What homebrewing has done for ME

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2013
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Years ago, when I first started getting into craft beers, I wanted to try all kinds of different things. I found that there was a lot of styles that were popular that I just didn't care for. Like a lot of people, I slowly became that guy that liked anything that had an ass load of hops in it. That's where I stayed for years. Not really appreciating the complexities of all the different styles. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed a frequent stout, wheat, or Belgian, but I wasn't the beer connoisseur I thought I was.

Over the past few years, I've tried several beer styles that I thought I didn't like. I found that they are now some of my favorites! The two biggest examples are Dopplebocks and RIS. At times, I really enjoy an intense beer, but the first time I tried both those styles they were both overpowered with fusel alcohol. It was like drinking gasoline.

I was young and didn't know a ton about beer flaws and off flavors when I first tried these beers. I just figured that's how they were supposed to be. I just thought that the high ABV meant high in unpleasant alcohol taste as well. Whenever I was buying beer, I wouldn't even give those styles a second look.

Homebrewing has really changed beer for me. I have learned so much about beer from reading books and forum lurking that I was able to realize that I was turned off by a crappy beer, not a style I didn't like. Now that I understand them better, I have gone back and tried some of those styles again. I really appreciate the complexities of beer and RIS and Dopplebock's have become two of my favorites. In fact, I usually have one of the two in my fridge at all times.

The quest for knowledge brought on by homebrewing has led me to a greater understanding of beer in general, as well as the different flavors/profiles of diiferent grains/yeasts etc. It has given me a whole new appreciation for beers and increased my enjoyment of beer exponentially.

Thanks homebrewing!!!!
Same here I started brewing now I have a RESPECT for beer in general. Kinda funny for me since I started brewing my drinking to get drunk vanished and now its all about the flavor I drink about 2-3 glasses over a couple hours a day or every other day instead of powering through then like I normally do with the store bought beers.
It has taught me a lot about patience.

I have always been a person who wants and enjoys instant results, I get bored with long processes and waiting for things to finish on their time schedule. Thanks to brewing I have more patience than I know what to do with...in most things.
Completely agree! I also have learned to appreciate, or at least try [again], different styles. I love coming home and having one of my homebrews, not necessarily for the light buzz, but mainly for the great taste and aroma. Brewing myself also taught me to be more adventurous when I go to a liquor store or restaurant every now and then. Great hobby for sure!
Great post OP, couldn't agree more. Been drinking beer since before I was legal, 46 now. This last year has been the most growth in my beer knowledge and taste refinement by far. Funny how it really does become all about the beer (instead of its intoxicating effects - mostly). Learning about various malts, hops, yeast, and so on has really made tasting and enjoying beer a much richer experience. I'm now down with the doppelbocks as well :)
It's introduced me to a new set of friends.

I've had the opportunity to meet fellow brewers and their families; I have the opportunity to meet professional brewers and their teams. I've had the opportunity to share good and great beers with people I might not have otherwise known. I like beer people.

Oh, yeah... and I've gained a lot of weight. :)