
Added the bulkhead, valve, dip tube, and camlock fittings for my 62 quart brew kettle.

Brewed two today... A wheat ale and a light ale, similar to a lager. Also tasted and took a gravity reading on my amber ale which has been sitting for a week. It was interesting tasting, that's for sure.
Finally made a real bottling bucket( I had the spigot just too lazy to drill a hole) now that I made a batch bigger than 2.5gl. Then bottled a batch of blue moon clone. Was going to brew a batch of graff, but I was short on two row for the malt portion.
Brewed 2 today(Kind of) brewed a hopped version of pedrohearts beer time capsule and another batch of Drunken Emu for the SWMBO and friends. Earlier in the week I got 2 tap handles for my future kegarator. All in all, a good week for beer in the PNW.

Edit: Correct spelling.
Swapped out ice bottles in the swamp cooler for my rye ipa to keep the temps at 64f. Then sat and sniffed the airlock for a bit cause it smells so damn good
TNGabe said:
Spent $70 to take a 10 minute quiz online. Hope it helps me get a beer job!

That sucks that whatever company it is you applied for feels the need to take $70 bucks from its applicants. Good luck though and hopefully in the near future you'll make that$70 back and then some.
Today I diagnosed and fixed the problem I ran into yesterday when I tried to tap a keg of Black Pearl Porter. (Thanks again, BierMuncher!) The beer started coming out from underneath the ball lock QD as soon as there was pressure in the keg. It was the second time using the QD, but the first time using this particular keg. After a little Googling revealed that the problem was most likely an O-ring, further inspection of the O-ring on the post revealed that it was both brittle and gummy, so I replaced it, and hey presto! It worked great.

This was after tapping a pale ale clone yesterday (heh, I wonder if it's a Freudian slip that I started typing "yeasterday" at first), and kegging a couple brews on Saturday (a Stone Vertical Epic 02.02.02 clone and Jamil's Black Forest Stout from Brewing Classic Styles that I decided to skip the cherries on and just go with it as chocolate stout instead) that had been sitting in the primary for approximately forever. (This was due to equipment problems and general motivation issues, not specifically beer-related, that I'd been dealing with.)

I'm glad I could work the Saturday stuff into this post, as I didn't have time to post it then!

I got a 5-gallon stainless steel stockpot as a wedding gift! Woo-hoo! Unfortunately, it's not large enough to use as a boil kettle for anything larger than 3-gallon batches. But I can definitely use it to heat sparge water and other things. Plus I'll use it to make soup, boil shrimp, and other good stuff.
Racked my IPA to the secondary and dry hopped. Washed yeast and bottled some Porter to deliver tomorrow, and bought two more kegs.
Racked my IPA over to secondary.

De-labelled three six-packs of bottles with those obnoxious plastic labels. About a quarter of a bottle of Barkeeper's Friend, and an equal volume of elbow grease, later, and it's just like I'd sat on my butt while the oxy-clean did all the work on paper labels! Gotta have something to put that IPA into once it'd done dry-hopping, though...
A small, but important, victory today. On 2/17 I managed to kill both a keg and a CO2 tank. No big deal, more kegs ready to go, just need to fill the CO2. Except I got very sick (totally unrelated to beer) and have had a few days of hell. Finally today, my lovely wife and Number 1 son got the CO2 filled for me. What did I do for beer today? Hooked it up to the keg, of course. Hopefully, I will feel well enough to drink some of it this weekend.
Picked up 6 used ball lock kegs! Can't wait to get them cleaned and filled, hopefully the new mill will be in next week so I can start some serious brewing to get them filled.
Kegged up another keg of the vanilla coffee stout for tap
Designed a SMaSH recipe for brewing next week
Placed order for grain
Placed hop order
Discussed plans for a session beer series for the summer months
Began designing for session series
Cleaned kegs
Cleaned boil kettle, HLT and one of the fermentors
Drank a pint of coffee vanilla stout and headed home from work now.
Bottling up the Rye Whiskey Porter in 10 -750ml bottles that will be caged and corked, the remaining portion will be bottled in 12 oz bottles.
Well, since my corker was not compatible with my corks, I bottled 9-22oz bottles and 24-12oz bottles. It won't have the bling factor I was looking for, but it still ought to taste pretty damn amazing.

kscarrington said:
Bottling up the Rye Whiskey Porter in 10 -750ml bottles that will be caged and corked, the remaining portion will be bottled in 12 oz bottles.
Did my first Dry Hop today with 2oz of Citra in my all Citra Ipa which ended up being a border line IIPA due to alcohol content.

I can't wait to bottle it next week and brew tomorrow.
Brewing an IPA with my leftover hops. So far so good. First runnings were 1.080, 1st sparge went great, waiting for the second.
A friend who silk screens made these for me today. The one on heavy poster board on the left is hanging in the front window of the house. The one on the tile is going in the brew/sunroom.

Bottled my first batch of home-brew. Hydrometer sample tastes OK - not mindblowing but it's beer! We'll see what a few weeks in the bottles does. Can't wait to get another batch going.
Brewed a 5 gallon batch of BM's Centennial Blonde. Hit the OG right on. Got lucky because during the mash, the cheapo POS digital thermometer I have went from reading 150F to 123F just because it felt like it.

Took 6+ hours from start to finish. I have to streamline this a bit. Drank some Belgian Wit along the way.
Cider123 said:
Brewed a 5 gallon batch of BM's Centennial Blonde. Hit the OG right on. Got lucky because during the mash, the cheapo POS digital thermometer I have went from reading 150F to 123F just because it felt like it.

Took 6+ hours from start to finish. I have to streamline this a bit. Drank some Belgian Wit along the way.

Well I would like to say that you have plenty of experience and the right tools. But if not do you have a wort chiller? That can really knock some time off. Also of you have a pretty strong burner you can boil really fast.
Good luck.
Brewed 25 gallons... whew that was a bit of a rough brew day, most ever in one day for me. Also kegged 2 batches to make some room for said brew. And also cleaned around 2 cases of bottles.
Took my reading on my Ruination Clone, and it was at 1.018, with OG at 1.080. That sounds pretty good. Even better though is that even without the dry hops this thing tastes awesome.
Well I would like to say that you have plenty of experience and the right tools. But if not do you have a wort chiller? That can really knock some time off. Also of you have a pretty strong burner you can boil really fast.
Good luck.

Yep, got a chiller, that does help a lot. I use one of those square shaped Bayou Classic burners. I does pretty well for everything I use it for.

I think a lot of time is wasted in forgeting this little thing and that. Up and down the damn basement stairs a million times and all the cleaning. Doing a full BIAB mash helps when you don't have to sparge then clean the sparge material.
More like what I did for beer this weekend. Went up to my buddy's house and we brewed up our own recipe of what can best be described as an American Pale Ale on steroids. OG ended up at 1.080 and estimated ABV is just shy of 8%. Then today helped him bottle up his Chocolate Milk Stout we brewed up 4 weeks ago. Now that I'm home, I'll be bottling up my Honey Cream Ale later tonight.
hooked up my keg dispensing line, and mounted a perlick faucet, to my fridge door.
Brought my new fermenter and mill for a test drive, brewed my dark lager "Devils Sidekick" and its now put away in the chamber, waiting for the magic to happen



Heating the strike water and preparing the grain bill for my Galaxy Pale Ale V3.0. I will be testing out my new 62-quart brew kettle, although it is going to be a 5-gallon batch. If V3.0 comes out as expected, I will soon be making 10-gallon batches of it.
I'm almost finished drying out some of the grain from the earlier brew session for some spent grain goodies. The speed bake button is helping to speed the process up for sure! There's a distinct Galaxy aroma coming from the oven, since I used .5 ounce for FWH. It will be interesting to see how the aroma impacts the breads and such.